Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Gary Corbett

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Gary Corbett

Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Gary Corbett

(Retired member)


Fellow members,

I proudly seek your vote for Full Time Vice-President.

Over the last three years I have grown increasingly concerned with the choices of the Board of Directors, with the state of our finances, with the lack of transparency, and with the ongoing internal strife in plain public view. The resulting instability has broad impacts on our reputation, our staff, and on our ability to provide the representation that you depend upon.

I offer knowledge, experience and ethical leadership. I work respectfully with others always maintaining a diplomatic and conciliatory approach. Furthermore, I have a proven track record.

Over the last 20 plus years I have faithfully served you: NCR Director (2002-2005), Vice-President (2005-2009 & 2018-2020), and proudly as your President and CEO (2009-2013).  Amply equipped to advise, guide and mentor our new President and Board, I know how to get things done.

As an engineer, scientist and Vice President, I demonstrably raised PIPSC profile to “THE” advocate for Public Science, helping improve scientist’s collective agreement language. As President, I directed PIPSC support of court actions by health care professionals fighting for “equal pay for work of equal value” - the resulting historical pay-equity settlement was press labelled “a huge victory for gender equality” (2012). More recently (2020), I pressed PIPSC into joining the Black Class Action lawsuit towards removing systemic barriers faced by Black public service workers.

Highly media trained; I advocated for you in national and international media. I raised your demands in the House of Commons and on the street. Appointed to the Public Service Pension Advisory Committee (2010), I fought for your pensions and I lead you in protest against defined contribution plans. As President, I led you in joining the Canadian Labour Congress (2012) amplifying our voice at the labor table.

My network is extensive. I have built trusting relationships with politicians across “ALL” political parties, with the media, and with other national union leaders.

I know PIPSC inside and out. I have worked collaboratively under 4 former Presidents playing a key role in our successes over many years.

As your new Vice-President, I will work to strengthen our weakened organizational culture, stabilize our finances, and refocus our efforts on critical member issues including Return to Office, mitigating the impact of Artificial Intelligence on your job, and on providing you with more timely and effective representation.

I respectfully request your vote.

Gary Corbett


Original submitted by the candidate