Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Allaudin Alibhai

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.


Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Allaudin Alibhai

(Regular member)

Elect:  Allaudin Alibhai (

Plans as your PIPSC Vice-President:

  • Focus on the union's core values - Bargaining, Representation, and Consultation.
  • Optimize our pension, medical, and dental benefits to better meet the evolving needs of our members.  Recent changes have created disparities between retirement and current benefits, including the introduction of a two-tier pension system for new employees. 
  • Advocate lowering Superannuation Contribution Rates saving members thousands of dollars annually and no impact on our Defined Benefit Pensions.  The accumulated $42.4 billion surplus can be taken by the Government at any time, and we should not be adding to it.
  • Establish a mentoring program for new and young members so they can broadly participate in union committees and Employer Consultations.


  • Ensure PIPSC Members receive a fair wage increase for their professional services.
  • Ensure that Bargaining Groups receive support and comprehensive research, including the latest salary comparisons from the private sectors.
  • In 2026, Bilingual (CBC) requirement for all supervisory positions will be implemented. Language training must be provided so members have the opportunity for career progression.


  • During times of work or personal crisis, members depend on the union for guidance and support in dealing with management.
  • PIPSC needs more Employment Relations Officers (EROs) to ensure that cases unresolved by the Local Steward are handled promptly.


  • Local and national union should regularly meet with management to discuss concerns and issues that impact all employees, especially Health & Safety
  • Dedicated subject matter experts 1need to be available to assist Consultation Teams. 
  • During the Pandemic as AFS Chair on Health and Safety; established weekly meetings with CRA which continue today to ensure that the concerns regarding health and safety including mental health and work-related stress were being addressed in a timely manner.
  • Successfully took CRA to the Federal Court for non-compliance of the Canada Labour Code in ALLAUDIN ALIBHAI v. CANADA REVENUE AGENCY (T-1102-17). 


  • Audit Financial & Scientific (AFS) Group National Executive (NCR-IT Region Representative) - September 2013 to present
  • 2021 PIPSC-NCR Steward of the Year
  • 2020 PIPSC-NCR Steward of the Year
  • Steward - March 1994 to present
  • AFS Bargaining Team - October 2013 to present
  • AFS National Consultation Team, Chair of AFS National Health and Safety Policy Committee - October 2013 to present
  • AFS NCR-IT Subgroup President May 2010 – February 2018
  • AFS NCR-IT Subgroup Secretary/Member June 2008 – May 2010
  • PIPSC Mobilizer October 2014 to present

Original submitted by the candidate


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