Ontario Regional Executive
September 6, 7, 2018

1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and
9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Members (Present)

Peter Gilkinson, Regional Director and ORE Chair, and Labour day parade co-ordinator
Din Kamaldin, ORE Vice-Chair, and Labour day parade co-ordinator
John G. Purdie – Ontario Regional Council Chair & Branch Liaison and Newsletter Editor and the Chair Resolution sub-committee
Linda Joly – Branch Liaison
Tom Yantsis – Ontario Region Treasurer
Christopher P. L'Estrange – Recording Secretary, Training Committee Recording Secretary and Event Co-ordinator
Judy Chow – Training Committee Member & Lead Social Media Manager
Peter S. Jozsa – Steward Council Chair, and Training Committee Chair & Social Media Manager
Yvonne Snaddon – Training committee member, Branch Liaison and Newsletter Editor & Social Media Manager, Young Professionals liaison
Tim Azab – Legacy Foundation Champion and Ontario Regional Council Vice-Chair and Labour Day Parade co-ordinator
Dean Corda – Branch Liaison and Newsletter Editor, Training Committee Member & Social Media Manager, and resolution sub-committee member

Members (Absent)
Secretariat Christopher L’Estrange

Item # /Discussion Summary / Action Required / Completed Action

1. Call to order by the Chair
Motion to begin the meeting promptly at 9:00 am
Moved by: Chris L’Estrange
Seconded by: Linda Joly
Motion Carried

2. Approval of Agenda
Discussion regarding the agenda.
Motion to approve the meeting agenda.
Moved by: Peter Gilkinson
Seconded by: John Purdie
Motion Carried

3. Approval the May 2018 Minutes
Motion to approve the meeting minutes.
Moved by: Peter Gilkinson
Seconded by: Linda Joly
Motion Carried

4. Items arising from the previous minutes
Chris went through the May 9, 2018 minutes to highlight action items as follows:

3. Action Items arising from May 2018 ORE minutes

  •  Pete J - Ontario Region Recognition Award to a Branch at the ORC. This will be planned starting in 2019. The Branch President’s may be invited to provide input. We hope to gather ideas by Doodlepole to identify the criteria of selection of a Branch. We can discuss this further tomorrow.
    Completed Action Pete J
  •  Yvonne - AGM Liaison – Murphy Room update re the 2018 PIPSC AGM. The Retired Members Guild has extended their offer to share a room. For discussion. Yvonne explained that this part of the AGM discussion she has planned for later in the agenda. Yvonne said we can discuss this later in this meeting.
    Completed Action Yvonne
  •  Yvonne – Update re planned Ontario Events for 2018 PIPSC AGM.
    Completed Action Yvonne
  •  Pete Jozsa to talk with Heather to arrange the meeting and the Christmas appreciation of PIPSC staff at the Grand Hotel for the date of Nov 30/Dec1 which was decided for the event based on ORE availability.
    Completed Action Pete
  •  Tom to get back to Pete regarding the swag for the 2018 Steward’s Council. Ongoing. 192 items are here and ready.
    Completed Action Tom
  •  Tom to look at prize ideas for the fundraising table at the PIPSC AGM. Delegates will purchase tickets to put in a jar beside the prize they choose. We need something to attract tickets. The funds raised will go to the legacy cup.
    Action Required Tom

There was a reconsideration made regarding the previous meeting minutes which were approved at this meeting. Peter advised that to amend them we must vote to reconsider them.

Motion to reconsider the prior minutes.

Motion to reconsider the May ORE meeting minutes.
Moved by: Din Kamaldin
Seconded by: John Purdie
Motion Carried

Minutes were amended.

Motion to approve the revised meeting minutes.
Moved by: Peter Gilkinson
Seconded by: Linda Joly
Motion Carried

  •  Chris L’Estrange to submit two resolutions to the BLPC for changing the wording of the PIPSC by-law 11.1.6 to “plus 3” from “plus 2”. And for changes to the Ontario Region by-laws to be consistent with the PIPSC by-laws.
    Completed Action Tom
  •  For planning on 2019 ORC: The Young Professional committees presence at the 2018 ORC was very worthwhile. We are interested in doing this again and extending delegate status – funding permitted. This is financially technical.
  •  Tom to source trophies for Branch of the Year. Done. The cup was purchased.

