Hezhao Ji is a scientist who works to understand and combat HIV/AIDS resistance, a critical research area with life-saving implications for people infected with HIV/AIDS. As a boy growing up in China, he always wanted to be a scientist, so for him, the work he does every day is a dream come true. 

Hezhao taught microbiology and immunology for seven years in China, before coming to Canada in 2002 to complete his PhD in medical microbiology and infectious diseases. In 2007, he started working as a research scientist for the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

“Now I’m working in the national laboratory for HIV genetics, which is sort of a natural fit for me. I’m very happy to have the opportunity to continue my research career,” he says. “In my lab we do HIV drug resistance testing and we support research programs on HIV drug resistance.” 

During the COVID pandemic, Hezhao’s research has shifted to focus on SARS-COV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. His work on COVID-19 has been critical in helping to better understand the pandemic in Canada and how the virus evolves over time at a global level. His research serves all Canadians, and his work is an important part of the fight against HIV/AIDS and COVID-19.

“When you are infected with COVID, you want to know how effective a new drug may be, or how you can prevent new infections, how the virus changes over time, or how the vaccine is effective on new strains of the virus,” he says. “My research focus is relevant to those issues.” 

Hezhao is a scientist, but he is also a husband, a father and a hobbyist. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing, sports, badminton and small home renovations. These activities help him to relax and recharge outside of the lab.

Despite the demands of his work, Hezhao finds time for the things that matter to him. He is motivated by the difference his research can make in the lives of Canadians, and he is dedicated to his work as a scientist. 

As a PIPSC member, Hezhao finds comfort in the support PIPSC provides. He knows that the union is always fighting for fair collective agreements and an improved work environment. With the support of PIPSC, Hezhao can continue doing the life-saving work he was meant to do.

“I can see PIPSC is working hard to benefit our members. I believe that PIPSC is always there, helping us to get more scientific freedom, which is important for scientists.”

Hezhao is a strong advocate for science and believes that it is the key to solving many of the world’s problems. As we progress through the COVID-19 pandemic, Hezhao wants to stress the importance of science-based decision making.

“As a scientist, I hope the government will pay more attention to science, support science, and support science-based decision making,” he says.

He believes that science-based decision making will help us be better prepared for another pandemic in the future. Hezhao also believes that the government should invest more in science and technology. This will help us develop new ways to combat diseases and improve quality of life for Canadians.

He is most proud of how his work helps to progress the research area that he works in, and how it impacts his Canadian stakeholders. All of the work that Hezhao does serves Canadians in research and service. And PIPSC is here to defend the public science that we all count on.

“Being part of a union you feel safe … PIPSC is like our extended professional family,” he says.

We represent over 18,000 scientists, researchers and engineers just like Hezhao. Each of our members helps to protect Canadians in a unique way, whether it’s through supporting rail safety, or researching solutions for vaccines.

As our scientists, researchers and engineers work tirelessly to serve Canadians, we work to protect and defend them. Thanks to researchers like Hezhao, we are one step closer to living in a world without HIV/AIDS or COVID-19.

Ottawa, February 20, 2023 – Federal employees began their mandatory return to the office on January 16 . Since then, more than 1,100 public servants represented by the Professional Institute of the Public Service Canada (PIPSC) have reached out to their union looking for support as they navigate the challenges created by this “one-size fits all” government order.

The concerns raised by PIPSC members range from workplace safety, availability of office and basic equipment, network capacity, breach of work agreement, accommodation issues, before and after school child care availability, and more.

One major issue is that, in spite of having been issued a return-to-office order, many federal employees no longer have dedicated offices to return to. 

“As we feared, we are now living with the logistical nightmares created by this hastily-implemented policy. Many departments and agencies were wholly unprepared for the practical realities involved in this government order,” said PIPSC President Jennifer Carr. “As a result, some of our members are returning to buildings that are now doubling as construction sites. Others are having to bounce between various federal government co-working spaces, which often means staying up until midnight to secure a space close to home.”

These logistical problems are not only bad for morale, they are hindering federal employees’ abilities to keep the country’s most important institutions operating smoothly and productively. 

“The same people who built CERB from home are now wasting time every day setting up and taking down makeshift workstations in the cafeteria,” explained Carr. “Or they're trying to have crucial video meetings from buildings with unreliable Wi-Fi – often with team members on separate floors of the same building.” 

For workers who are parents, there is the additional challenge of suddenly needing before and after school care on a moment's notice – at a time when these types of programs are long-since booked solid. 

“Like all parents, I know the stress created by a last-minute childcare emergency,” added Carr. “Think of the panicked scrambling you have to do on a snow day – then imagine having to suddenly figure this out two to three days a week.”

