HELD AT Delta Bow Valley, Calgary, Alberta START TIME 9:00 AM END TIME 5:00 PM DATE April 8, 2017
Nancy McCune, Regional Director
Sharon Losinski, Regional Vice-Chair and Edmonton Branch Representative
Stuart Kidd, Secretary-Treasurer
Samah Henein, Calgary Branch representative
Bobby Eiswirth, Regina Branch Representative
Todd McCoy, Small Branch Representative
Brent Maine, Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba Branch Representative
Robert Trudeau, Saskatoon Branch Representative
Nancy McCune called the meeting to order at 9:10 AM.
Approval of Amended Agenda (update on April 7, 2017 training meeting – point 5 of Agenda added) - motion to approve moved by Nancy, second by Robert, carried. Sharon will maintain speakers list for meeting.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM February 4, 2017
2.1 Approval of minutes – February 4, 2017. Motion to approve - moved by Robert, second by Bobby, carried
2.2 Business arising from minutes – none raised.
Directors Report to the Regional Executive in April 2017
BOD Meeting on January 18 and 19
Attendance at the CLC Convention
The President will proceed with the selection of delegates in view of the current budget. The PIPSC delegation will be comprised of staff, committee representatives and Board members. The President indicated that some seats will also be offered to constituent bodies willing to expend their funds to attend. A proposal will be brought back to the Board for consideration.
Member Survey Presentation
The Director of IT and Program Management and the Director of Policy and Communications joined the Board to present the results of the September 2016 membership survey, outlining the highlights and key areas.
Strategy for Young Workers Engagement
The Québec Regional Director submitted a business case to create a Youth Committee in the Québec Region. The committee would have the role of advisor for the Region on all issues that affect young workers, in order to guide the policies towards better intergenerational justice. The committee would also serve as a talent generator for youth. The ultimate goal is to build solidarity and ensure the next generation of union activists.
Some were of the view that the Board should give more thought to the broader strategy in terms of engaging youth at the Institute, especially in light of the survey results presented. This will be further considered and discussed on day two of the Board meeting.
Update on Government Relations
President Daviau provided a brief verbal update on government relations. Since the last report, most efforts have gone towards negotiations and Phoenix. The Institute is also engaging in ongoing lobbying on Bill C-27 (pension reform) and will be participating in the CLC Lobby Day. Members wanting to take part should contact the Office of the President.
Support for National Pharmacare Program
The World Health Organization has declared that governments are obligated to ensure access to affordable, safe and properly prescribed medicines for all of their citizens. Unfortunately, Canada is the only developed country with a universal healthcare system that does not include universal coverage of prescription drugs. As such, the negative consequences for health and economic wellbeing of Canadians are significant. A universal pharmacare program would lower labour costs in Canada by removing drug benefits from employer benefits and ensuring workers get the medications they need. While pharmacare will take time to implement, it was recommended that the Board consider actively engaging to move a national pharmacare program forward.
Moved and seconded that the Board authorize a $XX donation to the Council of Canadians to fund a report and activist tool kit to push for a national pharmacare program.
Some were of the view that this is a good initiative that demonstrates the Institute’s shared values with Canadians. It was noted that this is time sensitive as the Council of Canadians does not have base funding and are funded through the collaborative efforts of other organization.
The motion carried.
Board Parliamentarian for 2017
Two nominations were put forward for this position:
Glenn Maxwell, AC Director
Sean O’Reilly, NCR Director
Some of the duties of the parliamentarian include attending Board meetings, providing assistance to the Chair when needed and/or requested and having knowledge of the rules of procedure.
Director O’Reilly was appointed as parliamentarian for 2017.
Québec Region Youth Committee Budget
A proposed budget for the implementation of a Québec Region Youth committee was provided for the Board’s consideration and approval. The proposed budget of $XX would cover training, attending the FTQ Youth Camp and various other meetings, salary replacement, travel and promotional items.
Moved and seconded that a budget of $XX for the Québec Region Youth Committee be approved for 2017.
Some felt that the mandate of this committee should be broader and more inclusive of other Regions and it was suggested that funds be allocated to other Regions to enable them in putting on youth engagement initiatives to engage young workers.
Some were of the view that the proposed budget seems high compared to standing committees budgets. A budget was approved in 2016 with the understanding that this initiative would go national therefore there should be a strategy in place to have Youth Committees in every Region. It was pointed out that this should have been included in the budget process and presented to the 2016 AGM for approval.
