It was another very busy year for both the Finance Committee and Finance Section at PIPSC as we assisted in the production of the budget and reviewed the financial statements, as well as worked to ensure the testing and rollout of Concur electronic claims processing was progressing.  We have also examined some Institute policies and submitted recommendations to the Board. The Committee also discussed various financial issues that arose during the year and suggested solutions.

I have enjoyed the challenges and am proud of what’s been accomplished by an excellent group of activists that make up the Finance Committee. The members of the committee are:

Marilyn Best – Atlantic Region

Sharon Loisinski – Prairie/NWT Region

Dan Jones –BC/Yukon Region

Benoit Pelletier – Québec Region 

Paul Jones – National Capital Region

Tom Yantsis – Ontario Region

The Committee relies heavily on our staff resources Dennis Britt, Didier Paultre and Cassandre Becker-Cadieux and I would like to thank them for their help and support this year: It has been a great year with a significant learning curve and I hope to continue working with the Finance Committee next year.

In solidarity,

Chris Roach
Finance Committee Chair