Ontario Regional Executive
April 4, 2019
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Members (Present)
Peter Gilkinson, Regional Director and ORE Chair, and Labour day parade co-ordinator
Din Kamaldin, ORE Vice-Chair, and Labour day parade co-ordinator
John G. Purdie – Ontario Regional Council Chair & Branch Liaison and the Chair Resolution sub-committee
Linda Joly – Branch Liaison
Christopher P. L'Estrange – Recording Secretary, Training Committee Recording Secretary and Event Co-ordinator
Judy Chow – Training Committee Member & Lead Social Media Manager
Peter S. Jozsa – Steward Council Chair, and Training Committee Chair & Social Media Manager
Yvonne Snaddon – Training committee member, Branch Liaison and Newsletter Editor & Social Media Manager, Young Professionals liaison
Tim Azab – Legacy Foundation Champion and Ontario Regional Council Vice-Chair and Labour Day Parade co-ordinator
Tom Yantsis, Ontario Region Treasurer
Members (Absent)
Christopher L’Estrange
Item # / Discussion Summary / Action Required / Completed Action
1. Call to order by the Chair
Motion to begin the meeting promptly at 9:00 am
Moved by: Tim Azab
Seconded by: Judy Chow
Motion Carried
2.Approval of Agenda
Discussion regarding the agenda.
Motion to approve the meeting agenda.
Moved by: Peter Gilkinson
Seconded by: Tim Azab
Motion Carried
3.Approval the February 2019 Minutes
Motion to approve the meeting minutes.
Moved by: Tim Azab
Seconded by: Peter Gilkinson
Motion Carried
4.Items arising from the previous minutes
Chris went through the February 2019 minutes to highlight action items as follows:
Action Items
- Judy to price out the button maker and bring it back to the ORE for further consideration.
Action Required Judy - 2019 Federal Election Strategy – from BOD meeting – Peter G. See Director’s Report at the end of this report.
Completed Action Peter - Chris to contact PIPSC National to ask how many Ontario Delegates will attend PIPSC AGM – See AGM update (Yvonne).
Completed Action Chris - Yvonne to write a resolution for the ORC regarding having a seat on the ORE designated for Youth should a person run for a position who qualifies as such. Deferred to 2020 ORC.
Completed Action Yvonne
Chris to let Heather know Peter Gilkinson would be contacting the Hunder family to invite them to the ORC. This was not followed up for this ORC unfortunately and is tabled to 2020 ORC.
Completed Action Chris and Peter
- Branch of the Year – Branch liaison to contact Branch Presidents and select a winner for the Hunder cup. 2019 winning Branch is Hamilton Burlington Branch.
Completed Action Branch Liaison
Motion: The Hunder Cup is to be displayed at the PIPSC Regional office and brought to the ORC and the OSC with the winning Branch receiving a certificate.
First: Pete Jozsa
Seconded: John Purdie
- Pete Jozsa to contact Doug Mason to get his consent regarding the Tax Fairness speaker at OSC.
Completed Action Pete J
- Chris to organize a rally for the OSC.
Action Required Chris
5.ORC – John Purdie
a) Preparations;
- Final Agenda
Some slight changes involving the breakout. John has arranged for the book signing to be when the delegates are Registering. - Elections
John reminded the election committee that the observers will not have voting privileges.
There was a Resolution at an ORE meeting in 2015 which was to only allow two members of any particular Branch to stand on the Ontario Executive at any one time.
We discussed this issue and John Purdie who sits on the BLPC explained that these would have to go to the Board for approval.
Motion: For the ORE to honor the resolution passed at the 2015 ORC that no more than two members from any particular Branch will be allowed to sit on the ORE at any one time.
First: Yvonne Snaddon
Seconded: Judy Chow
Motion Withdrawn
Motion: For the ORE to advise the ORC that the resolution passed at the 2015 ORC that no more than two members from any particular Branch will be allowed to sit on the ORE at any one time is not in effect until the ORE sends it to the BOD and is subsequently approved by the Board. Therefore there is currently no restriction on the number of members from a particular Branch sitting on the Executive.
