Candidate for Prairie/NWT Regional Director – William Stewart

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of William Stewart

Candidate for Prairie/NWT Regional Director

William Stewart

(Regular member)


Brothers and Sisters of PIPSC in the PNWT Region.
I am reaching out you as an active member of PIPSC and requesting your support for my candidacy for the PNWT Regional Director Position.

Why am I running?
In the next three years PIPSC will be dealing with extended financial concerns, rebuilding faith in our leadership, and most importantly, a new round of bargaining with a government that does not value the public service. Based on the PIPSC focus over last three years, and more importantly, the disarray of the current Board of Directors, I believe that I can help to bring the board back into focus on the needs of our members. My job as elected Director from the PNWT Region is to raise awareness of concerns that are specific to our region. My job as elected Director is to ensure that MEMBER funds are used judiciously, and with fiscal restraint. My goal to put the power of PIPSC back into the hands of the membership, and restore the sanctity of the AGM. 

Who am I?
I am the current President of the Saskatoon Branch, Member at Large on the NUREG Group, and President of the Saskatoon- NUREG Subgroup. I have served on the Saskatoon Branch since 2008, served on the NUREG executive 2014-16 and 2018-2022, and been the President of the Saskatoon NUREG Subgroup since if was formed in 2016.
I am an active steward with 15 years experience, and have had the honour of representing members from the PNWT Region, the Ontario Region, the Quebec Region and the National Capital Region as a steward.
You may also know me from my many appearances at PIPSC events, including steward councils, the Prairie Regional Conferences and PIPSC AGMs. I have been and continue to be a person willing to raise the concerns of all members, not just those I agree with. I encourage debate amongst members in order to ensure that all people have the opportunity to be heard. I am willing to carry that desire forward to the BOD.

How can you support me?
I ask you to support my nomination for the Director of the Prairie Northwest Territories Region and cast your vote for me. 

If you have questions about my position on matters of concern, please contact me at

Thank you again for your support,
In solidarity.
William Stewart

Original provided by the candidate