Regions and Branches

The Institute is comprised of six geographical Regions: Atlantic, Québec, Ontario, National Capital, Prairie/Northwest Territories and British Columbia/Yukon.

Each Region is normally structured to provide a minimum of three levels of organization consisting of: the Regional Council, the Regional Executive and Branches.The Directors elected in each Region may be the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Regional Executive and the Regional Council. The Regional Executive acts as a steering and administrative committee for the Regional Council and meets periodically between bi-yearly meetings. The objectives of the Regional Council are:

  • to support the goals of the Institute as they pertain to special concerns of the Region;
  • to present regional views at the AGM in the form of resolutions, or submit them to the Board of Directors and other decision-making bodies.

Institute Branches are listed under their respective Region page.

Latest Regional News

30 July 2018
Regional Consultation Meeting of Quebec DND Stewards Dear Quebec DND Steward,
30 July 2018
NOTICE OF MEETING Family Picnic You and your family are cordially invited to attend the 1st PIPSC Quebec East Branch Family Picnic. WHEN: Saturday, September 8th, 2018, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
25 July 2018
To all NCR Members, There is currently two (2) member-at-large vacant positions on the NCR Regional Executive. We will be filling the vacancy in accordance with Regional By-Law 7.6 which reads as follows: 7.6 Vacancies
24 July 2018
Montérégie Branch – Retirement Planning Session Dear Montérégie members,
24 July 2018
24 July 2018
ATLANTIC NEWS YOUR PIPSC ATLANTIC REGIONAL NEWSLETTER Summer 2018 From the Director… Summer 2018 has arrived, or so we are told.
23 July 2018
Hello PIPSC members at AAFC Next Lunch and Learn Update on Scientific Integrity - new language in our Collective Agreements AAFC’s Science Publication Policy Conference attendance Date: Thursday, July 26, 12pm-1pm ET
19 July 2018
To:  Steward Applicant From:  Ernie McLean, Regional Representative Bobby Eiswirth, Chair, Prairie/NWT Regional Training Committee Re: Basic Steward Training – October 25 - 27, 2018
17 July 2018
Dear member
17 July 2018
*** Due to popular demand and Park limitations this event is now sold out ***   SUMMER FAMILY FUN!!!
13 July 2018
All event requests must be submitted using this form. Please fill out the form and return to the Chair of the NCR Planning Committee or the NCR Regional Chair 12 weeks in advance of the event planned to allow sufficient time for the approval process.  
13 July 2018
Call for Nominations for Steward Recognition Awards 2018 PRAIRIE/NORTHWEST TERRITORIES STEWARD AWARDS
10 July 2018
  *** Due to popular demand and Park limitations this event is now sold out *** SUMMER FAMILY FUN!!!
10 July 2018
Atlantic Regional Training Committee Meeting Minutes - March 23, 2018 Date: March 23, 2018 Location: Delta Brunswick, Moncton, NB In attendance: Chairperson
9 July 2018
Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting Minutes - March 24, 2018 Date: March 24, 2018 Location: Delta Brunswick, Saint John, NB In attendance: Chairperson:
9 July 2018
Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean Branch - Annual General Meeting Minutes - May 16, 2018 Date:May 16, 2018 Location: La Couqerie restaurant in Chicoutimi In attendance:
5 July 2018
PIPSC Ottawa West Branch – Ottawa River Cruise – Summer Social Event - Registration Full
5 July 2018
LUNCH AND LEARN The PIPSC Victoria Stewards at 1230 Government St will be holding a Lunch and Learn for Victoria Branch members, not retired.
4 July 2018
NOTICE OF MEETING TO: Stewards in the British Columbia/Yukon Region FROM: Robert K. MacDonald Regional Director DATE:  July 5, 2018
4 July 2018
Draft Meeting Minutes BC/Yukon Region - Regional Executive  Wednesday, April 11th 2018  Scheduled 9 pm - 5 pm Victoria Delta Ocean Pointe Resort and Spa Present