The Advisory Council (AC) is a recommending body to the Board of Directors. The AC mandate from the Institute Bylaws is as follows:

10.4.2 Mandate - The Advisory Council is charged with the responsibility of dealing with matters referred to it by the Board, the Executive Committee, Group Executives, Consultation Teams or a general meeting of the Institute. It shall serve as a forum for an exchange of ideas
and information among Groups and Consultation Teams. Some of the prime functions shall be information sharing on collective bargaining issues, professional concerns, national consultation and policies under consideration. In addition, the Advisory Council shall review PIPSC
Annual Priorities and make recommendations to the Board of Directors prior to the second Board of Directors meeting of the calendar year AGM 2015.

The AC has had both a busy and what I would consider a very productive year. The year kicked off with strategic planning training to both equip AC members to comment on the Board’s strategic plan, as well as use the strategic planning materials with their own teams.

A joint meeting with the Board of Directors was held to kick off the consultative process around Professionals Canada. The AC Steering Committee as well as the AC membership were involved throughout the year long consultations and had opportunities for input at various strategic points in the process. The AC and the Board met again in mid-summer to review the preliminary report and provide feedback.

The AC has been engaged in providing input into the Steward training review currently undertaken by the Training and Education Committee (TEC).  AC members have also provided the Board with recommendations regarding delegate selection for the 2020 Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Convention.

These are just a few highlights of what the AC has spent its time on over the last year, with only one-day agenda, four times a year. The AC agendas are usually packed full of interesting updates as well as opportunities for discussion and consultation.

I’d like to thank the AC Steering Committee as well as the entire AC membership for their support during the past year.

In Solidarity,

Chris Roach

Advisory Council Director