The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada Atlantic Regional Executive Meeting Minutes

The Algonquin Resort, St. Andrews, NB – September 10, 2022 

CHAIRPERSON: Manny Costain 

EXECUTIVE: Jennifer Cantwell

Cathy Hebert

Gerald Hill

Carolyn Hynes

Kimberley Keats

Christine LeDrew

Kelly MacKinnon

Scott McConaghy

Mike Pauley

STAFF: Donna Davis, Recording Secretary

REGRETS: Yvonne O’Keefe

1. Welcome and Directors’ Opening Remarks 

Manny welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. The Land acknowledgment was read by Kelly MacKinnon.

2. Ice Breaker

Scott McConaghy proceeded with the ice breaker, Kimberley Keats will do the ice breaker for the October 19, 2022, meeting. 

3.   Agenda

Add Volunteer Spokesperson for Legacy Cup, AGM Delegates Gift, Atlantic Region Newsletter under New Business.

Motion #1 Cathy Hebert moved, and Carolyn Hynes seconded that the agenda be approved as amended.  CARRIED.

4.   Approval of Regional Executive Minutes

The minutes of May 26, 2022 were reviewed. 

Motion #2 Kelly MacKinnon moved; Christine LeDrew seconded that the minutes be approved as presented.  CARRIED

5.   Action Items Review

Manny reviewed the Action Items.

Action Items

Atlantic Regional Executive

    May 26, 2022– The Lord Nelson, Halifax, NS








Item/Completion Deadline






Christine, Carolyn and Jen

Finalize the deck and speaking notes on Health and Wellness and forward them to Catherine.







Mike, Scott

Complete the NB portion of the deck and speaking notes on OSH Basics and forward them to Catherine.








Bring the completed Lunch and Learn decks to TEAM Committee for review.








Send Christine Feedback Draw Winners.






Post the Feedback Draw winners to Facebook.






Add the Feedback Draw winner of the previous event to the facilitator’s speaking notes.






To rebook the virtual Atlantic Regional Steward Check-In for every two months. 





To book a Branch and Provincial Group President’s Virtual Check-In once each quarter. 





Scope out new properties for meetings, one suggestion was the Hilton Garden Inn, St. John’s, NL. 






Put together some guiding principles for creating the ARC delegate allotment list. 





To prepare notes on AGM Delegate allotment formula for future reference. 





To get quotes for Hilton Garden Inn in Fredericton and Mill River Resort in O’Leary, PEI





Put out a call for AYPC members in NB, members under 40.





To find out when the member’s term is up that they lost from NB.





To put out a call for AGM Delegates based on allotment.





To add more questions concerning food allergies and preferences on future registrations for events to accommodate members. 






Add the dates for the 2023/2024 Meetings to the Calendar of Events.






To bring Manny the AGM Chair covers at the next meeting.






To set up zoom meeting with new Executive.






To add Sub-Committees to the September meeting Agenda. 






To take the AYPC Sunday morning meeting suggestion to the committee and get back to the Executive. 







To send Donna the link for AYPC call-out terms.





Resolutions Committee

Put together an amendment to the Travel and Balancing Union Activity and Family Life Policy to include the Training School. 






To cancel Catered lunch for December.






To find the contact for the Steward/Executive of the year pictures and purchase 4.





There will no longer be a Sunday Executive Meeting after the Atlantic Regional Council, this will now be done via Zoom. 

The number of Executive/Steward of the Year pictures has been reduced to 4 (four), two for each year.  To be purchased from the Artist, Greg Murphy. 

The amendment to the Travel and Balancing Union Activity and Family Life Balance Policy to include the Training School Resolution has been brought forward to the new Resolutions Committee. 

Cathy has contacted the vendor for the Steward/Executive of the Year pictures and a picture will be made up for us to view before committing. 

Action: Jennifer to find a restaurant for the Executive/Staff Lunch at the December Executive Meeting. 

6.   Calendar of Events

Manny reviewed the Calendar of Events.  It has been decided to move the February 2023 Basic Steward Training to November 2022 and the Executive Training to February 2023. 

Action: Donna to change the dates of the November Training and switch Basic Steward Training to November 2022 and Executive Training to February 2023. 

7Regional Director’s Report

Manny advised that his Director’s Report is on the Google Drive for review, along with his Board of Director’s Report.  Manny advised that Eddie Gillis is no longer COO with PIPSC.  The COO Position has changed in name to COS (Chief of Staff) and is now being staffed by Simon Ferrand.  We have tragically lost Kal Sabhota, Regional Director of the BC/Yukon Region.  The Steward Check-In was held on July 20, 2022, with Max Way and Simon Davenport, with low participation.  The new AYPC group members have been selected and the Chair and Secretary will be selected at the October 21, 2022, meeting in conjunction with the Steward Council.  The AGM registration is well underway with everyone in the Atlantic having delegate seats, except for Kimberley Keats as Manny is of the impression, she is an observer. 

