The committee has continued its work on revamping the education program.  With a new look being taken at the entire Steward Framework within PIPSC, the committee has had to review its work to date and establish where it sees the training program fitting into the steward framework and how to get it there. The committee has welcomed two new educational officers, Joanna and Richard, to PIPSC and has reviewed with them the work done to date on the education revamp and has welcomed their ideas and views on the way forward to complete this project.

The committee has reviewed the CLC Education offerings and has looked at developing a national selection criterion for both the Labour College and the Labour Schools.  This would enable PIPSC to apply the same criteria throughout all the regions and hopefully pick the best candidates for the training.  Going forward the committee will be reviewing the education offered more closely and seeing how it can be incorporated into PIPSC.

The committee held a joint session this past year with the Advisory Council to discuss the steward framework and the training needs. This was the first time the whole committee got to meet and consult with the AC.  The half-day session was very beneficial to the committee and the suggestions that came from the session can be incorporated into our work going forward.

The new steward framework project will provide the committee with some goals for the coming year and they will work closely with the project co-ordinators to ensure a successful completion to the project and assist in establishing the goals for implementation.

The committee also spends some time at each meeting sharing the activities from each region and also sharing ideas for Steward Councils and any training that may be given at Regional Councils.  This exchange of ideas always opens avenues for training sessions in the regions.  We also review and discuss any special requests for training that is outside the normal regional offerings. All special requests should come to the committee for discussion and their approval.  With the growing number of new steward applications this year, providing the basic training in a timely fashion has become a concern.  The committee is reviewing the budgets and the options to try and find a way to provide this training.

I would like to thank the members of the Training and Education committee for their dedication and hard work again this past year. The work of the committee depends on your commitment and dedication to the members. The next couple of years will be busy working on the education reform and the Steward Framework.  The 2018 committee consisted of:

Peter MacDougall, BC/Yukon
Rob Trudeau, Prairies/NWT
Peter Jozsa, Ontario
Martine Lacroix, Quebec
Gordon Bulmer, NCR
Carolyn Hynes, Atlantic.

Staff Resources: Nancy Lamarche and Brigitte Jolin

Education Officers:  Joanna Simpson and Richard Gaboton


Kimberley Skanes

Director, Atlantic Region

Chair, Training & Education Committee