The Board of Directors has met for two full days and did not get through the entire agenda. The following is a report from the open session portion of the Board meeting from 13th and 14th of October 2017.

The Advisory Council approved a motion to recommend renewing the Engineering Sector Council for a further three years. The Engineering Sector Council extension was unanimously approved by the Board. My thanks go to the chair, Jonathan Fitzpatrick of the Engineering Sector Council and the members for their continued work on the committee.

The MAGE Group Provincial Affiliation submitted a briefing note to request $2,000 to support the group to have an increased presence at the Provincial Labour Community. This request was approved by the Board in support of their efforts.

I raised the issue of no decision on ending publication of communication Magazine. Yet the Communication Department has not produced a magazine since fall of 2016.

I asked the Board to have a discussion on this issue and there was little support for continuing to have the Communication Magazine as it was currently conceived.

In solidarity

Glenn Maxwell

Advisory Council Director