Motion to name the trophy “The Hunder Cup” in both official languages.

Moved by: Peter Gilkinson
Seconded by: John Purdie
Motion Carried

John suggested a member of the Hunder family present the trophy.

Amended Motion to invite a representative of the Hunder family to present the trophy at the ORC.
Moved by: Peter Gilkinson
Seconded by: Linda Joly

Due to costs Peter Gilkinson commended John’s suggestion. However Peter presented a compromise and put forward an amended motion.

Amended motion put forward:

That it be the inaugural year only.

Motion to invite a representative of the Hunder family to present the trophy at the inaugural ORC.

Moved by: Peter Gilkinson
Seconded by: Linda Joly
Motion Carried

  •  Tom to work with Pete on ordering swag for the OSC at $XX per attending steward at the council.

Completed Action Tom

  •  Tom - The Ontario Region authorize $500 for the Young Professional Committee to provide survey prizing in the event that alternate funding is not made available from PIPSC.
    Completed Action Tom
  •  Pete Jozsa to prepare an email to Branch Liaison’s regarding the Legacy Cup and compile a list of all sub-group presidents for use by the Branch Liaison.
    Action Required Pete
  •  Tom to write a cheque to Legacy cup for $1,000 from Ontario Region.
    Completed Action Tom
  •  Peter G – Murphy Room update re the 2018 PIPSC AGM – Peter’s email to Julie Feb 26.
    Completed Action Peter G
  •  Yvonne – Update re planned Ontario Events for 2018 PIPSC AGM. Deferred to later in the meeting.
    Completed Action Yvonne
  •  Peter G – Duties of VP for the by-laws to be brought to the ORE September Meeting.
    Completed Action Peter G
  •  Judy and Pete J – QR code for Facebook – Deferred to later in the meeting.
  •  Yvonne – Youth delegates to the ORC – letters of acceptance etc. Ongoing.
    Action Required Yvonne
  •  Dean, Pete and Judy – presentation re the google drive.
    Completed Action Done

5. Committee Reports
Treasurer Report:
Tom presented his report.

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report
Moved by: Linda Joly
Seconded by: Dean Corda
Motion Carried

Branch Liaison Report:

Yvonne has been trying to arrange a teleconference. It’s been challenging because of the summer schedules.

Legacy Cup report: Tim Azab

Debi is in charge of the Legacy Foundation.

Tim has prepared a presentation for the OSC tomorrow. He would like to communicate the methods of donating and the positive reasons why you should donate.

We discussed the $500 to purchased a prize for the table at the 2018 PIPSC AGM. Tom will purchase one prize for the table at a cap of $500. Please refer to the April 2018 minutes for any further clarification and for the motion that was passed at that time.

Regional Training Committee:
Our Regional committee meeting this morning was very productive.

Marcia attended by teleconference. She will look into the logistics with resources (staff) – at this point we do have the resources to provide 4 courses which require 8 EROs. However, some of those 8 EROs are the same people because they can rotate out.

A new course we are looking at in Ontario is a National PIPSC training course for local union executive called Leadership and Executive training.

We are also looking at Nutrition and Meditation as topics.

We are also going to prepare a survey to involve the Stewards in the topics we present to them.

TEC Report:

Steward Colloquium; a biannual conference in the Spring. We plan for 150 stewards from Ontario.

Ontario has approximately 300 stewards so that would be a good representation of our steward population.

We have 10 lunch and learn trainers lined up to deliver 1 hour training to members on Pensions and benefits. There was a training teleconference arranged in August which was not successful and a follow up is to be arranged.

It’s expected that each trainer will deliver 2 or 3 sessions per year.


The new email system was poorly rolled out from the standpoint of users.

