
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

28 July 2022
If you have a problem with the classification of your SR job, please carefully fill out the form below to provide PIPSC with the information needed to advance your file.
28 July 2022
If you have a problem with the mapping of your SR job, please carefully fill out the form below to provide PIPSC with the information needed to advance your file. If you have mapping concerns about more than one position, you will need to submit a form for each position.
28 July 2022
If the employer has indicated they believe there is a mismatch between the work you regularly perform and your SR job description, please carefully fill out the form below. The information you provide will help us develop a strategy to support you to obtain your desired outcome.
26 July 2022
The RE Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at Hilton Garden Inn & Homewood Suites at 361 Queen St., Ottawa, ON. from 9:00 AM to 5:00
21 July 2022
PIPSC London AFS Sub-Group Elections - 2022 Call for Nominations The current mandate for your PIPSC London AFS Sub-Group Executive members will end at our Tuesday, September 20, 2022 PIPSC Annual General Meeting.  Therefore, our By-Laws require us to call for nomination
21 July 2022
London Branch and London AFS Sub-Group - 2022 Annual General Meeting Tuesday, September 20, 2022   From 5:30 to 9:00 pm Location:                 Fanshawe College, Student Centre – SUB1025
20 July 2022
Please take the time to review all the documents in the package before voting. The bargaining team unanimously recommends the acceptance of this tentative agreement.  
13 July 2022
                                 Please Click Here to Read the Entire Document
13 July 2022
                               Please Click Here to Read the Entire Document
11 July 2022
Québec City NR Sub-Group Minutes of the 1st meeting of the Executive Committee   Held on June 14, 2022
8 July 2022
CFIA and PIPSC entered into mediation with the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board (FPSLREB) in October 2021. There was an agreement between both parties regarding the content of the job description VM-04 #59651 (Veterinarian/Specialist/Advisor/Coordinator).
7 July 2022
PIPSC AFS-Stewards Meeting June 27, 2022 AGENDA:
7 July 2022
PIPSC AFS-Stewards Meeting June 6, 2022
4 July 2022
The Halifax CS (IT) Subgroup wants to invite you and your family to cool off from heat of Summer.  We are hosting a pool event at the Sackville Sports Stadium on August 13, 2022 at 2pm-4pm.  Please ensure you show up at
28 June 2022
Classification notice and retroactivity The CFIA has confirmed it will meet the June 30 deadline to issue classification decisions on the new Regulatory Science (SR) job descriptions written in collaboration with PIPSC.
27 June 2022
The bargaining team would like to announce that the tentative agreement has been approved and ratified by the membership. Changes to the collective agreement will not come into effect until the agreement is signed by the employer and the union.
27 June 2022
The bargaining team would like to announce that the tentative agreement has been approved and ratified by the membership. Changes to the collective agreement will not come into effect until the agreement is signed by the employer and the union.
27 June 2022
The bargaining team would like to announce that the tentative agreement has been approved and ratified by the membership. Changes to the collective agreement will not come into effect until the agreement is signed by the employer and the union.
27 June 2022
The bargaining team would like to announce that the tentative agreement has been approved and ratified by the membership. Changes to the collective agreement will not come into effect until the agreement is signed by the employer and the union.
24 June 2022
Event:         AFS NCR Information Technology Subgroup Annual General Meeting DATE:           Tuesday April 26, 2022 TIME:            5:30 PM to 6:30 PM               Meeting