First: Yvonne Snaddon
Seconded: John Purdie
Amended Motion: For the ORE to advise the ORC “that the resolution passed at the 2015 ORC that no more than two members from any particular Branch will be allowed to sit on the ORE at any one time is not in effect until the ORE sends it to the BOD and is subsequently approved by the Board. Therefore there is currently no restriction on the number of members from a particular Branch sitting on the Executive.”
Quotation marks were added.
First: Judy Chow
Seconded: Yvonne Snaddon
Back to the original motion:
Motion: For the ORE to advise the ORC that the resolution passed at the 2015 ORC that no more than two members from any particular Branch will be allowed to sit on the ORE at any one time is not in effect until the ORE sends it to the BOD and is subsequently approved by the Board. Therefore, there is currently no restriction on the number of members from a particular Branch sitting on the Executive.
First: Yvonne Snaddon
Seconded: John Purdie
- Hunder Cup
- Branch President’s meeting
- Hospitality room 435 – Chris
The hospitality will be open from 9 pm on Thursday and the hospitality on Friday will be in another room from 7 pm.
- Roles of the executive at the 2019 ORC – John
- Resolutions Role Play – per agenda Saturday
It was considered a good idea to do this again. It was well received when it was done previously. John asks that the ORE all help out with the role play – John has arranged to have Hershey Kisses and M&M’s as we did last time.
- Swag – Tom
The book is to be given out. Our guest speaker will be available to sign the book.
- Seat allocation formula
Discussion regarding our Ontario Region by-laws:
5.5 Delegates to the Ontario Regional Council shall be comprised of a minimum of one (1) delegate for each one hundred (100) members and a maximum of one (1) delegate for each fifty (50) members as of the 31st of December, rounded to the nearest one hundred (100). Wherever possible, each Branch shall be represented by at least one (1) delegate. The members of the Regional Executive shall be ex-officio delegates to the Regional Council. The remaining delegates shall be allocated in proportion to Branch populations.
We passed a resolution at the 2018 ORC that every 2 years, Branches who are only allotted 1 delegate be given the opportunity to have a second member participate at the ORC as an observer sponsored by the Region.
However, the by-laws have not yet been updated. There was confusion whether this resolution was meant to be a by-law change.
The NCR recently changed their by-laws as follows:
6.2 Composition (CHANGED)
The National Capital Regional Council shall comprise of one (1) delegate for each hundred (100) members in the NCR as of the 31st of December, rounded to the nearest hundred (100), plus the members of the Executive. Delegates of the NCR Council shall include:
- the NCR Executive
- a minimum of 1 delegate from each Branch, where such Branches are in operation
- a minimum of 1 delegate from the NCR Chapter of the Retired Members Guild
- members as chosen by the NCR Executive from active members in the NCR
We are considering putting a by-law change resolution on the floor of the 2019 ORC to change the allocation to allow the smaller branches to bring at least 2 delegates rather than at least 1 delegate to the ORC. We the ORE feel this would be a better option for the smaller branches than allowing observers from the smaller branches per last year’s resolution at the ORC. This means the attendees would be full delegates. It is our intention to have these members be delegates rather than observers; not additional to observers. We also considered the fact that observers are funded by the Region while delegates are funded by PIPSC.
The change we propose is as follows:
5.5 Delegates to the Ontario Regional Council shall be comprised of a minimum of one (1) delegate for each one hundred (100) members and a maximum of one (1) delegate for each fifty (50) members as of the 31st of December, rounded to the nearest one hundred (100). Wherever possible, each Branch shall be represented by at least one (1) (2) delegate(s). The members of the Regional Executive shall be ex-officio delegates to the Regional Council. The remaining delegates shall be allocated in proportion to Branch populations.
For clarification Peter Gilkinson asked for a vote of whether the ORE has a will to propose a discussion toward changing the above by-law in any way at this meeting. If yes we will discuss the merit.
Vote was carried.
We will discuss amending the by-law 5.5 of the Ontario Region by-laws.
We discussed the resolution and decided on the wording. Yvonne will forward the complete resolution to the ORE.
Motion to present a late resolution to the 2019 ORC.
