Ontario Region Strategic Planning Meeting - June 4, 2022 - Rocky Crest

Present: J. Purdie, C. L’Estrange, J. Chow, T. Yantsis, A. Stone, P. Tsuji, D. Kamaldin, R. Kaura, T, Zaharapoulos, B. Brawley

Regrets: None

The meeting was called to order at 9:14 a.m. 

1. Opening remarks

Director acknowledged land usage.  The Regional Office Manager’s Report will be given by Marcia about 10:45 am.

2. Approval of the Agenda

The Agenda was approved. Consensus

3. Disclosure of pecuniary interests

No disclosures of pecuniary interests.  

4. Approval of the Minutes

The Minutes were approved.   Consensus

Analysis of previous Minutes Action: Bylaw

5. Tracking Report

Explanation that the Tracking Report is used to update action items from previous meetings.  Once an action item is marked completed, it is bolded and listed at the bottom of the Tracking Report and will appear in the tracking Report at the next meeting and will be removed for the next meeting.

MOTION that Director to follow up before September 17, 2022, with Stuart and if unable to contact then Mohsen should be contacted and if unable to contact than Rachit would be the third choice.

Moved: Tom Yantsis

Seconded: Tom Zaharopoulos Carried

Young Professionals Liaison to follow up with Yvonne Action: Kaura

Allocated Official Language issue to Jeremy at the May 12, 2022 meeting to develop a policy.  A new Bylaw was completed so policy no longer required.

6. Treasurer’s report - Yantsis

Treasurer gave an update on our financial position in his Treasurer’s report.  The budget is for a calendar year and hospitality is already factored into the budget.  We had a discussion about ORE Swag

MOTION to accept the Treasurers report.

Moved: Chris L’Estrange

Seconded: Anthony Stone Carried

Secretary to Update the ORE Contact List Action: Tsuji

Director to follow up with the BOD about the Labour Day and Pride Parade budget ` Action: Purdie

Director to get information on the Ontario Federation of Labour Action: Purdie

7. Regional Office Manager’s report - Kredenster

The Office Manager will always be invited to the ORE meetings.  The hot issue is the mandatory Vaccination Policy grievance and the associated Individual grievances.  Individual grievances were based on religious and Infringement of privacy Rights with the government presenting boiler plate denials for religious reasons.  New grievances put in abeyance until the Policy grievance is resolved.

Maeve Sullivan went on leave unexpectedly so other ERO’s needed to help cover her work load.  Marcia is also involved with ERO work which is permitted in Ontario but not the NCR region because of specific wording in the legislation.   There are plans to get a Term ERO in the long term.  Marcia met with the Training Chair to discuss training and the ERO’s.

Marcia made a suggestion to work on Succession Planning from an Operational perspective. 

8. ORE Committees

a) Training Committee

Discussion whether to have hybrid or in-person format for basic steward training and labour school.

MOTION to have in person for basic and labour school training until a hybrid format is developed.

Moved: Tom Zaharopoulos

Seconded: Tom Yantsis Carried

Discussion whether there were minutes for the Training Committee meetings and whether there should be minutes for the Training Committee.

Former secretary to forward Training minutes to the current Chair of the Training Committee Action: L’Estrange

MOTION to have all the ORE Committees take minutes and/or report orally to the ORE.

Moved: Paul Tsuji

Seconded: Anthony Stone Carried

There were no other updates for any of the other ORE Committees

9. Regional Council

Discussion whether needs to have a kid friendly location for work life balance.  Discussion about the feedback the ORE receives about the previous ORE

Director to put delegate feedback on the Google Drive once he receives it from Heather. 

 Action: Purdie

Discussion whether to have a bare bones hospitality.  There was some concern about someone drinking excessively and whether Smart Serve was needed.  Discussion that delegates were expected to have a separate dinner and that hospitality was to be finger food platters only.

Hospitality Chair to reach out to the appropriate persons with a questionnaire for hospitality planning and send results to Heather. Action: Stone

Need to make a decision for the 2024 ORC.  We need a location which can support the 99 delegates and the 11 ORE.  We considered the J.W. Marriott (Lake Rouseau), Blue Mountain (Collingwood) and the Fern Resort.  The prices presented are only valid for a short period of time.

MOTION to make the decision between two locations other than the Fern Resort.

Moved: Tom Yantsis

Seconded: John Purdie Carried 

MOTION to have the 2024 ORC at the Blue Mountain Resort.

