NBCC Branch Report

76th Atlantic Regional Council

May 25-26, 2019


NBCC sat several times at the bargaining table to renew the collective agreement that expired in June 2018.

The Bargaining Committee met on July 10, 11, 12, 12, 17, 18, 2018. NBCC and the Employer agreed on some demands including: 2.25% wage increase for the duration of the collective agreement; 1.9% added to the Lawyer 2’s CPM and elimination of re-earnable increments; provision of alternative work arrangements; access to merit increases for members on maternity/parental/adoption leave.
The Collective Agreement will be effective for a period of two years and three months, from July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2020.


The Executive Board met with the members on June 18, 2018. A special meeting following bargaining with the Employer was held on September 18, 2018. The next AGM will be scheduled soon.


There were difficulties in applying the 1.9% to the CPM that was agreed with the Employer. Members brought the errors in calculation to the attention of Executive Board, who contacted the PIPSC negotiator and the Employer. It took months to get a response from both sides. The calculations are being adjusted, but no clear answer has yet been provided to the Executive Board, and members are still waiting for these adjustments to be made.