Presented to the 100th Annual General Meeting

B-1  BY-LAW 18 - OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTE – Sponsor: Board of Directors

18.2.2 Meetings The Executive Committee shall normally meet at least twice a month once per month.

Disposition: Complete

B-2 BY-LAW 17 - COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD – Sponsor: Board of Directors

Be it resolved that new By-Law 17.5.3 be approved as follows:

17.5.3 (NEW) Executive Compensation Committee (ECC) members shall serve a three-year term of office commencing after each election of Officers and Directors of the Institute as per By-Law 22.1. The members of the committee shall be appointed by the Board no later than the third Board meeting following the election.

Disposition: Complete

B-3 Gender Neutral Institute By-Laws – Sponsor:  Board of Directors

Be it resolved that the 2018 AGM approve the gender neutral version of the Institute By-Laws, as presented.

Disposition: Complete


Whereas many constituent bodies cannot send any delegates to a PIPSC AGM (other than once over a number of years) preventing their participation in PIPSC business; and

Whereas this resolution would allow many more constituent bodies to send a single representative to the PIPSC AGM; and

Whereas Institute By-Law 13.6.2 allows for one (1) delegate for every two hundred (200) members; and

Whereas it is important for democracy for our constituent bodies to have a voice in our union business; and

Whereas Institute By-Law 13.2.4 limits the size of the PIPSC AGM to four hundred (400) members; and

Whereas there are locations that can now accommodate the intended number of delegates in the 1 in 200 members ratio;

Be it resolved that Institute By-Law 13.2.4 be removed from the Institute By-Laws.

13.2.4 Size of Annual General Meeting Should the total number of delegates initially determined under either By-Law 13.6.2 or By-Law 13.6.3 exceed two hundred (200), the reference to two hundred (200) in that By-Law shall be deemed to be a number such that the total number of delegates determined under that By-Law shall equal two hundred (200).

Disposition: Complete

B-9 BY-LAW 13 - GENERAL MEETINGS OF THE INSTITUTE - Sponsor:  Atlantic Regional Executive

Whereas the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) is the Supreme Governing body of the Institute; and

Whereas details of proposed changes are only required to be provided to all members no later than four weeks before the AGM; and

Whereas four (4) weeks does not provide sufficient time for delegates to the AGM to canvas their membership to ensure that they have received input and direction from their members with respect to proposed By-Law changes;

Therefore be it resolved that By-Law be amended as follows: No By-Law shall be enacted, repealed or amended by an Annual General Meeting unless:

(b) details of the proposed changes were provided to all members not later than four (4) six (6) weeks prior to an Annual General Meeting.

Disposition: Complete

B-10 BY-LAW 16 - MEETINGS OF THE BOARD – Sponsor: Atlantic Regional Executive

Whereas Paragraph (a) of Institute By-Law 16.3.1 allows the President to call a Special Board meeting at their sole discretion; and

Whereas Paragraph (b) of Institute By-Law 16.3.1 currently provided that a Special meeting of the Board may be called within two (2) weeks of the date of receipt by the President of a written request from not less than (7) members of the Board; and

Whereas if seven (7) members of the Board of Directors have determined that an issue is sufficiently important that it needs to be addressed by the Board before its next regular meeting, the President should be required to call the meeting as requested; and

Therefore be it resolved that By-Law 16.3 be amended as follows:

By-Law 16.3.1 A Special meeting of the Board may be called:

  1. By the President, or
  2. Or shall be called within two (2) weeks of the date of receipt by the President of the written request from not less than seven (7) members of the Board.

Disposition: Complete

B-11 BY-LAW 17 - COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD -Sponsor:  Atlantic Regional Executive

Whereas Committees of the Board shall normally include regional representation and;

Whereas the Chair of the Committee is responsible for the functioning of meetings and reporting back to Board of Directors;

Be it Resolved that bylaw 17.1.3 be amended to the following:

17.1.3 Composition All Committees shall consist of five (5) to seven (7) members and, unless otherwise specified, shall include (1) member from each Region.  Where there is a Vice-President liaison to the committee, the Vice-President does not count as a member of the committee.  The committee Chair shall not be considered a member of a Region.