The Québec Region should not be penalized for taking concrete actions on the youth initiative. All Regions should be doing the same, starting with making it part of their Regional and Stewards Councils. The Institute needs to encourage, support and provide tools for recruitment and for succession planning. This could be seen as a pilot project, encouraging other Regions follow suit and eventually, making it a national initiative.
Moved and seconded that this matter be tabled to the March meeting.
There was concern raised with tabling this motion as the momentum may be lost and it may disengage young activists in the Region.
The motion to table carried.
Training on Parliamentary Issues
Director O’Reilly made a brief presentation on the principles parliamentary procedure, based on the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.
Strategic Plan – Update
The Director of IT and Program Management joined the Board for the COO's presentation on the strategic plan as it pertains to the work of staff. The presentation touched on the key result areas coming out of the January 2016 planning session (Value to Members, Enhanced Influence and Model Organization), the strategic goals approved by the Board in June 2016. Initiatives were attached to those goals plus key result areas as well as the planning categories used to advance them. The presentation also included a brief description of the operational planning process used on the management side and finally, a status update on the strategic goals.
An overview was provided on the connection between the strategic goals set by the Board and the operational work. Operational plan were created by the different department and in each one, projects were identified, linking back or supporting the key result areas, goals and initiatives. Through this process, a number of projects were identified, some of which can be directly linked to a strategic objective and others needing to be done, even if not directly tied to an objective. Next step is to decide which out of the projects will and/or can be done between now and 2018, keeping in mind the work that needs to be done to keep the organization going.
Part of the planning process would require the flexibility to readjust, if and when new or different direction is given by the Board (considering capacity, time, resources, etc.).
The complete presentation deck (not including the proposed schedule for operational planning and the screen shots on project roll-up), can be shared with members.
Actions / Next Steps
- Update “PIPSC 101” presentation on the Web site
- Create a status booklet for communications
- Communicate the four courses developed
- Discuss the connection between Stewards and EROs (mentoring, tools) - will need to be driven by direction from the Board.
ECC Membership
The recommendation put forth was for the ECC to be given a three-year mandate, in line with the three-year plan approved by the Board. The intent of the three-year mandate would also help with the triennial review, an important part of the work of the ECC.
Moved and seconded that the current ECC members (Y. Brodeur. G. Scriver, D. Dickson and R. MacDonald) be appointed for 2017 and 2018.
It was pointed out that the ECC is a standing committee of the Board and there should be a call for nomination to allow others to apply.
The ECC Chair stated that the current ECC had to rebuild and has worked hard to set the committee in the right direction. The ECC has been successful in fixing many outstanding problems, doing so on a lean budget. It also produced a detailed and ambitious work plan and has followed that plan to the letter. There is good chemistry among the committee and it should be allowed to complete its work and mandate. The Board should be investing in continued success and apply this to all its committees.
The motion was defeated.
Nominations were put forward and the Board proceeded to a vote.
Peter Taticek
Peter Gilkinson
Robert MacDonald (Chair) – re-appointed
Del Dickson – re-appointed
Yvon Brodeur – re-appointed
Greg Scriver – re-appointed
Nancy McCune - appointed
Regional Directors’ Meetings
Moved and seconded that the Board approve quarterly Regional Directors’ meetings for 2017, the day before or after Board meetings.
It was clarified that in 2016, four Regional Directors' meetings were held, at a cost of $XX.
It was noted that the AC Director attends the meeting on invitation. Regional Directors' meetings are designed to share best practices among Regions therefore, the official participants should be restricted to Regional Directors. This being said, anyone wanting to contribute to these meetings can send a request to do so, which will be considered.
The motion carried.
National Office Lease
There is currently no lease on space at 250 Tremblay Road and there is no mortgage on the building. The lender on the mortgage side is unwilling to renew the mortgage without a lease for PIPSC being in place, hence the urgency for the Board to deal with this matter at this time.
Moved and seconded that the Institute enters into a lease agreement on the terms presented as follows:
The Building Trust is offering a 10-year renewal, with lease rates at $XX per square foot (PSF) for the first five (5) years and $XX starting at year six (6).
The Institute also approved an expansion of an additional 7,975 square feet of space on the second floor, to the space already occupied by the Institute. The proposed lease agreement would see that space being kept in the Trust's hands until January 2018, at which point it will be turned over to the Institute as a tenant. This would allow the space to be used by the Trust in the event that space is required as part of an overall package to attract a new tenant, while final configuration plans are made by the Institute for the additional space. The terms of the lease for that space beginning in January 2018 are the same as the proposed lease terms set out above, with a tenant inducement package of $XX PSF for the additional 7,975 square feet. It was noted that consideration be given to using this space as more meeting space.
