Candidate for President – Jennifer Carr

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Jennifer Carr

Candidate for President

Jennifer Carr

(Regular member)


Dear PIPSC Member

YOU are the Union.

Your voice matters.   

It has been my honour to serve as your President and I am asking for your support to continue being your most fearless and passionate advocate.

Who you select as President will be the most important vote of this election. 

The next three years will bring significant transformations to our workplaces – Political changes, demographic shifts, AI technology.  

You need the strongest leader possible – I believe that is me.

The cold truth is that our Employers no longer treat us as professionals. 


  • contract out our jobs to avoid staffing hassles, 
  • pay contractors exorbitant rates, while offering us salary increases below inflation,
  • de-professionalize our work, 
  • place more value on where you work instead of the work you produce,
  • pay incorrectly,
  • chronically understaff,
  • …(it just keeps growing).  

Confronting Employers that continually disrespect and devalue the work of dedicated professionals is hard. 

As President, I have held Employers accountable by challenging their narratives and asking tough questions, while strengthening our position with facts and evidence.  I have also come armed with proposed solutions and a willingness to find mutually beneficial outcomes.  Always in a professional and respectful dialogue, but never, ever, complacent.

When re-elected as your President I will continue to expose the Employers actions and inactions that affect you as professionals, whether its with our members, in the media or in front of parliamentary committees.   

You deserve a President that will defend your interests by rocking the boat, speaking truth to power, and always putting the needs of members first. 

Fundamentally, this is who I am.  That will never change.

As President, it has always been my priority to ensure everyone feels represented.  You deserve opportunities to have your voices heard and to be offered opportunities to fully participate in your union. 

To that end, I also commit to:

  • Hold monthly townhalls to inform and receive feedback on member concerns, increase social media presence, and create easy-to-understand reference material.
  • Empower members to fight against detrimental Employer policies and practices, through increased collective actions.
  • Refocus our own spending on critical services – timely and robust communication, strong collective bargaining, and even stronger representational services to protect those rights. 

As an Engineer, I have no times for political games.  I want to get things done.  

Analyze, plan, and adjust when necessary.   But never lose sight of the end goal – 

What is best for Members.

Original submitted by the candidate


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