National Indigenous History Month is an opportunity to honour Indigenous heritage and celebrate Indigenous contributions and cultures across this land.

PIPSC President Debi Daviau, BC/Yukon Regional Director Rob MacDonald and CLC Indigenous Representative Greg Scriver will be participating in the Whitehorse APTN Indigenous Day Live event on Saturday June 22, 2019.


Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) is also hosting live events in Whitehorse, Winnipeg and Calgary.

We encourage all members to take action in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples:

The Ontario Government held consultations with public sector employers and bargaining agents in early May. We attended to represent our members in the Ontario Provincial Group, and also submitted our comments in writing to the government.

While not stated explicitly, it was clear that the Ontario government was seeking feedback on possible wage constraints or wage caps for public service workers. We, along with our sister unions, made very clear that any wage adjustment would be considered unacceptable and would be vigorously opposed. Changes to wages must be negotiated at the bargaining table and our contracts must be respected.

The consultation also sought to identify additional cost cutting tools. We were able to unequivocally advise against outsourcing as an option. Based on our disastrous experience with Phoenix federally, we know how wasteful and ineffective outsourcing can be.

We will fight any wage cuts to Ontario public servants. We know that public servants provide high quality essential public services to Ontarians. These services must be maintained, and qualified, experienced public servants are required to do this work.

On June 6, 2019 Institute Vice-President Stéphane Aubry and PIPSC Economist Ryan Campbell appeared before the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance regarding Bill C-97, which seeks to implement provisions of the March 2019 federal budget.

The Senators were particularly interested in what the Institute had to say about “supporting employees who must reimburse a salary overpayment to their employer due to a system, administrative or clerical error”.  This was likely a direct consequence of the PIPSC submission earlier this year to the Department of Finance about proposed new measures to help correct the critical issue of tens of thousands of our members having to repay the gross instead of the net amount of a salary overpayment caused by Phoenix. 

Current legislation requires employees who have been overpaid in the previous year to reimburse their employer the gross amount of the overpayment. They must then seek reimbursement from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the excess income tax, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions and Employment Insurance (EI) premiums that were deducted when the overpayment was made. This is patently unfair and places an undue financial burden on affected employees.

Finance Canada is proposing new measures to address this problem.

Our representatives reminded the Committee of the terrible impact that this flawed pay system has had on PIPSC members. For the past three years, they have been subjected to a pay system that is unable to pay them on time or correctly.  They have received too little, too much or sometimes simply no pay. 

Yet they continue to show up to work despite all this.  Why? Because they are dedicated public servants.  Because they are professionals. And they deserve to have their employer, the federal government, take the necessary steps to spare them the consequences of the incredible failure that is Phoenix.

The Institute’s overall position is that the proposed legislative amendments will assist its members with some of the negative tax consequences they have faced resulting from overpayment.  Vice-President Aubry nevertheless took the opportunity to outline some of the Institute’s concerns with the amendments.

We understand that the Canada Revenue Agency will be publishing additional guidance in the near future to assist employers in the implementation of the proposed amendments.

While this will certainly be helpful, we cannot overemphasize how important it is for the government to make sure all its departments and agencies are aware of the “net vs. gross” overpayments policy and that they apply it correctly for our members.

Our members have suffered enough because of Phoenix.  Let’s make sure they are treated well, and effectively, when it comes to repaying overpayments that occurred through no fault of their own.

It is Pride Month and we are ready to celebrate!

The labour movement has an important role to play in continuing to fight for the rights of LGBTQ2+ people. From ending the blood ban and ensuring healthcare for transgender people to establishing Pharmacare and negotiating collective agreement language that includes everyone ­— there is still work to do.

PIPSC marches in solidarity with LGBTQ2+ communities across the world. Members will be out marching in cities across the country throughout the Pride season.

You can join us in:

  • Regina
  • Hamilton
  • Victoria
  • Charlottetown
  • Montreal
  • Ottawa
  • Calgary

If you’d like to organize a group of PIPSC members to march in your community, please let us know! We can provide support and promote your event.


Take this opportunity, as folks in the LGBTQ2+ community and as allies, to celebrate and keep fighting!

