Announcement of Elections

Following the close of nominations on July 31st 2018 the following members expressed their willingness to serve as representatives on the Retired Members Guild Executive. The term of office for the members elected to the RMG Executive shall be three (3) years.

The Group Executive shall then elect the officers from their own members. Subsequently, they may modify these appointments by majority agreement among themselves, according to bylaws section 8.

Call for Volunteers for 2019

PIPSC Standing Committees of the Board of Directors

If you are interested in participating as Chair, Member or Friend on a standing committee of the Board for 2019, you are invited to submit your expression of interest by completing the prescribed form and sending it to by the deadline of Friday, October 5, 2018.

Committees of the Board

Executive Compensation Committee (See Note 2)

Training and Education Committee (Chair) (see Note 2)

Note 1 By-Law 17.1.3 Composition - All Committees shall consist of five (5) to seven (7) members and, unless otherwise specified, shall include one (1) member from each Region. Where there is a Vice-President liaison to a committee, the Vice-President does not count as a member of the committee.

Note 2 There will be no solicitation process for members of Executive Compensation Committee, or for the Training and Education Committee. Institute By-Laws and policies require that members of these committees be selected from members of the Board of Directors and/or the designated individual from the Chair of the Regional Training Committee respectively. However, members may indicate their interest in the position of Chair of the Training and Education Committee by filling out the appropriate form.

Note 3 Only volunteers who have complied with the due-process call for nominations, and have adhered to the prescribed time lines, shall be deemed to be eligible candidates.

Application Process

Volunteers shall be limited to applying to two (2) Standing Committees of the Board, and must indicate their preferences in priority order.

Duly fill out the prescribed form as follows:

  • Clearly identify the committee(s) by title. If requesting to volunteer on two (2) committees, rank these in order of preference.
  • Indicate your Group and Region.
  • State whether you are applying as Chair, Member or Friend.

Note 4 If you are not selected as Chair, you will automatically be considered as a member or as a friend.

Note 5 A “friend” of a committee is a member interested in the activities of the committee, but who is unable to participate as an active member. Note that there are no “friends” on the Executive Compensation Committee, the Elections Committee, or the Elections Appeal Committee.

  • List any Committees of the Board on which you served for the past five (5) years.
  • Include a brief rationale (on the prescribed form) outlining the reasons why you wish to be considered and what you would bring to the work of the committee you are applying for.
  • Submit the prescribed form containing your expression of interest by the deadline to


The deadline for expressions of interest is no later than Friday, October 5, 2018.


Please consult the information on the Selection Process and Selection Criteria by following these links:

Committees of the Board, Institute By-Laws and Policy on Committees of the Board of Directors.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:



Friday, September 14, 2018

11:00 am Stewards’ arrival


1:15 pm Opening remarks - Richard Doyle

1:30 pm Director’s Remarks and President’s Report - Yvon C. Brodeur

1:45 pm Presentation on Advisory Council -Yves Cousineau

2:00 pm Update on Health and Wellness Employee Program - Éric Massey

2:45 pm Health Break

Fredericton CS, RE, SP and SH Sub Group

Information Session

TO: Members of Fredericton CS, RE, SP and SH Sub Groups

Eva Henshaw, PIPSC Representative, has agreed to do presentations for us on the new EMPLOYEE WELLNESS SUPPORT PROGRAM (EWSP).

This new program will replace our current sick leave program. Please find below the link that explains the details of the EWSP.

Selection of President of the Statistics Canada National Consultation Team

PIPSC is selecting a President of Consultation for the Statistics Canada National Consultation Team (NCT). The term of the President will be for two years and the duties are outlined in the PIPSC  Applicants must also be free to travel to Ottawa as required if residing outside of the National Capital Region.