Moved: Tom Zaharopoulos

Seconded: John Purdie Carried

Secretary to send Fedora and CC Stephanie Frechette the passed resolutions and request the BLPC vet the Strike Fund resolution. Action: Tsuji

10. Steward Council

A request was made to see a current copy of the contract for the OSC.  Receptions need to be booked for a three hour window.  Generally, if there are over 25 people then we need to use their facilities

OSC Chair to find out the hours for the reception at the OSC. 

Action: Zaharopoulos

MOTION to have the hours of 8:00 – 11:00 for the reception on Friday and no hospitality suite.

Moved: Bridget Brawley

Seconded: Anthony Stone Carried

MOTION to have reception on Saturday.

Moved John Purdie

Seconded: Chris L’Estrange Defeated

MOTION to have formal Regional hospitality 8:00 – 11:00 on Saturday night.

Moved: Anthony Stone

Seconded: Tom Yantsis Carried

11. Director’s report

The interim C.O.O. for PIPSC’s is Simon Ferrand.  The Director commented that the new Board of Directors is operating effectively. 

12. New business


Discussion whether to have a Caucus and whether ORE should hold a hospitality suite at the PIPSC AGM.  The Ontario delegates should be voting based on region instead of sub-group.

MOTION to have a caucus at the PIPSC’s AGM

Moved: John Purdie

Seconded: Anthony Stone Carried

MOTION to not have a hospitality event for the Ontario Region at the PIPSC AGM

Moved: Anthony Stone

Seconded: Bridget Brawley

AMENDED MOTION to not have a hospitality event for the Ontario Region on nights PIPSC’s holds a hospitality event

Moved: Chris L’Estrange

Seconded: Tom Yantsis

AMENDMENT TO AMENDED MOTION: Ontario to host a hospitality suite on Thursday or Friday if PIPSC does not hold a hospitality suite those two nights

Moved: Bridget Brawley

Seconded: Judy Chow Amendment Carried 

MOTION: Ontario to host a hospitality suite on Thursday or Friday if PIPSC does not hold a hospitality suite those two nights Defeated

b) Delegate Allotment

MOTION to allocate the delegate seats for the PIPSC AGM using the current formula.

Moved: John Purdie

Seconded: Bridget Brawley  

AMENDED MOTION to amend the current formula to allocate the delegate seats for the PIPSC AGM.

Moved: Judy Chow

Seconded: Chris L’Estrange Amendment Failed

I do not have any notation in my notes to indicate that we ever voted on the original motion to allocate the delegate seats for the PIPSC AGM using the current formula.

Branch Liaison, ASAP, to notify branches the number of delegate seats.  Branch presidents to communicate the information back to the Branch liaison who needs to forward the complete delegate list to PIPSC. Action: Chow

ORE Clothing orders to be submitted to Treasurer by June 30, 2022. Action: ALL

MOTION that ORE sponsor up to three observers to the 2022 PIPSC AGM and refund the branch up to $500 for each observer with the condition that the observers attend the AGM meeting on Friday and Saturday.

Moved: Chris L’Estrange

Seconded: Judy Chow Carried

C) ORE Vacancy

The Director brought forward two names for consideration of the vacant ORE position.  The ORE discussed the merits of both Tina MacDonald and Jennifer Stones

MOTION to appoint Tina MacDonald for the balance of Jeremy’s term.

Moved: John Purdie

Seconded: Tom Yantsis Carried

Director to communicate to the branch presidents of the resignation of Jeremy and appointment of Tina MacDonald pursuant to Bylaw. Action: Purdie

Treasurer to purchase Swag for OSC up to $30 per person.

Action: Yantsis

ORE to send Swag ideas for the ORC to the Treasurer by June 30, 2022. Action: ALL

d) Social Media Liaison

Anthony Stone agreed to assume the position with the stipulation that when he is on vacation he may not be able to access social media.

Branch Liaison to provide Social Media Liaison with admin access.

Action: Chow

e) Christmas Dinner

An attempt will be made to have staff at the Christmas dinner Consensus

f) Transfer of Assets

Former Hospitality Liaison to transfer cutting board to the new Hospitality Liaison. Action: L’Estrange

MOTION: there is no value to the former Secretary’s computer so no reimbursement is required

Moved: Tom Zaharopoulos

Seconded: Tom Yantsis Carried

The current Secretary stated that he does not need a new computer at this time.

Director to send contact information for Tina MacDonald for the ORE Contact list once she accepts the vacant position. Action: Purdie 

13. Round table

No items

14. Next Meeting

August 13, 2022, Fern Resort