Rapport du Vice-Président Stéphane Aubry

To the 100th Annual General Meeting

Dear Members,

It is my pleasure and privilege once again to present you a brief annual report on the work I have been doing over the last few months as pat of my portfolio. I am grateful for the confidence you placed in me in November 2018, when you elected me as full-time Vice-President.

The Better Together Team has continued to provide support to our activists as they organize multiple events across Canada. The team assisted members and guided the organization of more than a hundred events everywhere, such as information booths, lunch and learns, BBQs and ice-cream breaks. It also played a key role in the organization of demonstrations and marches on official events such as Labour Day, Pride Day, Public Service Week and environmental advocacy demonstrations.

The website dedicated to mobilization campaigns and events (https://enaction.ipfpc.ca/) and the mobilization tools supporting them (NationBuilder) have become an integral part of our campaigns and the day-to-day work of our mobilization and communication teams. We are learning to communicate more effectively with you and are happy with the results. We strive to continuously improve our processes to help you keep members informed of our issues and activities.

Phoenix still keeps us very busy. Our employment relations officers and our team of stewards do their very best to help our members. Ongoing meetings and consultations with employer representatives have allowed us and our union partners to track issues and pressure the employer into resolving them and implementing a suitable replacement system as quickly as possible.

The Official Languages Act is more than 50 years old, and Canada’s linguistic duality continues to thrive. The Liberal government has initiated its modernization, and we are keeping an eye out for possible outcomes, such as a bilingualism bonus. PIPSC has set an Official Languages Committee, which will help promote the use of both official languages within the Institute and also among the employers.

As we move forward, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bound to change our lives in the coming years. We can understand the impact that self-driving vehicles will have on our society. However, AI’s impact will be more insidious at work, through changes and automation of our daily tasks, such as analysis, accounting, purchasing, and IT development. That is why we have launched a research project with some union partners to ensure we are better prepared.

As Vice-President, I am also a member of the PIPSC’s Board of Directors. At the Board, we are still exploring how we can improve the organization's operations, management and leadership structure in order to keep on providing good service to our members.

To sum it all up, this past year has been another very busy one for me.

Thank you for your continuing support for the advocacy of workers in Canada. Through affiliation with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the Fédération des travailleuses et travailleurs du Québec (FTQ), we add our voices to collective demands. It is my hope that in 2019 our efforts will lead to the election of a government that will listen to Canadians' concerns and needs, especially with respect to a universal pharmacare program, tax fairness, and measures to protect the environment for generations to come.  

It is both a privilege and an honour for me to continue serving you. If you have any comments or questions, please contact me - I am always connected! - at AubryS@ipfpc.ca, twitter @StephAubry_GF, facebook.com/stephane.aubry.GF

Stéphane Aubry,

Vice-President, PIPSC