The motion carried.
Building Trust AGM and Legacy Foundation AGM were held.
Stuart Kidd presented the Prairie & NWT region financial statements for the period January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017. The report detailed revenues of $XX and expenses of $XX. The beginning bank balance of January 1, 2017 was $XX with a bank balance of $XX at March 31, 2017. Stuart prepared a draft working paper to estimate the 2017 Prairie & NWT allotment. Using expected expenses of $XX for AGM observers and PRC promotional items minus $XX for December 2016 PRE meals, the allotment will be reduced to $XX. This estimate is below full allotment of $XX using December 31, 2015 membership numbers. A business case was approved for $XX of the 2016 allotment to be used for the 2017 Prairie & NWT Regional Council.
A motion was passed at the February 4, 2017 PRE meeting for CLC training. The training was not approved by national PIPSC.
The PIPSC Rally bag was located in Winnipeg office and needs to be moved due to lack of space in new location.
Motion to accept financial report by Stuart, seconded by Robert, carried.
Meeting was held on April 7, 2017 at Delta Bow Valley. The separate employer issue for federal employees was discussed. Fact sheets will be prepared for each applicable provincial legislative process. The Lunch & Learn application process will be adjusted. The issue of liberated stewards (where the employer picks up salary for full time PIPSC steward) was discussed. A debate on a formal agreement was held. Different levels of stewards may be proposed. A communications steward, an intermediate steward and an advanced steward designations were discussed. A communications steward would not assist members in grievances. The question of whether such a communications steward would have protection from management actions was raised. A presentation of these issues will be made at Saskatoon PRC.
By-Law Amendments Received
By-law amendments received include a wording update on parliamentary rules of procedure.
Update on Friday Evening (June 2, 2017)
A discussion of June 2, 2017 dinner event at regional council was held. Robert mentioned that June 2, 2017 is also the opening date for Marquis Downs race track. The Terrace restaurant (main dining area) is reserved for Marquis Downs guests. PRC delegates will eat a buffet dinner in Cookhouse restaurant. Bobby mentioned that the Cookhouse restaurant would allow PRC delegates to mingle as opposed to a sit down dinner in Terrace room. Robert then raised the issue of transporting delegates to and from race track. PRC delegates plus one guest would leave the hotel in three buses. Return buses would be available as racing ended.
Update on Guest Speaker
Member of Parliament Sheri Benson will be invited to speak for one hour at regional council on Saturday. John Staric will make a presentation on benefits on Friday afternoon. A fund raiser for a Saskatoon food bank charity will be held. Nancy M. mentioned the Legacy Foundation.
Update on Invited Elected Official
A discussion was held to decide on an invitation for an elected PIPSC executive to attend PRC. No elected official will be invited.
Promotional Items
Promotion items for the 2017 PRC were discussed. Robert prepared an estimate based on 75 carry- on luggage bags for $XX each plus tax. Robert also mentioned 75 T-shirts for $XX each plus tax. A discussion of logos on T-shirts was held. A discussion of raffle prizes for the PRC was also held.
Motion to purchase luggage and T-shirts was made by Todd, seconded by Sharon, carried.
Motion to buy wireless headphones (in ear) and a blue-tooth speaker for a total of $XX was made by Robert, seconded by Bobby, carried. Nancy agreed to buy raffle prizes.
Two issues need to be addressed. T-shirt sizes needed to be requested at time of PRC registration. Registration will close on April 21, 2017 to allow Robert time to order correct sizes. PRC delegates need to be informed that the carry-on luggage needs to be taken home from Saskatoon at end of PRC.
Edmonton branch is considering an additional t-shirt order for separate promotion.
Executive training
Executive training will be provided to branch executives (2 participants per branch) on June 1 and 2, 2017. June 2 will be a half day only. A number or executive members will not be PRC delegates but will be invited to be observers at the Council. The cost will be picked up by the Region.
Small Branch Election
Bobby will be small branch election chair at PRC. Only small branch delegates will be allowed to vote. Stuart mentioned that three PIPSC members contacted him (per PRC poster) as interested in running in small branch election. The names will be provided to Bobby.
