Call for Volunteers for 2018

PIPSC Standing Committees of the Board of Directors

If you are interested in participating as Chair, Member or Friend on a standing committee of the Board for 2018, you are invited to submit your expression of interest by completing the prescribed form and sending it to by the deadline of Friday, November 17, 2017.

Committees of the Board

Note 1    By-Law 17.1.3 Composition -  All Committees shall consist of five (5) to seven (7) members and, unless otherwise specified, shall include one (1) member from each Region. Where there is a Vice-President liaison to a committee, the Vice-President does not count as a member of the committee.

Note 2    There will be no solicitation process for members of Executive Compensation Committee, or for the Training and Education Committee.  Institute By-Laws and policies require that members of these committees be selected from members of the Board of Directors and/or the designated individual from the Chair of the Regional Training Committee respectively.

Note 3    Only volunteers who have complied with the due-process call for nominations, and have adhered to the prescribed time lines, shall be deemed to be eligible candidates.

Application Process

Volunteers shall be limited to applying to two (2) Standing Committees of the Board, and must indicate their preferences in priority order.

Duly fill out the prescribed form as follows:

  • Clearly identify the committee(s) by title.  If requesting to volunteer on two (2) committees, rank these in order of preference.
  • Indicate your Group and Region.
  • State whether you are applying as Chair, Member or Friend.

Note 4    If you are not selected as Chair, you will automatically be considered as a member or as a friend.

Note 5    A “friend” of a committee is a member interested in the activities of the committee, but who is unable to participate as an active member.  Note that there are no “friends” on the Executive Compensation Committee, the Elections Committee, or the Elections Appeal Committee.

  • List any Committees of the Board on which you served for the past five (5) years.
  • Include a brief rationale (on the prescribed form) outlining the reasons why you wish to be considered and what you would bring to the work of the committee you are applying for. 
  • Submit the prescribed form containing your expression of interest by the deadline to


The deadline for expressions of interest is no later than Friday, November 17, 2017.


Please consult the information on the Selection Process and Selection Criteria by following these links:

Committees of the Board, Institute By-Laws and Policy on Committees of the Board of Directors.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

Invitation to Family Brunch - December 2, 2017

In recognition of the excellent work performed by members, to honour PIPSC's commitment to life-work balance, and to extend the professional and family networks outside the formal environment, the Health Canada (NCR) Branch of PIPSC invites members and their IMMEDIATE FAMILY to participate in a family luncheon as follows. For this round, priority is given to those that couldn’t attend the last luncheon because the event was fully registered ( max 200) ( e.g. those on the waiting list)

For Immediate Release

Forget Phoenix. Let’s build a new federal pay system that works, says PIPSC President Debi Daviau

Ottawa, November 14, 2017 – The Phoenix pay system needs to be replaced with a new system that works built by the government's own IT professionals, says the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), which represents over 50,000 federal government employees.

"After nearly two years of problems with IBM's Phoenix pay system, our members have lost confidence in the promise of fixing Phoenix," said PIPSC President Debi Daviau. "Despite all efforts to fix Phoenix, the number of open cases of pay problems has grown to 330,000 as of October 2017 – with no end in sight. Enough is enough."

In its proposal, PIPSC calls for parallel processes to deal with the immediate pay crisis plaguing public servants and the long-term needs of the government.

To address immediate needs, PIPSC is calling on the government to hire additional staff to help employees impacted by the Phoenix pay system. For a faster, longer-term solution, PIPSC is calling on the government to task its own IT professionals with building a new pay system based on the latest version of PeopleSoft, the widely used human resources management system, and adapting it to the complex needs of the Government of Canada pay environment.

"The government needs to stop throwing good money after bad and start investing in a system that works," added Daviau. "As it happens, we already have the expertise and the people within the federal public service capable of designing and building it. They just need the opportunity to do so. The longer the current government delays investing in a properly designed pay system, the longer it will continue to waste tens of millions of public dollars on private contracts to patch a faulty system that was broken from the start. And the longer federal employees will be made to suffer for a bad system."

Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter (@pipsc_ipfpc).


For further information:  

Johanne Fillion,, 613-228-6310, poste 4953 or 613-883-4900 (cell.)

Halifax AFS Sub Group AGM


Please join your AFS Halifax Sub Group executive for our Annual General Meeting.

When: Thursday, December 7th, 2017

Time: 5:00 pm

Where: East Coast Hospitality

7071 Bayers Road

Bayers Road Shopping Center

(Next to the CGI Building)


1. Call to order

2. Roll Call of the Sub Group Executive

The Institute applauds the introduction earlier this week of Bill C-65, the federal government’s long-awaited legislation addressing workplace harassment and violence. For years, PIPSC advocated for the government to recognize and tackle this issue of critical importance to Canadians everywhere.

The Bill cannot come at a more opportune time for our members. The latest annual survey of the public service shows a rise in workplace harassment and a significant rate of workplace stress. One-third of public service workers (34%) said their workplace stress was “high” or “very high”. A similar number of respondents (27%) felt that their workplace was not “psychologically healthy.” The percentage of workers who said they have been harassed at work was up to 22% from 19% in 2014. The results were even higher for equity groups, with the highest rates of harassment (40%) being reported by workers with disabilities. Aboriginal workers also reported high rates of harassment (33%).

The new legislation covers federally-regulated workplaces, including the public service. Changes being proposed to the Canada Labour Code include repealing weak provisions and ensuring that employers are required to take steps to prevent and protect employees against these behaviours, to respond to them when they do occur, and to offer support to those employees affected by them.

The government will also launch an awareness campaign to challenge misconceptions and stereotypes, develop sample policies for employers, and will provide outreach to help employees and employers navigate the process.

While the Bill is a step in the right direction, PIPSC will be working with the government to ensure the legislation addresses its members’ concerns when it comes to ensuring their workplaces are harassment-free, and that adequate/appropriate recourse is available to harassment victims so that their complaints are addressed promptly and fairly.

As well, the legislation needs to provide an inclusive definition of “harassment” that reflects all its forms. If labour inspectors are involved, there must be adequate staffing and training. Finally, the legislation must ensure that those affected have the right to representation and information about the progress of their complaint.

We will update members as C-65 makes its way through the legislative process.

Attention News/Assignment Editors:

Media Advisory

For immediate release

PIPSC President Debi Daviau to Issue Statement on Phoenix, the Federal Government’s Troubled Pay System

Ottawa, November 10, 2017 On Tuesday, November 14, Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) will hold a press conference on Parliament Hill about the troubled Phoenix pay system and outline a key demand of the government.

Since the new payroll system was rolled out in February 2016, more than half of federal public servants have experienced ongoing pay problems, including being underpaid, overpaid or not paid at all. The Liberal government pledged to fix the problem for good by the end of October 2016, but has long since missed that self-imposed deadline.

Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Place: National Press Theatre, 150 Wellington St, Ottawa


  • Debi Daviau, President, PIPSC
  • Stéphane Aubry, Vice-President, PIPSC                                   

PIPSC represents some 55,000 public-sector scientists and other professionals across the country, most of them employed by the federal government.

Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter (@pipsc_ipfpc).

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For further information:  

Johanne Fillion, 613-228-6310, poste 4953 or 613-883-4900 (cell.)

NRC RO/RCO Group: Nomination Call for Executive Committee Member Candidates

26 October 2017

You are invited to participate in the election of the NRC RO/RCO Executive, which is comprised of members like you who will work to enhance your terms and conditions of employment.

NRC RO/RCO Group AGM Dec. 8 - NSERC President

The NRC RO/RCO Group Annual General Meeting will be held at noon Eastern time on Friday, December 8, 2017 in the auditorium of building M-50 at the NRC Montreal Road campus in Ottawa.

Our AGM guest speaker will be NSERC President Dr. B. Mario Pinto who will speak on: “Discovery Innovation Dynamic.”