
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

8 November 2018
Bonjour à tous, Le sous-groupe CS Saguenay Lac-St-Jean/Côte Nord vous invite à un 5 à 7 qui aura lieu le mercredi 14 novembre 2018 à la Microbrasserie HopEra, 2377 rue St-Dominique, Jonquière.
8 November 2018
The Annual General Meeting of the NR subgroup was held on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at CSA Headquarters in St-Hubert Quebec.  The attendee list is attached.  The minutes from the meeting are as follows:
8 November 2018
NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA (NFB) PIPSC Annual General Meeting, NFB Group - 2018 To our NFB colleagues,
8 November 2018
Communique for AV Group Members Dear Colleagues, Recently, a “non-bargaining committee member” sent out an unsolicited e-mail to our CO members, our AV Group Executive, our AV Group Bargaining Team and PIPSC Staff.
8 November 2018
AFS Penticton Sub Group Annual General Meeting (AGM) October 23, 2018 (Tuesday) AGENDA Attendance: 30 members Executive in attendance: President: Simone Zobatar
7 November 2018
Retired Members Guild Vancouver Chapter AGM Minutes Date: Thursday, May 03, 2018 Location: Rogue 601 West Cordova St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1G1
6 November 2018
NOTICE OF BCFNHA AGM BCFNHA Members are invited and encouraged to attend the BCFNHA PIPSC Group  Annual General meeting  Date:  Thursday, November 22, 2018 Time:  6pm (PST)- Refreshments; 6:45pm AGM BCFNHA GROUP-PIPSC
6 November 2018
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Nav Canada NCR West Sub Group The Sub Group Executive is currently calling for nominations for the following positions:
6 November 2018
Portage CS Sub-Group AGM You are invited to attend the Portage CS Sub-group Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Wednesday, November 28th, 2018, from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, at Bistro Epicure, 80 Promenade du Portage.
6 November 2018
To: AU-CO-PG (AV Group) members that work at the Competition Bureau in Gatineau QC Negotiations started on September 25 to September 27, 2018, between the Treasury Board Secretariat and the AV Group for a new collective agreement.
6 November 2018
Notice to RE- NCR-AAFC Sub-group The Interim executives invite you to attend the upcoming AGM for the RE NCR_AAFC Sub Group to elect our formal executives. Date:  November 14, 2018 Time:  12:00 to 1:00 PM Lunch will be served.
6 November 2018
Hello Colleagues,
6 November 2018
The first face-to-face bargaining session took place September 25-27, 2018. The next bargaining session is scheduled for December 11-13, 2018. Please find the proposals that were exchanged attached.
6 November 2018
New Brunswick Agrologists - Annual General Meeting Date: Monday, December 10th, 2018 Location: Quality Inn & Suites 777 St. Peter Avenue, Bathurst
1 November 2018
Members of the Bargaining Team for the SH Group met with the employer October 30 and 31, 2018 for the beginning of collective agreement negotiations.
31 October 2018
To: All AU-CO-PG members in the Halifax Region (AV Group) Good day Colleagues in Halifax,
31 October 2018
The time has come to elect a new union Executive, as the mandate of the current Executive is coming to an end. In accordance with the Group By-Laws, an election for these positions must be held. All regular members of the NFB Group can be nominated as candidates.
31 October 2018
NRC RO/RCO Group: Nomination Call for Executive Committee Member Candidates 30 October 2018
31 October 2018
Good Day Members, It’s time for our CS AGM!
30 October 2018
Nanaimo SP Sub Group Minutes of 2017 AGM October 3, 2018 ABC Country restaurant, Nanaimo, BC