
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

12 May 2021
Resolutions to be considered at the 2021 CS Annual General Meeting R4.1.3 OFFICER PORTFOLIOS Other Officers may be appointed including but not limited to: Steward Officer, who shall:
10 May 2021
There is one (1) vacancy on the AFS Group executive. The successful candidate will take Office on July 1, 2021. Following the close of nominations on April 16, 2021 the following members expressed their willingness to serve as President on the AFS Group Executive.  
6 May 2021
We’re accepting nominations for 4 positions total, each elected for a 3-year term:
5 May 2021
We have a deal! Your PIPSC Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative agreement with Hamilton Health Sciences. 
3 May 2021
On behalf of your Negotiating Team, I would like to update you on the status of negotiations for a new Collective Agreement.  
3 May 2021
The CRPEG bargaining team met with the company on April 27-29, 2021. The focus of this session of negotiations was on leaves with and without pay and other non-monetary issues.
3 May 2021
Minutes Sous-groupe CS Ottawa Metro CS Subgroup Executive Meeting Date: 05/03/2021 Time:  12:00 Noon Location: Virtual Teams Meeting     Présents / Present:  
27 April 2021
Fellow members of the PSPC NR Sub-group NCR, While in-person union activities are still suspended because of the pandemic, there hasn’t been any slowdown in our work and we continue to take every opportunity to defend your interests. 
26 April 2021
We’re pleased to announce that the members of the SUN-RT group and Sunnybrook Hospital ratified the tentative agreement.  Retroactive pay is to be paid within 5 full pay periods following April 21 (the ratification date of the Memorandum of Settlement).
22 April 2021
    MEETING RÉUNION Agenda CHAIRPERSON Scribe Michael Hartry Salwa Al-Eryani
22 April 2021
Results: Lynn Ohlson: NU EMA (Re-Elected) James Brooks: MD (Newly Elected) James McGrath: Nutrition-Dietetics (Acclaimed) Terry Hupman: DE(Acclaimed)
19 April 2021
16 April 2021
Staffing Legislation in the CRA and How it Affects You: The London AFS Subgroup of PIPSC invites you to attend an information about staffing so that you will be more informed and better prepared for future staffing processes. When: Thursday April 22
16 April 2021
15 April 2021
The CP Gatineau Subgroup and CP Ottawa Subgroup are glad to join forces and invite you to a virtual member engagement participation event called “Art While Apart” on Monday, April 26th, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
15 April 2021
The CP Gatineau Subgroup and CP Ottawa Subgroup are glad to join forces and invite you to a virtual member engagement participation event called “Art While Apart” on Monday, April 26th, 2021 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
14 April 2021
The implementation process is underway for the CS Group’s collective agreement. Join PIPSC Economist Ryan Campbell for a webinar presentation about the pay increase and the process of calculating and distributing retroactive pay.
9 April 2021
This is your voter’s information kit for the election of the CS (Computer Systems) Group positions. You will be receiving your electronic ballot key no later than May 18th, 2021. Voting will be done by electronic means only. No paper mail-in ballots will be provided.
8 April 2021
PIPSC Vote on the PIPSC SUN-RT Group Tentative Agreement – April, 2021 Your PIPSC Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that on March 30, 2021 we signed a tentative agreement with the hospital to conclude this round of collective bargaining.  The Bargaining Team would like to thank all
7 April 2021
The 2021 CS AGM will be held virtually on Monday, June 14, 2021 via Zoom from 10 am to 4 pm.  The AGM is a forum to provide direction to your CS Executive.