Candidate for President – Stéphane Aubry

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Stephane Aubry

Candidate for President

Stéphane Aubry

(Regular member)


As a dedicated advocate for our union, I am running for President, because we need to save failing PIPSC.

Our union is at a pivotal moment, and transparency is now crucial. Its financial and operational challenges require immediate action, as over the past two years, it has accumulated deficits of up to $13 million per year. We must address the issues of bullying and abuse of power within the Board of Directors to create a more respectful and legally sound environment. The media have already reported on this, damaging our reputation and eroding trust. Additionally, the Institute is experiencing an employee exodus that is impacting the quality of all services.

Implementing an urgent Recovery Plan will not only secure the survival of our union but also enhance our capacity to deliver the reliable services our members deserve.

With my amble experience in union leadership, I will guide our new team to focus on these critical priorities:

1. Implementing Responsible and Accountable Governance :
Strong leadership is essential for an effective organization. Within my first months, I will review all operations to address systemic issues and foster accountable governance. All new leaders will have to take an intensive onboarding program to understand their new responsibilities while developing a mature and responsible team dynamic.

2. Improving Member Services:
We will redefine and enhance member services, ensuring timely access to valuable advice and support. We must lay out detailed plans of action and processes to tackle issues like Phoenix, CanadaLife, and the Return to Office, not to mention collective bargaining.

3. Mandating Administrative and Financial Transparency :
Transparency ensures confident decision-making. I will work with the Board to review our bylaws and policies, clearly defining responsibilities and reinstating mechanisms for ethical, compliant, and transparent decision-making across the organization.

These priorities are part of my Survival and Recovery Plan (see website), built based on my 15 years of union leadership and management experience, and on the limited information available. I will work with the new members of the Board to improve this plan and implement necessary changes to save and modernize our union.

Discover my detailed Recovery Plan on

Together, we can achieve a better future. Your vote is crucial for a stronger, more resilient union.

Stéphane Aubry


Original provided by the candidate