Dear Members,

As many of you are aware, your WTEG & WPEG negotiating committee is very close to entering into conciliation with the employer and is trying its best to secure a contract that balances both a good work life & personal life for all the members in WTEG and WPEG.

In support, to show that our work and personal life should be balanced, we ask for your help this week, prior to the scheduled conciliation meetings on September 19-21 (Wed-Fri), by wearing the T-shirts that have been handed out to you.

Dear Members of AV Group on South Vancouver Island,

PIPSC is pleased to announce the re-formation of the South Vancouver Island (SVI) AV Subgroup.

Our 1st Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for the ratification of the subgroup bylaws and to hold the election for the executive.


When: October 18 5:30 to 6:30pm

Location: Pacific Forestry Center Conference Room, 506 West Burnside Road, Victoria BC V8Z 1M4

On August 20, Treasury Board initiated its process of soliciting feedback from employees of the Federal Government about their engagement, leadership, workforce, workplace, workplace well-being, and more, through the Public Service Employee Survey (PSES). At the unions’ request, it also asks a few questions about pay problems resulting from Phoenix. 

2018 Public Service employee survey image bilingual

Because the Institute believes firmly that informed data should be used to effect change, we support full participation by our members in the 2018 PSES.

The survey is being conducted from August 20 to September 28, 2018, and is being administered by Advanis, on behalf of the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board of Canada. Responses will be treated in a confidential manner.


More information about the 2018 PSES:

Hello, SP Members! Just like parents are getting kids ready for school, the bargaining team spent the last days of August getting ready to start face-to-face bargaining with Treasury Board Secretariat in October.

The Bargaining Survey site has closed and we are analyzing your submissions. Every submission will be kept confidential.

The winner of the draw for a NR marked raincoat is Helen Tsai, a P.Eng. with the Transportation Safety Board.

Please check your email regularly for further details

Thanks from your NR Bargaining Team

Bulletin Board


Let’s get our bulletin boards activated and let’s start engaging members!

Provide a picture of your bulletin board all done up!  Send to by September 28th, 2018

Provide the location of the bulleting board, your department and worksite. Include information as to what members it is directed at engaging (e.g. All, SPs, CSs, AFS etc)

The Institute’s submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance regarding the 2019-20 Pre-Budget Consultation is now available online


PIPSC believes the next federal budget should address the following priorities:

(1) Invest in intramural scientific capacity and intramural research and development (R&D).

(2) Enlist the assistance of the Chief Science Advisor to develop more detailed metrics to monitor the government’s science capacity.

(3) Nix Phoenix. Expand and accelerate efforts to find a permanent, in-house solution.

(4) Dedicate adequate resources to innovative Phoenix solutions.

 (5) “Reduc[e] the use of external consultants, bringing expenditures closer to 2005/06 levels,” as promised in Real Change: Growth for the Middle Class - The  Liberal Fiscal Plan and Costing, 2015.

(6)  Prioritize training and professional development within the public service.

(7) Close tax loopholes, reform privacy laws and prevent “snow washing”.

(8) Reinvigorate the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).