Ontario Region Executive Minutes - September 12 & 13, 2024

White Oaks Conference & Resort, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Present: J. Purdie, C. L’Estrange, T. Yantsis, B. Brawley, T. MacDonald, S. Labbé, H. Timla, T. Zaharopoulos, D. Kamaldin, R. Kaura, S. Asif

Regrets: N/A

Meeting called to order at 1:07 pm

  1. Opening remarks 

Director acknowledged land that we met on and welcomed ORE.  

  1. Approval of Agenda 

Motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Consensus

  1. Approval of Minutes 

Motion to approve August 17, 2024 ORE meeting Minutes. Consensus

  1. Matters Arising / Tracking Report – John 

Discussion surrounding each action item.

Disappointment towards the BoD around the missed HRDC event, no outreach towards Black Caucus for involvement surrounding Emancipation Day (August 8, 2024).

Discussion around unsubmitted resolutions after ORC.

BLPC has confirmed where a virtual meeting that includes a claim will count towards 1 of the budgeted meetings.

Email complaint discussed and sent to President Jenn Carr.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Tom Y. 

Treasurer provided the financial report. Questions and comments answered.

Motion to approve the financials as presented by the Treasurer. Consensus

  1. Committee Reports 
      1. PRQC – Fatima Hashmi 

No report, in-person meeting was August 26th. 

  1. BLPC – TBD

No report. Resolution subcommittee has been formed and a first look at 71 resolutions. Expectations that the budget will be made available near the end of September. 

  1. Finance – Tom Y. 

Tom provided a report. Meeting was held Sept 9-10. Budget and AGM preparation done. Rachit asked for the best means to obtain Youth financial standing. Tom Y recommends sending finance an email. 

  1. HRDC – Sabrina Labbé 

In person meeting was held Aug 24. Discussed Human Rights and Diversity events and established a calendar of dates that HRDC will highlight and showcase. HRDC will be holding an in-person meeting November 7th, the day prior to AGM. Last in-person may be December 6th in Montreal, not yet confirmed.

Action: Sabrina to follow-up with HRDC Disability Caucus selection update.

EGAL Canada donation ($XX,XXX) has been approved by BoD.

  1. ITSP – Dora Scarling 

No report

  1. SA – Tina M. 

No report, next meeting is Sept 20th. 

  1. National Training – Bridget B. 

Brief summary recap as many were absent at the last meeting. Will be training 21 Peer Facilitators under the Popular Education Model next week in Ottawa. Selection process was revamped and fair. Reminder that training sessions must pass through TEAM to ensure that budgets are allocated correctly.

  1.  Election – Tim Azab 

No report, in-person meeting was August 26th. 

  1. Election Appeals – Patrick Mudenyo

Report submitted secretarially and saved in the shared drive.

  1. ORE COMMITTEES / Liaison 
    1. Training Committee – Bridget 

Updates on Stand alone training and Labour School.

Motion: to purchase up to 100 portfolios for up to $XX per unit, for distribution during Basic Steward Training handouts.

Moved: Bridget Brawley

2nd: Tom Z. Consensus

Request to look into moving the Sept 24-27, 2025, Advanced Training be moved to November upon request of Ontario Office Manager. Bridget to obtain confirmation of contract status.  Heather sent an email to White Oaks and will find out if the dates are open and if there is a cost associated.

Action: Bridget to inquire about moving the Advanced Training from Sept 24-27, 2025, til later date in November and to bring it back to ORE.

Updated note - Confirmed training will be moved to November 12-15, 2025, at no extra cost.

Motion to adjourn meeting until tomorrow 9 am

Moved: Rachit Kaura

2nd: Sabrina Labbé

Meeting called to order at 9:07 a.m.

  1. Bylaw & Policy – Sabrina

Evergreen document is up to date. Saved in shared drive.

  1. Visibility Mobilization – Sabrina

Labour Day was a hit, thanks everyone for participating and helping. Will be putting in the Labour Day expense report and Better Together

Action: Reach out to PIPSC mobilization (Andrea Desjardins) to request the Truth & Reconciliation event coming up. 

  1. Ontario Provincial Group – Tina 

Communication building is ongoing. Explains who the provincial groups are and what Tina’s role is. 

  1. Young Professionals – Rachit 

Launched a new Discord and WhatsApp social media platform. Working on a monthly newsletter. First event in August, at the Rec Room in Mississauga. Approximately 40 members attended. Young members were demonstrating motivation to become active. Next event to be planned in Hamilton. Working with the Branch President to organise some type of sporting event. Moving events around to reach as many young professionals as possible. Rachit informs ORE that there are vacancies, and he requests that Sahra and Harry join. All agree.

  1. Branch Liaison – Tina 

Disappointment in the fact that members do not get communication. Branch Presidents bring up concerns about communication and outreach to new members. Brainstorming ideas on how to bridge the gap in communication.

  1. Legacy Foundation – Chris 

Short update on legacy foundation.

  1. Regional Council – Tom Z 

No new information to share at this time. We may not be permitted any outside food and hospitality. Brainstorming ideas.

  1. Elections Committee Procedures - Bridget

Document has been drafted and saved to the Regional Council drive.

  1. Steward Council – Bridget 

Treasurer training has been moved to a different room. There is a bee issue in the stairwell. 

  1. Director’s Report – John 

Will make a report at Steward Council.

  1.  Planning Document – John 

Deferred to next meeting.

  1.  New Business 
    1. PIPSC use of IT platforms (Zoom, Google Drive) 

How to assist Members and Stewards when they raise issues such as not being able to use various platforms and tools.

  1. PIPSC Apparel/Promo items

The e-store is now closed but is there an alternative. Constituent bodies can use their funds as long as they follow the rules. 

  1. Better Together

Update on the policy and approval of the set of rules that PIPSC staff have developed. Regional Directors and Finance are taking a final look and will make recommendations.

  1. Join a Board of Director Committee

Deferred to a zoom meeting, Sabrina to send a Doodle Poll to the ORE. 


Registration underway and some delegates are unable to attend and substitutes are being advised that they have been selected. Resolutions and caucus planning discussion. 

  1.  Round Table 

Tom Z - expressed frustration about certain aspects of the meetings. Wants a positive environment.

Tom Y - nothing

Rachit - nothing

Sahra - nothing

Chris - apologies for the vibe and discussions

Harry - nothing

Tina - Welcomes Sahra

Bridget - stepped out before Director’s Report to get ready for OSC

Sabrina - thanking all for LDP

Din - Welcome remarks

John - Welcome remarks

Meeting adjourned at 11:52 a.m.