Disposition: Complete

F-1 Audited Finance Statements - Sponsor: Board of Directors

Be it resolved that the 2018 AGM receive the audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018.

Disposition: Complete

F-2 Appointment of Auditors - Sponsor: Board of Directors

Be it resolved that BDO Canada be appointed as auditors of PIPSC and its related entities, for the 2019-2020 fiscal years.

Disposition: Complete

F-3 Budget - Sponsor: Board of Directors

Be it resolved that the 2018 AGM approve the budget for the period of July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.

Disposition: Complete

F-4 Professionals Canada – Sponsor: Board of Directors

Whereas PIPSC must protect itself from incessant attacks from right wing governments including any attack on the Rand Formula; and

Whereas a growing number of professionals in non-unionized private sector positions are facing precarious and harsh working conditions; and

Whereas PIPSC must continue to use every available means to combat the misuse of contracting out which has severely impacted our CS members and is increasingly threatening all professionals represented by the Institute; and

Whereas reaching out to non-unionized private sector professionals will benefit PIPSC by creating a new potential member base and by making us the leading voice for professionals in Canada; and

Whereas building communities of professionals to act collectively to improve our members’ lives is our highest purpose as a union that believes we are “better together”;

Be it resolved that the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada carry on its 100-year tradition of protecting and enhancing the rights of professional workers through the establishment of Professionals Canada, while reaffirming its commitment to combating the abuse of contracting out. RERERRED TO THE BOD

Disposition: Resolution F-4 is being brought back for decision at the 2019 AGM.

F-8 Group Executive Meetings – Sponsor: CS Group

Whereas Policy on Institute Groups restricts PIPSC covering the costs for executive meetings to not more than five meetings per year.

Whereas five meetings per year have proven to not be enough in order to deal with the group’s business and mandate.

Whereas the policy on Regional executive meetings allows six meetings per year

Therefore be it resolved that the Policy on Institute Groups be amended as follows:

9. Group Executive Meetings

The Group Executive shall meet as frequently as is required, but at least twice a year. The Institute will fund Group Executive meetings up to the amount of the approved budget submitted by the Group Executive.

In preparing a budget for Group Executive meetings, the following assumptions shall be used:

not more than five (5) six (6) executive meetings, which includes one (1) of which is associated with the Group Annual General Meeting and one (1) associated with the PIPSC AGM;

Disposition: Complete

F-10 Financial Reporting Training – Sponsor: Katie Oppen

Whereas the Executives, and particularly the Treasurers, of constituent bodies including Branches, Regional Councils, Groups and Committees, are obligated to be fiscally responsible and transparent in how they administer and spend the PIPSC funds fees allocated to them; and

Whereas PIPSC has developed financial record keeping tools and practices; and

Whereas PIPSC has the capacity to provide training to constituent body executive members;

Be it further resolved that PIPSC increase the depth and scope of training on financial reporting for constituent body executive members.

Disposition: A Treasurer Training module has already been created and was piloted, both in the NCR and PRA/NWT Regions. A delivery strategy is being put in place by the PIPSC national Education Section.

P-1 Gifts and Prizes for Recognition, Contests and Events - Policy on Constituent Body Finances, Appendix B – Sponsor: Board of Directors

Be it resolved that the following policy change be adopted:


GIFT - A gift has to be given voluntarily, and generally would be to recognize a special occasion such as the retirement of a member or PIPSC staff member, the departure from a constituent body executive or it could be used for a gift for a guest speaker - $100 up to $250 per gift 

Disposition: Complete

P-6 Self-Identification Process – Sponsor: RE Group

Whereas the Institute endorses the principle of employment equity; and

Whereas we do not currently have a quantitative mechanism in place to assess equity group participation within our volunteer positions; and

Whereas collecting data through self-identification could enable the Institute to better understand both its current state of equity group participation, and trends in that participation over time,

Be it resolved that the Institute put in place a voluntary self-identification process for Stewards and executives to identify as belonging to the equity groups defined by the Employment Equity Act, as well as the addition of a non-binary gender option, age group, dependents and LGBTQ2+ identity; and

Be it further resolved that techniques to protect the confidentiality of small populations of persons be appropriately applied.


