Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Thomas Kirkpatrick

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Tom Kirkpatrick

Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Thomas Kirkpatrick

(Regular member)


Thomas Kirkpatrick MBA, CMA-CPA, AACI P. App

In my 20+ years as a PIPSC member I have been; a steward (a role I am still active in), where I fight for the rights of members and act as their shield in times of need; a treasurer, a vice president, and since 2021 a president of the AFS Vancouver Sub Group, where I advanced the needs of my members; and nationally, as a member of (and subsequently chair of) the National Elections Committee, where I worked diligently to ensure fair and transparent elections at PIPSC.

I would like to bring that same work ethic and transparency to the Board.  We are in a time of turmoil at PIPSC and I believe we have lost our focus which was, and should be the members.  We are here to serve and engage our members, to make their workplaces safer whether that be physical, psychological, or economic safety.

PIPSC represents a diverse group of professionals dedicated to making this country a safer and stronger place for its citizens; I believe the board of PIPSC should do the same for its members.  I intend to play a pivotal role in formulating and executing strategies to address the evolving challenges facing the professionals in our union.

I will remain deeply engaged with union members on a personal level, listening to their concerns and championing their causes. Members have shared with me that they believe in transparency, accountability, and upholding the highest ethical standards in all union activities.  Sadly some have said they are not seeing that now.

Throughout my career I have demonstrated a passion for labor rights and social justice.  I have witnessed firsthand the impact of collective bargaining and the power of organized labor in securing fair wages, safe working conditions, and job security for employees.

As a member of an equity group and a person who has been subject to hate speech and threats, I am a tireless advocate for the rights of individuals.  I bring a wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to fostering equitable workplaces and enhancing the well-being of union members.

I ask for your support and I commit to advancing the rights and interests of our professionals, ensuring that they receive support and resources to thrive in their careers, and to continue to contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Please Vote for Thomas Kirkpatrick


Original provided by the candidate


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