Latest Branch News

17 July 2024
Hamilton CRA-AFS Subgroup and Hamilton CRA Branch 4D Minutes of AGM - Tuesday May 21, 2024 A few minutes before dinner, Ward Cluff called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. He added Shawn Gillis, Doug Mason, and John Purdie to the meeting Agenda.
16 July 2024
Meeting of the Executive of the Hamilton AFS Subgroup and The Hamilton Branch Tuesday May 14/24 5:45 pm at Baranga’s on the Beach Executive In Attendance:
11 July 2024
GTA Branch Annual General Meeting - May 16, 2024 Present: Stan Buday (President)       Kuini Chuen (Vice President)        Roy Phillip (Treasurer)        Alice Da Silva                       Nuşin Brown (Secretary)                Nathanael Mathi
10 July 2024
April 15, 2024 - Toronto Environment Branch Executive Meeting (Subgroup Executive and union activists invited as guests) Virtual meeting on April 15, 2024. Attendance: Executive: Andrea Darlington, President Bill Sukloff, Vice-President
28 June 2024
Kingston Branch Executive Meeting #2 - 2024-06-05 Attendance: Gary Desbiens, Cindy Gagnon, Leasha Fuller, Janet Roloson, Dan St. Aubin, Jennifer van de Ven, Jess Whidden, Kelly De Torres, & Robert Hammer Regrets: Dan Guthrie, Troy Saunders-Cartier Minutes:
28 June 2024
2024 Kingston Branch Annual General Meeting - May 15, 2024 Meeting Welcoming and Opening Remarks Move to approve the Agenda: Viola Conner Seconded Sohail Uamr-Khitab Accepted Move to approve Minutes of last Annual General Meeting
21 June 2024
Executive Meeting of the Hamilton AFS Subgroup,  And The Hamilton Branch - Tuesday March 26, 2024 Executive In Attendance: Branch:   Tony D’Amico, Ward Cluff, Roxane McMillan, Joe Stanziani, Jaspreet Gill, Heather Geddes, Chris Bozek
21 June 2024
Quinte Branch Executive Meeting - February 13, 2024 Location: Birdy’s Restaurant, Belleville Executives in Attendance: Dan Weaver                          President Deb Butler                             Vice President
3 June 2024
PIPSC Greater Toronto Area Summer Networking Social As a member of the PIPSC GTA Branch you are cordially invited to attend the 2024 PIPSC Greater Toronto Area Summer social event. WHEN: Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
14 May 2024
Kingston Branch Executive Meeting #1 - 2024-04-17 Attendance: Gary Desbiens, Cindy Gagnon, Dan Guthrie, Troy Saunders-Cartier, Leasha Fuller, Sam Bilton, Janet Roloson, Dan St. Aubin, Jennifer van de Ven, & Robert Hammer Regrets: Ryan Devlin Minutes: