Executive meeting on March 8, 2022 (2nd of the year)

Face-to-face meeting - FTQ premises - Trois-Rivières

Start of the meeting: 9:00 am



Present: Yvon Brodeur, Denis Caissy, Jean Couillard (remotely), Hugo Landry, Nancy Lavoie, Steve Malenfant (remotely), Réjean Michaud, Pierre Potvin, Lisanne Racine, Karine Régimbald and Gerlando Renna.


Absent: Robert Tellier.



  1. Welcoming Remarks:

Pierre welcomed everyone and chaired the meeting. On this International Women’s Rights Day, Pierre underlined the excellent work of women, including those who are currently on the executive, namely Nancy, Lisanne and Karine.   


  1. Code of respect:

Pierre made us sign the code of respect including 10 rules of commitment and asked us to respect it and to manage ourselves.


  1. Reading and approval of the agenda:

No items were added to the agenda.

Denis moved to approve and Lisanne seconded.

The agenda was adopted unanimously; the varia remained open.


  1. Approval of the minutes of January 25, 2022:

Hugo moved to approve and Nancy seconds.

The minutes of January 25, 2022, were approved unanimously.


  1. Follow-up to the minutes of January 25, 2022:

All items requiring follow-up are on the agenda for today’s meeting.


  1. Director’s Update:
  1. Motion to defer action on the following committees to our next meeting:

i) Communications;

ii) Workplace violence;

iii) Status of Women;

iv) Human Rights and Diversity;

v) Youth.

Amended motion to defer its items to the end of the agenda, if time permits; if not, they will be dealt with at the next meeting.


  1. Follow-up on priority committees:

a) Training Committee:

i) Training School: April 27 to 30 in Quebec City at the PUR Hotel.

The invitations have been sent out.

For the “Burnout and Harassment” block, Karine asked if we should favour delegates or OHS officers who are not delegates. After discussions, we concluded that we will prioritize the delegates and that we will offer, if necessary, additional training for non-delegated OHS officers that could be given anywhere in Quebec.

Nancy brought up the fact that the hotel offered to credit the organizers (Nancy and Karine) with Bonvoy points for organizing the training. After discussions, we concluded that Nancy and Karine will benefit from these points for this event and following a report from them, we will see if we need to change this way of doing things.

                                                                 (follow-up: Nancy and Karine)

ii) Policy Statement on Training: The statement was revised by the ad hoc committee and the final version was posted on the drive. In order to maximize the chances that the statement (and the principle of experiential approach) will ultimately be accepted at the national AGM, we will present it and sell the concept successively to the following bodies: the QRC, the TEC, the Advisory Council and the national AGM. The motion to be presented at the AGM will contain a budgetary aspect (mainly for the first year of implementation).


b) Communication Committee: Will be covered at the end, if time permits.

c) Workplace Violence Committee: Will be covered at the end, time permitting.

d) Youth Committee: A meeting was held on February 22. The upcoming activities for this year have been specified. Pierre asked Lisanne to provide him with the names of those who will be present at the next Regional Council.                                           (follow-up: Lisanne)

e) Status of Women Committee: Will be covered at the end, time permitting.

f) Human Rights and Diversity Committee: Will be covered at the end, if time permits.


  1. Finance:

Gerry presented the financial report for calendar year 2021 and the budget for 2022. These reports will be presented at the May QRC.

He also presented the financial report for the first two months of 2022, as well as the budget for the year 2023.

In addition, he gave us a report on the financial situation of the various sections in Quebec.

Finally, Gerry has the new bank account signature card signed by Pierre, Réjean, Gerry and Denis.


  1. National Committees:

Nancy will be our liaison with our Quebec representatives on national committees. Since there are several new representatives, it would be appropriate to invite them to an event (executive meeting or Regional Council) in order to let them know what we expect from them and possibly encourage them to become a steward, if they are not.


 10) Quebec Regional Council:

a) Denis will replace Hugo to take care of the technologies (helped by Nancy and Lisanne);

b) Gerry suggested that the list of people who have passed away in the last year be scrolled on the screen at the beginning of the Council;

c) We reviewed the preliminary agenda and made appropriate adjustments;

d) After the meeting, Nancy will forward the invitation to the RC to all executive members for their comments before the final mailing to all members. She said that a clear statement should be added for those who do not show up, after registering for the RC, with possible consequences.                                                                   (follow-up: Nancy)


11) Varia:

a) The Steward Council is scheduled for September 23 and 24 at the St-Hyacinthe Convention Center. Until then, we need to think about a potential speaker.

b) Vacancy of Hugo’s position:

Hugo informed us that he has accepted an acting appointment as a manager in his workplace. In doing so, he becomes temporarily excluded from the union and must suspend his union activities during this period. Its management mandate will be for a minimum of 4 months and a maximum of 8 months.

During this period, we rule that Réjean will act as vice-president of the Region. However, we have decided not to fill his position on the regional executive at this time.

We wish him the best of luck in his new position and hope to see him again.


 12. Roundtable:

a) Réjean mentioned that he received a communication from Sylvie D’Alcantara regarding the payment of the LICC (late implementation of collective agreements). Active employees received their payment in the fall of 2021, but some retirees have yet to receive anything for what they are owed. In his department’s retiree group, half of the members have not received their official payment due by March 2, 2022.

Réjean asked the members present if they had received any comments along these lines from retirees in their department or agency. No one has heard of this problem. Pierre will bring the topic to the table at his next BOD with his national colleagues.                     (follow-up: Pierre)


 13. Date of the next meeting:

The next executive meeting will be held on May 26, 2022, prior to the RC. If necessary, a short Zoom meeting could be held in the meantime.


 14. Closing remarks and adjournment of the meeting:

Pierre thanked everyone for their participation and the meeting was adjourned.