Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time) – Din Kamaldin

​The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Din Kamaldin

Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time)

Din Kamaldin

(Regular member)


Hello PIPSC members:

My name is Din I. Kamaldin, I am AFS member in good standing. I work for Canada Revenue Agency.

My involvement with PIPSC began in 2011 as a Steward. I have successfully and continue to represent members and defend their rights at the Grievance hearings up to Level 3, Conflict resolution sessions, Internal Investigations, Staffing, and at the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

In 2012 I was elected as Vice President of my branch eventually as President serving members and representing them as the Co-Chair of Health & Safety committee and at Union-Management engagements. I was elected to be a member of the Ontario Regional Executive (ORE), and served as Vice Chair of ORE in 2015.  As the Vice Chair I brought harmony and defused conflicts with respect. I also represented the Ontario region at the PIPSC Human Rights & Diversity committee as a member and co-chair.

Our Challenges:

  • PIPSC Governance. Board of Directors (BoD) not respecting membership wishes or following our mandate and values. Instead operating in a culture of conflicts, no consensus and self interests.
    Anticipated Government of Canada cuts, return to office 3 day and eventually 5-day mandate, duty to accommodate and outstanding vaccination grievances, and upcoming federal elections.
    The internal disputes and other dead-end projects / contracts are very costly.
    Our institute business and administration are not effectively or efficiently managed
    Not enough ERO’s to deal with outstanding grievances cases or support Stewards
    Our expenditures / expense accounts are out of control with no accountability.
    Lack of governance, accountability and transparency 

My Commitment:


  • Build BoD consensus, trust and manage conflicts
  • Implement PIPSC mandate and values to defend member rights and interest
  • Promote good governance an put members interest first
  • Provide sound fiscal management with complete disclosure and transparency: and 
  • End human rights violations.

With the Employer: 

  • Stop unadvertised internal staffing hirings 
  • Stop contracting out 
  • Stop Human rights violations
  • Ensure better pay & benefits
  • Protect Stewards from management retaliation

I have the ability to mange risks, anticipate issues, strategize, lead, and build consensus. 

Email me at , should you have questions. I will serve members interest integrity” 

Original provided by the candidate