Candidate for NCR Regional Director – Keelia LaFreniere

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Keelia LaFreniere

Candidate for NCR Regional Director

Keelia LaFreniere

(Regular member)





My name is Keelia LaFreniere, and I am a passionate advocate for workers' rights and a dedicated research engineer specializing in renewable energy. I have a steadfast commitment to innovation and sustainability in my field, alongside a fierce dedication to improving the lives of union members. Frustrated with glaring inequalities that continue to squeeze workers without recourse, I am determined to improve working conditions for all.

Growing up in Ottawa, I have firsthand experience with the challenges faced by workers in today's economy. Like many, I have felt the increasing pressure as the system wrings more out of hardworking individuals, with little regard for their well-being. This reality has fueled my drive to stand up and fight for meaningful change, ensuring that all union members are treated fairly and respectfully.

Though new to union involvement, I have quickly become known for my strong communication skills and unwavering dedication to justice. I believe in the power of collective action and the importance of every worker's voice being heard.

As a candidate for National Capital Regional Director, I am eager to advocate for policies that prioritize the quality of life for all members. I am particularly passionate about expanding remote work opportunities, recognizing that flexibility is key to achieving a better work-life balance. For those whose roles require physical presence, I am committed to ensuring fair compensation and improved conditions, acknowledging the unique challenges these positions face.

I am not content with the status quo and am ready to channel my energy and passion into making a real difference. I believe that with fresh ideas, respect, and a strong sense of solidarity, we can push back against the forces that seek to take more from us while giving less in return. I ask for your support in this election and promise to bring a bold perspective to the fight for a fairer future for all union members.

Original provided by candidate