Treasury Board agrees to negotiate better birth control coverage for public service employees

Fellow members,

After years of advocacy, the Treasury Board has agreed to negotiate the addition of non-oral contraceptives to the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). Currently, only oral contraceptives (the birth control pill) are covered. Along with other federal public sector unions, PIPSC has long argued that it is discriminatory for oral contraceptives only to be covered under our health plan. The change announced today speaks to what it means to have women lead the two largest federal bargaining agents. Neither of us could let this wrong continue, and we worked together to get it fixed. Our members will soon be able to choose the birth control method best suited to their needs.

PIPSC is very pleased that this long-standing injustice will finally be corrected, as it goes back many years. In 2012, bargaining agents signed an agreement to cover non-oral contraceptives but former Treasury Board President Tony Clement rejected the deal, and instead unilaterally booked $7.4 billion in savings from the health plan.

This is the beginning of the righting of this wrong, and we will continue to advocate for monies be put back into the Plan and for coverage to be extended to meet our members’ changing needs.

PIPSC, along with other unions, is in the process of negotiating with the Treasury Board a host of improvements to the PSHCP. We will be surveying members on their priorities, so please stay tuned.

As always, please feel free to share your priorities with me at

Better Together!

Debi Daviau

24 April 2018
Like all Canadians, members of the Institute are shocked by the senseless deaths and horrific injuries that occurred yesterday afternoon in Toronto. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families.

6 April 2018
Last week I had the opportunity to meet with the National Capital Region Liberal Caucus. I was grateful for the warm reception I received and know that many of the Members of Parliament rearranged their schedules to be able to attend. I used this opportunity to raise PIPSC’s continued concerns with the disastrous Phoenix pay system.

14 March 2018
Following tremendous pressure on the part of public service bargaining agents, the government has finally introduced some much-needed flexibility in the recovery of overpayments caused by Phoenix.

28 February 2018
I am pleased to report that yesterday’s federal Budget committed $16M towards the building of an alternative pay system to replace the disastrous Phoenix.

27 February 2018
With “tax season” fast approaching, the government has recently updated the information available online regarding three types of financial claims linked to the Phoenix pay system: requesting an advance for government benefits; reimbursement for tax advice; and claims for out-of-pocket expenses.

20 February 2018
Last week I was invited to meet with the Cabinet level working group on the Phoenix pay system to discuss potential solutions. I last met with the Cabinet committee in June 2017 and since then we have sadly seen little to no progress – in fact the problems continue to mount.