Late Resolutions


Presented to the 101st Annual General Meeting


L-1 Part Time Vice-Presidents Compensation – REVISED (E)

Sponsor: (Retired Members Guild (RMG) | Disposition: Substituted by L-2

Whereas changes to the compensation of Part Time Vice Presidents were approved by Decision of the PIPSC Board of Directors at its September 2020 Meeting; and

Whereas it has been a long-standing practice that Part Time Vice Presidents be compensated based on a Vice President’s job description; and

Whereas not compensating Retired Members who seek and win an election for Part Time Vice President contradicts the concept of labour rights that individuals in the same workplace be given equal pay for equal work, 

Be it resolved that the AGM overturn the Board of Directors’ decision of September 2020 that changes the compensation of Part-Time Vice- Presidents.

Memo to the 2020 AGM re PT VP Salary Replacement_2.doc

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comment:

Legally, Late Resolution L-1 is out of order.

Section 143 (1) of the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (CNFPCA) expressly gives the Board of Directors (BOD) the authority to determine the compensation, if any, that is to be paid to an  “officer” of PIPSC. The term “officer” pursuant to s. 2 of the CNFPCA includes Vice-Presidents.

The Institute’s By-Laws reaffirms this legislated authority of the BOD. Institute By-Law 20.5 grants the BOD the exclusive right and authority to determine the compensation for the Vice-Presidents.

Late Resolution L-1 violates the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act to adopt and for this reason, it is out of order.

For the AGM to have the power to “overturn” a decision of the BOD related to Vice-President’s compensation, the AGM would need to be given that authority by means of an amendment to the Institute By-Laws.


L-2 Changes to the Compensation of the Part - Time Vice-Presidents (E)

Sponsor: (Retired Members Guild (RMG) | Disposition: Carried

Whereas changes to the compensation of Part Time Vice Presidents were approved by Decision of the PIPSC Board of Directors at its September 2020 Meeting; and

Whereas it has been a long-standing practice that Part Time Vice Presidents be compensated based on a Vice President’s job description; 

Be it resolved that the AGM directs the Board of Directors to review the decision of September 2020 that changes the compensation of Part-Time Vice- Presidents taking into account the consideration of the AGM and ensure that there is equal compensation for equal work.