Learn more about our Human Rights and Diversity Committee.

President Debi Daviau signed the agreement with Treasury Board that provides compensation to all PIPSC members paid by Phoenix. The agreement details were announced earlier this month.

This agreement provides each member paid by Phoenix with five days of paid leave in compensation. Members will have a claims process to receive every dollar that they’ve lost due to Phoenix, as well as a mechanism to be compensated for its damages.

Days of leave and the updated claims process will come into effect 150 days after signing, November 12, 2019.

The Treasury Board and 15 public service unions finalized this joint agreement that will compensate 146,000 current and former employees who were paid by Phoenix.


The agreement applies to employees, retired employees, former employees and the estates of deceased employees. Separate agencies are expected to duplicate this agreement shortly.

Answers to your frequently asked questions on this Phoenix compensation agreement are available now.


Despite not getting paid properly, our members have come to work each and every day to give their best in service of the public. We can't erase the loss and suffering that Phoenix has caused for these dedicated public service professionals. But with the commitments and the compensation enshrined in this settlement, the Treasury Board has taken important steps forward.

For support in dealing with your individual Phoenix case please contact our PIPSC Phoenix Team.

Today, President Debi Daviau joined the Treasury Board to announce the next steps in the journey to replace Phoenix. This is an encouraging step forward.

PIPSC members, including President Daviau have been an integral part of the process and will continue to be consulted through piloting and testing. It is critical that we remain vigilant and ensure the process to replace the pay system stays on track

Debi Daviau at the press conference

Details in the press release below:

Government of Canada qualifies 3 vendors to advance Next Generation solution

June 12, 2019 - Ottawa, Ontario – Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Canada’s hard-working public servants must be paid accurately and on time. The Government of Canada is committed to making this right for its employees.

Today, the Government reached another milestone in its ongoing efforts to eventually replace the Phoenix pay system. Following an innovative and agile procurement process that sets the template for transformative technological change, the Government has selected Ceridian, SAP, and Workday as the qualified vendors. These vendors will continue to work with the Government to identify the path forward for the Next Generation solution, in preparation for the replacement of Phoenix.   

For the past year, the government has been asking vendors to prove their capacity to deliver through a series of three increasingly complex stages (or gates). Throughout the process, the government engaged closely with bargaining agents, technology providers and, most importantly, public service employees. From January to April, in-person and digital User Expos were held across the country to gather insights from thousands of employees on potential features of a new system and for them to provide feedback.

Bargaining agents, notably the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada representing government IT professionals, have been closely involved throughout the process and the government is committed to continuing to work with them in the next stages of the project.

The next step will be to establish partnerships with one or more of the vendors for the co-design and the delivery of pilot projects, to test solutions against the real complexity of federal government HR and pay needs. The government will continue to engage with employees and bargaining agents in an open and transparent manner, so that the new solution addresses the needs of a modern public service.


“We’ve learned the lessons of the past and have radically changed the way we are pursuing a modern, user-friendly and mobile HR and pay solution. We’re investing the time and resources to make sure the solution fits the needs of our employees. Our world-class public service deserves no less.”

- The Honourable Joyce Murray, President of the Treasury Board and Minister of Digital Government

“Our Government is committed to finding a system that meets the needs of employees, in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. To support this goal, we are taking an agile procurement approach that includes continuous collaboration with industry, government departments, unions and employees at each stage of the process.”

- Steven MacKinnon, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Services and Procurement and Accessibility

“This is another encouraging step on the long road to a new, reliable pay system. The consultation process has been productive and our members will continue to participate in ongoing piloting and testing. I will remain vigilant that the work to replace Phoenix remains on track and is a top priority.”

- Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Associated links

She grew up in the big city of Vancouver, but today Dr. Lina Johannson finds herself in coveralls inspecting cattle in Regina. And she loves it.

It was during her studies at the University of Saskatchewan that Lina fell in love with the province and the people and decided to stay. Around the same time, she also had her first experience at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency where she really got to like the idea of working on the ‘national herd level’, protecting all of the livestock in the country.

Her work involves working closely with livestock producers and testing their animals as they’re coming into and leaving Canada.