Update on Friday Evening
Steward Council 2017 will be held in Edmonton on September 29 & 30 at the Chateau Lacombe. Friday afternoon session (starting time 2:00 PM) will include a presentation on mental health for stewards. No dinner is planned for Friday but hospitality suite will be arranged after dinner.
Update on Program for Council
The program for Saturday, September 30 was discussed. The morning will include a cafe style training on self-care for stewards. The afternoon will include a presentation on stress relief by Heather Swain (Doctor Antidote). The session will include communication skills for stewards. The presentation of Steward Award will be held on Saturday as well. The Steward Award committee consists of Sharon, Bonnie Pratt, Bonnie Manz and Brian Bell.
Promotional Items
A motion to purchase 120 hoodies (or bunny hugs) was made at February 4, 2017 PRE. The details are for charcoal grey hoodies with Canada 150 year anniversary logo on back with PI logo on arm and a cost of $XX plus tax. A charity will be determined by Edmonton branch. A speaker from the chosen charity will make short presentation.
The 2018 Steward Council was discussed. Winnipeg hotels include Inn at the Forks plus Fort Garry Hotel. Dates by preference are (1) September 21 & 22, 2018, (2) September 14 & 15, 2018 and (3) September 28 & 29, 2018.
Update on Matrix Hotel
Planning for 2018 PRC is on-going with Edmonton branch.
The CLC meeting will take place on May 7 to May 12, 2017. Nancy will represent the PIPSC board with Bobby representing the Prairie & NWT region. A discussion was held on how to attract young government employees to become active members of PIPSC. One question was should the region hold pension sessions or family related events?
Todd McCoy of Lethbridge branch raised issue of sub-group and branch members who belong to one group of PIPSC members. Bobby Eiswirth mentioned that the Regina branch AGM attracted 50 members. A planning meeting to decide on yearly activities is scheduled. Bobby also discussed the issue of when government management are able to request a medical note from employees who are sick. Edmonton branch AGM was held on March 26, 2017. A resolution concerning retired members and their involvement in group activities will be debated at the 2017 PRC. Saskatoon branch meeting was held to plan events, budget and assigned members responsible for events.
Calgary branch held a lunch & learn on February 2 with 96 members attending. Calgary branch AGM held evening of February 2 had 105 members attending. The number for 2016 Calgary AGM was 67. Regional director and National Vice-President attended Calgary AGM as well. Samah added that future events for Calgary branch will use the Regional director’s mandate of member engagement, service to community and members plus visibility. Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba branch has two new executive members. The agenda meeting for yearly events is to be scheduled. The branch is not part of the Manitoba Federation of Labour but may like to be. Brent will look at how much the cost will be and Nancy can do a briefing note to the BOD. The question was asked - should PIPSC join local labour councils? The treatment offered other regions could be considered. Winnipeg branch also raised issue of travel costs from outside Winnipeg to branch AGM.
Regional Executive Training before PRC 2017 (June 1, 2017)
Discussion of regional executive training on June 1 & 2, 2017 was held under point 6 above. The PRE do not know how many training attendees will stay over for the 2017 PRC as observers.
Regional Youth Committee
A discussion of regional youth committee was held. Nancy M. will discuss with members of the national board of directors who have youth committee experience.
Resolution from Edmonton Branch
The Edmonton branch will put forward a motion to allow participation of retired members group executives. Robert mentioned that retired members are not in the work place and cannot be union stewards so what value would retired members bring to a sub-group or group executive? However some PIPSC groups do allow retired members to be on their executive. The motion will be debated at 2017 PRC in Saskatoon.
PIPSC National AGM 2017
The national AGM will be held in Lac Leamy, Quebec from November 17 & 18, 2017. PIPSC requires names of Prairie & NWT delegates by June 30, 2017.
Motion to purchase 50 desk flags for national AGM made by Sharon, Todd seconded, carried. Nancy to purchase desk flags.
Member Engagement on Friday, July 7, 2017 in Yellowknife to be scheduled after discussion with local branch executive. PRE to book hotel at government rate for July 6, 7 & 8, 2017.
Next Meetings, need to choose the hotels for the following dates
October 21, 2017 in Winnipeg, Manitoba – Delta Hotel
December 9, 2017 in Edmonton, Alberta – Matrix Hotel
The training committee will meet December 8 afternoon in Edmonton Matrix Hotel
One additional training meeting will be held in 2017 but no date or location was chosen
A motion to adjourn by Robert at 4:35 PM was carried.