Thank you to our public service professionals

Each day you go to work to protect and serve people in Canada in many different ways.

When COVID-19 struck, you were ready and you delivered. You are what keeps this country together, and we couldn’t be more proud.

Thank you!

26 July 2021
President Debi Daviau underlined the historic swearing in of the Rt. Hon. Mary Simon as Canada’s Governor General.

25 May 2021
On May 13, 2021, PIPSC President Debi Daviau appeared before the Senate Committee on Social Affairs (SOCI) to provide our feedback on how changes to certain provisions of Bill C-30, the Budget Implementation Act, 2021, may help eliminate the barriers that affect equity-seeking groups in the federal public service.

18 May 2021
On May 10, 2021, PIPSC President Debi Daviau appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) to discuss the government’s handling of the pandemic’s impact on its employees.

13 May 2021
On May 6, 2021 PIPSC President Debi Daviau and Economist Ryan Campbell testified before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (FINA) about the fight against tax evasion.

28 January 2021
On January 26, 2021, PIPSC President Debi Daviau appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities. She presented our members’ concerns about the situation at NAV CANADA and how to best ensure its continued viability.

13 January 2021
We must continue to work together, in solidarity, to advocate for professionals in our workplaces, build on the strength and influence of our union, and push for the Canada we believe in.