First: Chris L’Estrange
Seconded: Din Kamaldin
As a second part of this resolution
Whereas the current proposed resolution with changes to 5.5 ensures assistance to smaller branches as per the intent of the resolution passed at the 2018 ORC - to fund observers at the ORC;
Whereas the proposed resolution with changes ensures that these attendees become funded delegates,
Therefore be it resolved;
That resolution # 1 - Sioux Lookout Branch presented at the 2018 Ontario Regional Council be rescinded.
Motion to present a late resolution to the 2019 ORC.
First: Peter Gilkinson
Seconded: Tom Yantsis
6.Agenda Submissions
OSC 2019 – Pete Jozsa
We will discuss this in more detail at our June ORE. The topic is “activism”.
Our breakout room discussions be around this subject.
Yoga will be hosted by Yvonne. A gift yoga mat will be given to each of the yoga participants up to the maximum of 50.
100th anniversary of the Winnipeg strike. We will also give the PIPSC 100th anniversary book as swag.
There is a dinner at the OSC. The hospitality room is huge and has a nice view of the city.
PIPSC AGM 2019 – Yvonne
- Youth Symposium
- Ontario Region Delegates Breakfast
- Other ideas re the AGM
We have 39 seats for the Ontario Region at the PIPSC AGM.
Delegate allotment at the National AGM
The allotment for the Ontario Region delegates to the PIPSC National AGM be allocated as follows;
1. One delegate seat to each member of the Ontario Regional Executive
2. One delegate seat reserved for a member of the Ontario Young Professional committee as
identified by the Ontario Regional Executive.
3. Each Branch shall be allocated one (1) delegate seat
4. The remaining delegate seats shall be allocated one (1) additional delegate seat to the Branch
with the highest population on a descending basis.
This motion was discussed and compared with our current policy and apart from a seat to the Youth delegate. We found that the Youth delegate is covered by a policy and the allocation above is consistent with our allocation formula. As such there was no need for a motion on this subject.
Murphy Room – Peter Gilkinson is working on getting the room this year.
Executive Leadership Training May 3 - 4 – Pete J
This will a co-facilitation between the ORE and the EROs. This is to be presented to the Branch Presidents.
Broadbent / CLC / PIPSC meet the MP / seats etc
These are productive and we should have the dates available ahead of time so that we can prepare and plan.
The CLC is May 2019.
Newsletter – Pete J
RCMP Steward Feedback on Steward Training – kudo’s to Pete
We have welcomed the RCMP to PIPSC. Some Stewards have signed up and received training. The feedback was very positive and others have now signed up for steward training as well.
7.Committee Reports
Treasurer Report:
We received the Treasurer’s report. The allotment will be coming from PIPSC in the near future. We have sufficient funds with what we have now plus our allotment to carry us through the end of our year.
Tom attended the PIPSC Finance Committee meeting and went over financials. These meetings are scheduled quarterly.
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report.
First: Tim Azab
Second: John Purdie
Branch Liaison Report:
The Branch President’s meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.
The newsletter is ready and will be sent out tomorrow.
The Hunder Cup will be presented at the ORC and a certificate presented to and retained by the Branch.
Motion to approve $40 to buy a frame for the certificate.
First: Pete Jozsa
Seconded: Tom Yantsis
Legacy Cup report: Tim Azab
Nothing to report.
Regional Training Committee:
Submitted to PIPSC.
Communications Committee Report – Judy Chow
219 members on Facebook. Very active with 135 views per some posts.
Updates to By-laws:
Very busy right now with updates to the Branch by-laws.
8.Director’s Report
Director’s Report:
Peter Gilkinson presented his report.
There were no questions.
9.Round Table
Yvonne put in a budget request to the EC for a Young Professionals meeting.
Din had an update regarding a Federal Black Employee Symposium in February 2019. It was focused on an Anti-Black racism prevalent in the Federal Government.
There were 50 attendees in Ottawa.
Din had planned a meeting with Minister Philpott and now she is no longer with Treasury Board. He will follow up with the person who takes over from her.
Peter Gilkinson explained that there are more candidates for the elections this year than spaces available, and he wished everyone luck.
9.Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm
Motion to adjourn at 6:10 pm
First: Tim Azab
Seconded: Pete Jozsa
Peter Gilkinson thanked the executive for a productive meeting.