Candidate for NCR Regional Director – Sherry Oake

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Sherry Oake

Candidate for NCR Regional Director

Sherry Oake

(Regular member)





I am a Regular member in the NCR, who works in an operational Command in DND.  I absolutely love my day job! It is fast-paced and a bit stressful, but we are mission focussed every single day.  I get to watch great leadership set priorities and plans, and then get out of the way of the staff who do that work.  We always know why we are working so hard.  It’s amazing!

I want to be a Director in the National Capital Region because as a union we too must succeed in our mission, which is to represent you, the members.  In my recent terms serving on the NR Group (22-24), and the NCR Region (21-23), my mantra was “Plan Strategically; Deliver to Members”.

I have been a leader at various roles in over seven non-profit organizations, including Director. I have seen some do well, and others face challenges.  After all the meetings, minutes, and minutia of rules of order, success comes down to three fundamentals for corporations:

Directors (of the Board) Direct.  

This is strategic planning.  Where do we need to go.  Plans and goals that also include fiscal realities. Holding the elected Executives accountable for their deliverables every single month between elections.  

Executives (in the C-Suites) Execute.  

Execution of the Directors’ plans.  Advising the Directors of constraints.  Aligning staff resources amongst competing priorities.  Moving the yardsticks and making progress. 

Staff Do Operations.  

Competent and professional staff. In the optimized numbers and locations. Provide the needed services to members.  When you need it.

There is a fourth one for us. Members. 

Members Participate!

This is You!  

You participate as you wish to.  

Serve on a Sub-Group.

Chair a Committee of the Board.  

Write a Motion for the AGM.  

Develop an Action Angle for us to push with your Employer.

Or just hang out at an event and enjoy the laughter with your colleagues.

You do you.

Wait, what is an Action Angle?

An Action Angle is my term for that problem in the workplace that bothers you.  Fixing it would make your workplace better.  

This is exactly why we exist as a union.  To get the biggest problems solved at the highest levels with Employers.  This is our WHY.

Directors direct.  

Executives execute.  

Staff do.  

Members participate.  (Even by simply voting!)

I plan strategically, so that the union delivers to you, the Member.

Original provided by the candidate