It is time for the federal government to acknowledge that they made a mistake, sit down to consult with the people affected, and present a reasonable plan that works for employees while delivering the services Canadians rely on.

“We take no joy in having been right about what a mess this was going to be,” Carr concluded. “The good news is, it’s not too late to work together to build a better solution.” 

PIPSC represents over 72,000 public service professionals working for the federal government as well as some provincial departments and agencies. 


For more information: Johanne Fillion, 613-883-4900 (mobile), jfillion@pipsc.ca

McKinsey contracts: just the tip of the contracting-out iceberg

On January 30, 2023 PIPSC President Jennifer Carr, accompanied by Jordan McAuley, our specialist on outsourcing, testified before the House of Common Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates (OGGO) about the now-infamous McKinsey contracts awarded by the federal government.

Ottawa, February 7, 2023 – The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, on behalf of its Audit Financial and Scientific (AFS) Group members, has filed a bad faith bargaining complaint against the Canada Revenue Agency. The complaint concerns the Agency’s recent decision to impose a “one-size-fits-all” return to office edict rather than continue to negotiate telework at the bargaining table.

PIPSC members and the CRA have been in negotiations since October 2022, where telework has been established as a top priority for AFS members, and where PIPSC and the employer have both exchanged proposals on the issue. Yet at the January 17-19, 2023 bargaining meeting, the CRA said it no longer had any intention of including any telework language in the collective agreement.

“You cannot just remove a core issue from the table – which has been established as a top priority for members – and call it anything other than a bad faith maneuver,” said PIPSC President Jennifer Carr. “The CRA's about-face subverts what has already been accomplished at the table and delays or even prevents the conclusion of an agreement. Keep in mind this is the same government that promised a new era of collaboration with members of the public service – but has chosen again to shut the door on negotiating, in favour of imposing a wildly unpopular edict.”

The CRA expects all of its employees to return to the office for 2 days a week as opposed to continuing to telework on a mostly full time basis, as AFS members have been doing safely and productively since March 2020.

“Given our demonstrated dedication to Canadians, public service delivery, and our employer, it would be reasonable to assume that the CRA would be willing to recognize our rights to fair consideration in telework requests,” said AFS Group Bargaining Chair, Doug Mason.

The CRA’s edict mimics the Treasury Board's December directive – a “one-size-fits-all” approach to telework that PIPSC has opposed since it was announced.

“From the beginning, we’ve been clear that bulldozing through a directive like this in the middle of bargaining doesn’t bode well for good faith negotiations, and will cause more problems than it solves,” said Carr. “The proof is now in the pudding. We are looking to the government to stop barreling towards an unnecessary confrontation and bring this issue back to the table, where it belongs.”

“The pandemic forced governments to modernize labour practices, and these practices need to be embedded into employee contracts. It protects everyone. It’s just good labour practice.”

PIPSC represents over 70,000 members across Canada, and over 14,000 AFS members employed at the CRA.


For more information: Johanne Fillion, 613-883-4900 (mobile), jfillion@pipsc.ca

Op-ed — Return-to-office policy puts Canada's public servants at risk

Any return to office policy must “consider the nature of each department’s work and the services they provide to Canadians.” Those are Treasury Board President Mona Fortier’s own words, and we urge her to heed them, said presidents of PIPSC and CAPE in an opinion letter published in The Ottawa Citizen.

Jenn’s New Year’s Message to Members

The New Year is here and I want to take this opportunity to sincerely wish you all the very best in 2023. Our challenges can definitely lead to positive outcomes for our members.

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) demands a halt to the Treasury Board’s plans to mandate employees back to the office.

On Thursday, the Treasury Board announced plans to roll out a one-size-fits-all approach to return federal public servants to their offices for 2-3 days per week starting in January. This news comes despite previous commitments to continue consulting with unions and implement tailored plans for each department, and despite the triple threat of influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus filling up emergency rooms across the country.

“For over 2 years we’ve been saying that any return to office plan must have purpose, and prioritize employee productivity as well their health and safety. This plan has none of that: it’s poorly thought out, punitive and makes no sense whatsoever – and we’re not going to compromise on health and safety ” said PIPSC President Jennifer Carr.

“Today’s announcement is the total opposite of what the Treasury Board has been promising: a hybrid-by-design approach that takes into account the unique circumstances of federal public servants. They have completely ignored the design part and have instead chosen to bulldoze through a bad plan that sets themselves up for an unnecessary fight.”