There is a list of new IT projects at PIPSC.

They are looking someone to fill a need for experience with G-Suite and Cloud.

The new website has caused some frustration with members who have given feedback about difficulties to find things on the new website.

We are moving to Nation Builder.

Microsoft 365 is on hold. G-Suite is the current plan, and we have been moved to that. Everyone is in the learning and growing stage of the switch to G-Suite.

Communications Committee Report – Judy Chow

Judy updated the ORE on the FB page. We have identified all the current participants. Our numbers have gone up to 400. We have excluded some because they didn’t join properly.

If content doesn’t match our beliefs we remove it.

Peter added that our numbers are looking very good. He encouraged inviting people to join. They should be Ontario PIPSC Members.

PIPSC members have invited other members who post on another site. Our committee denied these.


Ontario is looking good. They just finished training on Parliamentary procedure.

They have gone through all the AGM resolutions and they are ready to go.

Finance Committee

The next Finance Committee meeting is September 10.

The last meeting was in June.

The committee changed how they approve budgets going forward. We should be aware of the costs of our events. At this point we don’t have actuals.

Our treasurers’ budget should be prepared and submitted directly to PIPSC in April going forward. With no budget we would get last years budget or last years actuals.

Tim had a good point that a business case should be submitted with a budget to Finance with the explanation or the reason(s) if we used less than the budgeted amount in the year finance uses to base the funding on. He gave an example that for reasons outside our control we may not use the entire budget in a given year which would possible affect the next budget. In order that this one-off cause not affect the next years budget the reasons should be provided with our request so that the Finance Committee can have the information before making their decision.

Peter also gave some information from the BofD level.

Young Professionals Committee:
Ryan is the chair. The next meeting is this month. A survey will be prepared for Youth members to complete.
The Atlantic Region survey results have been posted and we will use these to compare with the results we receive in Ontario to a survey we’ll be creating for our Youth.
The call out for members said that they would “normally be under 40” and we have some that have either just aged out or are about to. The decision was made to let them complete their term.
Our Ontario YPC is working closely with the National YPC.
We are also looking to have a page on the PIPSC website.
A work plan and a budget is in process. The budget has been submitted but not yet approve by the Finance committee.
They won’t be attending the AGM as they did last year. However, if any members are situated close to the AGM and wish to attend as observers we will see if we can accommodate them.
At the first meeting they established a terms of reference and mandate. The funding was through the BofD. The mandate was actually adopted from the Atlantic Region Mandate.

Are all regions using same information? Suggestion to use Atlantic as a template. Yvonne to touch base with Sean to ensure consistency across the country.

Steward Council and ORC- comments from YPC- enjoy healthy activities, offer beverages and activities to draw youth to the union. Yvonne to share some ideas discussed at the Education committee to seek feedback and ideas that we can incorporate into steward and regional councils. Games, activities, foods and beverages. Music and jam nights!

Regional Resolutions Committee:

Linda updated the ORE on the issues of this committee.

Collective agreements have language. The employers are in some cases not following the collective agreement. Our focus is on how the employer treats our members.

Nurses for instance have professional standards which they must adhere to. These come first in their opinion. In some cases these may be in conflict with what the employer is expecting. This is just a general illustration to show what the professional demands may involve. This can cause stress to our members.

Human Rights Committee:

We are pushing to have all the offices across the Country have First Nations Training delivered.

Election Committee:

They have reviewed the bios and the video of the candidates in the upcoming elections.

6. 2018 Ontario Steward Council – Pete Jozsa
Pete Jozsa discussed the final agenda for the OSC.

Steward of the Year:
We reviewed the submissions for the award.
A general and detailed discussion of the submissions ensued.

Karon Miles was selected as the 2018 Steward of the Year.

Peter Gilkinson will deliver a speech at the Steward Conference per the agenda.

The meeting was adjourned until tomorrow morning. 5:15 pm

The meeting resumed Friday morning. 9:00 am

Peter continued with the OSC agenda which is posted to the PIPSC website under the Ontario Region events folder.