“Most livestock ends up in food supply at some point, so the work we do contributes to the safe food supply,” says Lina.

Her work also protects the Canadian economy, since agriculture plays such an enormous role.

“Some of the things we’re looking for include diseases like foot and mouth. Certainly if Canada got foot and mouth, the borders would be shut down and we wouldn’t be able to trade in a large number of animals and their products,” Lina says.

She loves her work, even on the hard days when she has to give bad news to the people who raise livestock, especially when it comes to imposing quarantines or livestock euthanasia. It's tough calls like those that make it so important that Lina’s work is done in the public sector and not the private sector.

“As a regulatory party, we have to be very impartial and unbiased when we make decisions,” she says. “If this work was done in the private sector then Canadians would not be guaranteed that the decision would be made properly.” There’s one thing that makes every day on the job easier, and that’s knowing her union has her back.

And as a PIPSC steward, Lina also supports her fellow members. 

“I have come to very much appreciate having a union to be part of just because of the way they support our work as members in what we do every day,” she says. “I know my rights as an employee and I’m able to exercise those rights with support.”

Although the one thing her union can’t always protect her from is that awkward moment when she has to explain what’s in the white coolers that sometimes show up at her office (hint: it’s boar semen to be inspected).

“The front desk staff, if they’re new, ask ‘What’s that?’ and we’re like – ‘I don’t think you want to know,” she says, laughing.

National Public Service Week

Fellow members,

Each day you go to work to protect and serve Canadians in a hundred different ways: you save lives, protect the environment and grow the economy.

You make important contributions as both public servants and union members.

Together we continue to accomplish great things. Every day, PIPSC stewards and members work together to protect your rights and ensure a workplace that supports your excellence.

Our recent wins at the central bargaining table will improve the lives of PIPSC members for years to come. Our fight to replace Phoenix continues to move forward and members are getting compensated for the hardships created by Phoenix. I hope you'll join me on June 12 for a union-wide telephone townhall to discuss these important issues.

Our solidarity is what makes us strong. We are better together.

PIPSC membership is focused, knowledgeable and engaged – that’s how we get results.

Congratulations on your excellent work, your immeasurable contribution to Canadian society and your commitment to our union.
Happy National Public Service Week!

In solidarity,

Debi Daviau
President, PIPSC

The Ontario government has introduced legislation to cap public sector wage increases at an average of 1% annually for the next three years.

We are appalled by this legislation and any form of legislated wag caps. Legislating wages interferes with the right to free collective bargaining.

Our members, as all workers, deserve wages that reflect the real cost of living. A 1% annual increase means your wages will be worth less each year. Collective bargaining has allowed the employer and our members to jointly determine sustainable levels of compensation for decades.

The new wage cap would include teachers and staff at post-secondary institutions and hospitals. It will affect both unionized and non-unionized workers.

In addition to some 240 Information Technology professionals at the University of Ottawa, the Institute represents over 400 professional workers in the Ontario health sector including:

  • Ontario Medical Physicists employed by the Regional Cancer Centres Employers Association (MP);
  • Mechanical and Electronic Technologists employed by Sunnybrook Hospital (SUN-MET);
  • Radiation Therapists employed by Sunnybrook Hospital (SUN-RT);
  • Radiation Therapists  employed by the Juravinski Cancer Centre (JCC-RT);
  • Radiation Therapists employed by Thunder Bay Regional Hospital (TBH-RT);
  • Radiation Therapists employed by Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH-RT).



Over the last month we have seen our hard work pay off! Join one of three telephone town halls with President Debi Daviau for updates on both Phoenix damages and the central bargaining wins. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

6:30 PM – 7:30 PM ET (English)
7:45 PM – 8:45 PM ET (French)
9:30 PM – 10:30 PM ET (English)

How to participate:
You will receive a phone call on June 11 inviting you to join the call or the details will be left as a voicemail.

You may also dial directly into the call at the appropriate time on June 12:

Number: 1-877-229-8493
Passcode: 112851

Passcode: 112851

Or you may stream the audio of the call online through your computer or mobile device:

We look forward to connecting with you soon.