Disposition: The Institute has made progress on implementing parts of this resolution. We conducted an anonymized survey of the members and the stewards to establish a baseline for representation and a comparison between our steward population and the general membership, specifically looking at issues of diversity and inclusion of equity-seeking groups. We also conducted a post-AGM survey of delegates in 2018, the results of which were reported to the Board and the Advisory Council, with staff recommendation to set targets for improving the representation of equity-seeking groups at the AGM to ensure that the AGM more closely represents the diversity of PIPSC members. For the 2019 AGM we asked for voluntary self-identification as part of the registration process. The Institute is also undertaking a project to revamp the Steward model, recruitment and training. The project will take into consideration the representational issues identified in these surveys.

P-7 Progressive Discipline - Sponsor:  Atlantic Regional Executive

Whereas the Institute does currently have a Dispute Resolution and Discipline policy, and

Whereas the Institute currently does not have policy or guidelines concerning progressive discipline, and

Whereas the Institute's Panel of Peers in the interest of fairness and natural justice must have a set policy or guidelines to follow when recommending discipline;

Be it resolved that the Institute develop a guidelines document for Progressive Discipline to be used by the Panel of Peers.   

Be it further resolved that a Progressive Discipline Chart be developed to provide guidance on the type of discipline to be administered based on the type of misconduct. REFERRED TO THE BOD

Disposition: As per the Board’s decision, there will be no further action taken on this resolution.

P-8 Electronic Voting on Resolutions – Sponsor: Katie Oppen

Whereas only delegates physically present at the PIPSC Annual General Meeting are currently eligible to vote on resolutions; and

Whereas the text of those resolutions is available to all members via the virtual binder ahead of the AGM; and

Whereas member engagement could be further improved by inviting more direct participation in the decision-making process affecting all members; and

Whereas modern electronic voting systems can be secure and accessible; and

Whereas other PIPSC elections, such as those for the National Executive, are held virtually by electronic means;

Be it resolved that PIPSC investigate electronic voting on resolutions that is not limited to delegates physically present at the national PIPSC AGM; and

Be it further resolved that PIPSC report on its findings at the 2019 National Annual General Meeting.   REFERRED TO THE BOD

Disposition: This is under discussion by the Board AGM Task Force for future AGMs.

P-9 Gender Parity – Sponsor: Katie Oppen

Whereas women are under-represented in position of influence in government, business and academia; and

Whereas PIPSC strives to represent their members in a fair and equitable manner;

Be it resolved that the Board of Directors, the National and Regional Executives, the Committees of the Board and the Executives of constituent bodies (Branches, Groups, Sub-Groups, Councils), strive to achieve gender parity on those committees and boards.


Disposition: Efforts to implement this will include providing guidance to the Chairs of Board Committees on how to encourage more women to participate in the work of Institute committees. This will also include the process for increasing the number of them selected for Board committee.

In addition, further consideration will be given to gender parity policies and the implications for Institute governance, such as wording in constituent body by-laws.

P-10 Including Minority Voices – Sponsor: Katie Oppen

Whereas majority rule is not the fully democratic; and

Whereas PIPSC policies support the value of diversity and inclusion; and

Whereas most decisions at PIPSC constituent bodies, Councils, Boards, and committees are made by majority rule; and

Whereas PIPSC is committed to seeking new and innovative ideas for improvement; and

Whereas minority voices often express ideas different from the status quo,

Be it resolved that PIPSC investigate mechanisms to include and value minority voices in its democratic processes, including meetings of committees, constituent bodies, Councils and Boards.  


Disposition:  The HRDC has undertaken to promote the representation and involvement of all minority and employment equity groups in the Institute’s elected and appointed bodies, and the value that a diversity of members bring to improve decisions of the Institute for the benefit of all our members. In this regard, the HRDC has also provided recommendations to the Board to adopt a Code of Respect for all Institute functions, starting with the 2019 AGM.