7.New Items
Peter has some tee-shirts left from the Labour Day parade and asked if we have any ideas. He bought 170 and they handed out 70 so probably 100 remaining.

Pete J suggested giving them to the Branch Presidents.

2019 Ontario Regional Council – John Purdie:

John has a speaker – Theo Fleury - for the ORC. He wanted to check with the Regional Executive to gather input.

That weekend of the ORC is open on his schedule and we have our name tentatively in that slot.
Mr. Fleury has a price structure for his presentation and the proceeds go to his Foundation.

The theme is along the lines of Mental Health and deals with the topic of sexual abuse and the misuse of authority and power.

John showed a short video of the speaker for our consideration as a sample of the content of the material he would share at the ORC.

Linda also had an idea about an indigenous session involving a blanket to educate our members on the treatment of indigenous peoples in history. The cost is minimal.

We need to vote to decide what direction we prefer to go in.

Motion: To pursue the Theo Fleury Foundation as the keynote speaker for the 2019 ORC.

Moved: John Purdie
Seconded: Tom Yantsis

Motion: To pursue the Kairos Blanket Exercise as the keynote speaker for the 2019 ORC.

Moved: Linda Joly
Seconded: Tom Yantsis

The ORE wishes to pursue both of these ideas.

Linda also asks that at one of our events we provide an orange tee-shirt to delegates in support of indigenous day on September 30.

Button Maker – Steward Engagement – Judy:

Judy is requesting a button maker. It has a cost which is undefined at the moment but probably $500 or a little more including the supplies.

The buttons can be used for engagement and team building. One idea is to issue random named buttons at large Ontario Region events, and the recipient should network to find the person named on their button and introduce themselves and swap the button.

Another idea is to make buttons with titles “Branch President” or “Branch Secretary” etc so people will have a conversation starter at large Ontario Region events.

Everyone liked the idea, and Din asked that Judy gather a cost and bring more information to the ORE.

Action Item: Judy to price out this button maker and bring it back to the ORE for further consideration.
Action Required Judy Chow


At our leadership training session this summer, we had a team building with a facilitator and chose three descriptive phrases of what makes us a team – Hardworking, Integrity and Cohesive were the terms we all chose to describe our teams most important phrases.

Judy feels there are ways we can focus on these three factors to build our own strengths as a team.

Good reminder for us all that we have to focus as a group and a team.

The role pf the Event Co-ordinator:

We discussed the role of this position. Chris will continue handling both the events (PIPSC AGM) and hospitality at both events (ORC and OSC). We will discuss this more at the November 30, 2018 ORE meeting.

PIPSC AGM planning - the Ontario Region:

Yvonne has good information and addressed this topic for us.

There are four Ontario Region observers going to the AGM. Their respective Branch will send them and the OR will assist financially the Branches to an approved maximum amount of funding per prior minutes.

Hospitality – Chris will work with Yvonne and Peter on the planning of the hospitality.
Yvonne has an email ready to go out to the Delegates and Observers from Ontario to remind them to sign up on the Facebook page because that’s how we will communicate with them.

We will host an Ontario breakfast for the Ontario Delegates and that means that they won’t be able to claim the per diem for breakfast on the Saturday morning.

Ontario has 27 delegates.

Peter would like to invite all the delegates and their families to join us at a restaurant on the Thursday night however they would pay for their own costs as they receive a per diem.

Swag was discussed. Ideas were shared. Shirts were a common thought. PIPSC Blue. Tom asked that we email our ideas to him.

Yvonne is a smart serve certified. She would like to put a motion on the floor that when we have hospitality we don’t have hard liquor available, only wine, beer etc.

Motion: That the Ontario Region not provide hard liquor at any hospitality events.

Moved: Yvonne
Seconded: Pete

8 Director’s Report
Director’s Report:

Peter Gilkinson presented his report.
There were no questions.

9. Round Table
Great meeting. Peter Gilkinson

10. Meeting adjourned at 12:06 pm
Peter Gilkinson thanked the executive for a productive meeting.