Motion# 3 Manny Costain moved, and Carolyn Hynes seconded approval of the Atlantic Regional Director’s Report.  CARRIED

8.  Training Committee Chairperson’s Report

Carolyn Hynes, Chair of the Training Committee, went over her report submitted on the google drive.  Carolyn has advised the Education Department has made the Executive Training Course Material a priority.  The next TEAM Meeting is September 19, 2022.  As discussed earlier, the Basic Steward Training will now be held in November and the Executive Training will be held in February 2023.

Motion# 4 Carolyn Hynes moved, and Cathy Hebert seconded the Training Committee Chairperson’s Report. CARRIED 

9. Financial Report

Gerald gave us an update on his Financial Reports.  There was some discussion and questions regarding the reports.  AGM gifts were discussed, and a decision was made to purchase sweatshirts.  Gerald mentioned we will use the same budget for 2023 as we used for 2022 which was approved at the 2022 Atlantic Regional Council.  The 2023 Budgets have been approved.  The next ARC we would need approval for the 2024 Budget. 

Action: Donna to pass along the number of Atlantic Region Members attending the AGM to Cathy. 

Action: Send out an email to the Atlantic AGM delegates asking for their sizes and if they would prefer sweatshirts with zippers or no zippers. 

10.   Committees of the Board Reports

a. Science Advisory Committee

b. By-Laws and Policies Committee

The Committees of the Board Reports were reviewed on google drive. 

Motion# 5 Cathy Hebert moved, and Gerald Hill seconded that the Committees of the Board reports be moved as presented. 

11.            Steward Council - Planning and Agenda Review

Chris Roach and Craig Bradley will be taking the 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm slot on Saturday, October 22, 2022.  They will be discussing Work Environment – The New Normal.  The start time of the Steward Council on Saturday, October 22, 2022, has been changed to 9:00 am.  We have secured Paul Huschilt as the Motivational Speaker. Manny Costain will be doing a Board of Director’s Update from 10:45 am to 12:00 noon on October 22, 2022.  The Steward Breakoff Groups all have speakers except the SH Group Breakoff.  NB Group Breakoff speakers will be Mike Pauley and Cheryl Owens-Carr.  Manny to do Other Group Breakoff as a speaker.  Kelly MacKinnon will do a presentation on the Legacy Foundation from 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday, October 22, 2022. 

Action:  Manny to follow up on who will be the SH Group Breakoff speaker.

a.    Charity – Moosehide Campaign Charitable Organization.

It has been decided the Moosehide Campaign Charitable Organization will be the charity for the Steward Council this year.  A Garmin Watch will be purchased as the gift we will sell tickets on at the Steward Council. 

Action:  Kelly MacKinnon to reach out to the Moosehide Campaign for information on how to make a charitable donation. 

Action: Donna to invite scholarship recipients to the Steward Council. 

New Business

b.    Regional Sub Committee – Assign Members – Atlantic Regional Executive Sub Committee members were assigned except for the Elections Committee which will be decided at the January Executive Meeting.

c. Executive/Steward of the Year Award – Painting or another gift chosen and purchased. Cathy has reached out to the Painting supplier and will investigate purchasing

d. Donation – Alice House – The check was dropped off and a picture was taken. 

e.    Volunteer Spokesperson for the Legacy Cup - Cathy Hebert has volunteered to be the spokesperson for the Legacy Cup. 

f. AGM Delegate Gift – a gift has been chosen, Cathy will contact the supplier for costs and design.   

g. Newsletter – It has been decided to do one Newsletter for the whole year. Articles for the Newsletter will be Calendar of Events, Moncton Branch Profile, Photos of charitable donations, Executive Director article, Training School, ARC, Charity article, AYPC, Awards, Steward Council, New Executive Member, and AGM. 

Action: To send Christine Newsletter articles. 

Action: Donna to add the Raffle Draw Tickets that Gerald created to a General Documents Folder under the Atlantic Regional Executive Google drive folder. 

13.   Round Table

Kimberley Keats found it hard sometimes to follow when people were talking about different agenda items not currently being discussed.  Kelly Mackinnon was wondering if anyone was on their local OSH Committee as she was having issues acquiring supplies for AED equipment. Jennifer was having issues with her employer regarding attending meetings as they have been understaffed. 

Motion# 6 Cathy Hebert moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 pm.