Thousands of PIPSC members have already started bargaining their next collective agreements with the Treasury Board, where telework is on the table. “This doesn’t set the stage for good faith negotiations with the employer. With the holidays around the corner, the timing of this announcement also adds insult to injury."

PIPSC has been following the issue closely and continuing to solicit feedback from members on any return to workplace plan.

“Our members have proven throughout the past two-and-a-half years that they can and will continue to be productive and engaged no matter where they work from,” said Carr. “Public service professionals have gone above and beyond to deliver quality services to Canadians. Is this how the government thanks them for their commitment and hard work?”

PIPSC is continuing to advocate for safe, flexible return to workplace policies for all members. Members that are required to return to the workplace and have concerns should visit our website for more information on the options available to them.

With the triple threat of influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) filling emergency rooms and childrens’ hospitals throughout the country, PIPSC is reminding the Treasury Board to prioritize the health and safety of its workers. 

Last week, the Ottawa Citizen and Policy Options reported on plans to roll out a “one-size-fits-all” approach to return federal public servants to their offices. This news came despite current public health concerns and previous commitments to continue consulting with unions and implement tailored plans for each department.

As one of the Treasury Board’s largest bargaining agents, we were surprised to hear rumours that the Treasury Board was potentially bulldozing ahead with a one-size-fits-all plan for returning our members to their workplaces. The speculation was that a mandate of 2–3 days of in-office work would be required for all federal public service employees. 

The Treasury Board has since confirmed that no announcement is forthcoming. Nevertheless, it is concerning as it appears they were considering this approach and it is not clear what their longer term plans are. 

PIPSC has been following the issue closely and continues to solicit feedback from members on what they would like to see in a return to workplace plan. They have also emphasized that any policy that forces them to attend work in-person for a prescribed number of days should have a clear purpose. Many PIPSC members are also concerned about their health and safety and that adequate space is not there to accommodate a mass back to work order.

In addition to health and safety concerns, remote work has been identified by our membership as a key issue to negotiate in the current and upcoming rounds of bargaining. PIPSC has proposals in respect of this issue, and fully expects the Treasury Board and other employers to engage in collective bargaining on the issue. 

Our members have proven throughout the past two-and-a-half years that they can and will continue to be productive and engaged while working safely from home. PIPSC is continuing to advocate for safe, flexible return to workplace policies for all members. 

Members who are required to return to the workplace and who have concerns, should visit this webpage for more information. Members with workplace-specific concerns should connect with a steward and/or their workplace health and safety committee.

Ottawa, December 8, 2022 – The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada – a union representing over 70,000 federal and provincial public sector workers – has launched billboards in key locations to urge the Ford government to respect frontline workers and repeal Bill 124. Locations include Sylvia Jones’ riding – the Health Minister who has championed Bill 124 in the face of widespread public opposition and now, a court ruling that finds the law unconstitutional. 

Billboard - Repeal Bill 124. A message to Doug FordThe billboards went up in response to the November 29 ruling by the Ontario Superior Court striking down the legislation. The Court found that the Ford government’s bill capping wage and benefit increases for registered nurses, nurse practitioners, healthcare professionals and other public-sector workers at 1% was a “substantial infringement” on the collective bargaining rights guaranteed under the Charter of Rights.

“This is a decisive judgment from the Court”, said Jennifer Carr, President of PIPSC. “It represents a historic victory for public sector workers and reinforces that our rights to free and fair collective bargaining cannot simply be legislated away by governments that don’t want to negotiate or give their burned out frontline staff respectable wages.”

PIPSC, along with other unions and the Ontario Federation of Labour that together represent hundreds of thousands of members impacted by the unconstitutional law, are ramping up pressure on the Ford government in hopes of preventing them from appealing this landmark ruling.

“For too long, Premier Doug Ford and Health Minister Sylvia Jones have ignored the cries of overworked and underpaid healthcare professionals by bulldozing through Bill 124,” President Carr continued. “These billboards are a reminder that not only does the public stand behind frontline workers against this disrespectful, wage-slashing law – but now, so do the courts. Given the Court decision, the work frontline workers do to keep this province running, and the overwhelming support from Ontarians, the Ford government must forgo an appeal and repeal Bill 124. ”

PIPSC represents over 70,000 members across Canada. In Ontario, PIPSC represents hundreds of healthcare professionals working in cancer centres at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, the Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton, the Walker Family Cancer Centre in Niagara, the Windsor Regional Hospital and the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. PIPSC also represents medical physicists throughout Ontario and IT professionals at the University of Ottawa that are impacted by Bill 124. 

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For more information: Johanne Fillion, 613-883-4900 (mobile), jfillion@pipsc.ca