P-11 Indexed Fees – Sponsor: Katie Oppen

Whereas most other major unions have adopted an indexed fee schedule; and

Whereas PIPSC and other unions are leaders in social change for the betterment of their members and of Canadians; and

Whereas a demonstration of new policy can be effective in supporting similar changes on a larger scale;

Be it resolved that PIPSC do its part to reduce income inequality by putting in place indexed membership fees so that members with lower income pay slightly lower fees and members with higher income pay slightly higher fees.


Disposition: As per the Board’s decision, there will be no further action taken on this resolution.

P-12 Travel Policy – Accommodations – Sponsor: Katie Oppen

Whereas PIPSC needs to focus its human and financial resources on the very serious challenges facing our members at this time; and

Whereas increasing membership fees to cover additional costs is not favoured by the membership of PIPSC;

Be it resolved that PIPSC review the travel policy with a view to reducing costs for meetings including the national AGM, constituent bodies, committees and councils;

Be it further resolved that PIPSC review its policy on serving alcohol at PIPSC functions to reduce any risks associated with driving under the influence of alcohol after attending a PIPSC event. 


Disposition: This will be taken into consideration by the AGM Task Force for future AGMs.

L-1 Professional Competencies – Sponsor: NCR Regional Council

Whereas many occupational certifications require continued competency, a concept included in some collective agreements; and

Whereas members elected or appointed to full time executive positions no longer have opportunities to exercise their professional competencies;

Be it resolved that PIPSC investigates and reports to the 2019 AGM amendments to Institute By-Laws, Regulations and Policies to allow or provide opportunities for elected executive to exercise their profession and to maintain the continued competencies required for their substantive position.


Disposition: Sent back to the sponsor for consideration of re-submission to the 2019 AGM.

L-2 Funding Resolution Change for PIPSC AGM – Sponsor: NCR Regional Council

Whereas, the annual allowances were last revised effective January 2015; and

Whereas, inflation continues to erode the ability of smaller subgroups to effectively serve and communicate with their members;

Be it resolved that the annual allowance for subgroups and branches be revised as follows:

Sub-Groups and Branches will receive the greater between the following options:

Option 1 - Base amount of $750, plus $13.00 per member per year for the first 1,000 members and $4.00 per member per year in excess of 1,000 members.


Disposition: Sent back to the sponsor for consideration of re-submission to the 2019 AGM.

L-3 Selection of Delegates PIPSC AGM - Sponsor:  Katie Oppen

Whereas the 2018 AGM voted to increase the number of delegates to the AGM; and

Whereas there were no directions from the AGM on how those seats would be proportionately distributed to improve the democratic representation of members at the AGM;

Be it resolved that PIPSC develop guidance for Groups and Regions on how to select delegates to the AGM in consideration of proportional representation of equity and diversity groups as well as fair representation of small Groups and Branches, youth, and other sub-communities of the membership; and

Be it further resolved that such a proposal be presented for approval at the 2019 AGM.


Disposition: Sent back to the sponsor for consideration of re-submission to the 2019 AGM.

L-4 Policy on Balancing Union Activity and Family Life - Sponsor:  Katie Oppen

Whereas the Policy on Balancing Union Activity and Family Life allows for one day of compensatory- year pay when a member spends two days in a year on certain types of union business; and

Whereas active members often spend more than two days per year on those types of union business;

Be it resolved that the policy be amended to indicate that a member is entitled to two days of compensatory pay if they spend four days – year on the specified union activities; and

Be it resolved that the Policy on Balancing Union Activity and Family Life be amended as follows:

3. Compensation for Meetings on Days of Rest

  • (a) Stewards and elected officials required to attend meetings or training on days of rest are entitled to reimbursement equivalent to the member’s normal workday, once twice annually, after having attended two four such meetings on non-consecutive days. (Examples of meetings would be Regional Councils, Regional Stewards Councils, Committee meetings, training etc.)


Disposition: Sent back to the sponsor for consideration of re-submission to the 2019 AGM.