2024 AGM Resolutions - By-Laws

Presented to the PIPSC 105th Annual General Meeting

Please note: 

The Resolutions Sub-Committee committee is responsible for reviewing all submitted resolutions, categorizing them, and prioritizing their order for discussion at the AGM (By-Law The Resolutions Sub-Committee reviews all submitted resolutions to ensure they are in proper form and within the scope of the AGM. The committee works with the AGM Task Force to propose the order in which resolutions will be presented at the AGM as part of the AGM agenda. Delegates at the AGM may have the opportunity to amend the order, though this is generally subject to rules and voting procedures. This process helps ensure that the most important and relevant resolutions are addressed in an efficient manner. More information regarding the Rules of Procedure for the AGM can be found here.

For the 2024 AGM, the order of priority of resolutions will be as follows: Board of Directors and Advisory Council resolutions first starting with financial resolutions, then bylaw amendments, then policy resolutions. The same order will be repeated for Group and Region resolutions which will be next.  Then the same order will be repeated again for individual resolutions. Only once all resolutions submitted within the timelines are disposed then late resolutions will be debated in the same order (finance, bylaws, policy).

B-01 - Governance Bylaw Review 1 - General (E)

Sponsored by the Board of Directors | Disposition:

Whereas the PIPSC Bylaws have been modified in a piecemeal fashion for many years, and


Whereas many changes to the bylaws have been time sensitive in nature, and

Whereas the content of the Institute Bylaws far exceeds the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA), and 

Whereas concise bylaws facilitate ease of use, and

Whereas the Board of Directors is recommending changes recommended by an external governance review consultant (Laridae Communications Inc.), 


Be it resolved that the following housekeeping changes be applied to the PIPSC Bylaws:

  1. Preamble – Remove (not required in bylaws).
  2. a) – Change “Office of the Executive Secretary” to “Institute” to ensure the bylaws remain generic.
  3. Change “Office of the Executive Secretary” to “Institute” to ensure the bylaws remain generic.
  4. 14.1.1 Remove “Effective July 1, 2017,” since the historical date is no longer required. 
  5. Stub Year - Remove entirely since this historical transitional language is no longer required.
  6. 22.1 Date of Election/Commencement of Office – Remove “Commencing in 2015,” since this historical transition language is no longer required.

RSC: No Comment

B-02 - Governance Bylaw Review 2 - Annual Report (E)

Sponsored by the Board of Directors | Disposition:

Whereas the PIPSC Bylaws is the primary Institute governance document and the basis for all policies and constituent body bylaws, and

Whereas it is of the utmost importance to maintain clear and concise direction in the Institute bylaws, and

Whereas the current content of the Institute Bylaws far exceeds the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA), and 

Whereas concise bylaws facilitate ease of use, and

Whereas the Board of Directors is recommending changes recommended by an external governance review consultant (Laridae Communications Inc.), and

Whereas an evaluation from the President is not a right of membership, as indicated in bylaw 7, and

Whereas a report on the state of the Institute should be part of a report from the Board of Directors and presented at the AGM,


Be it resolved that the PIPSC Bylaws be revised as follows:


7.4 Evaluation Report by President At least four (4) weeks before the Annual General Meeting, all members shall be provided with a written evaluation by the President of the effectiveness of the Institute in meeting the objectives in By-Law 2.


13.2.1 The Annual General Meeting is the supreme governing body of the Institute. General Meetings shall govern the policy of the Institute and deal with such other matters as may come before them. All actions of constituent bodies shall be consistent with and within the policies laid down by General Meetings. An annual report for the previous fiscal year shall be presented at each Annual General Meeting.

RSC: No Comment

B-03 - Governance Bylaw Review 3 - Seal (E)

Sponsored by the Board of Directors | Disposition:

Whereas the PIPSC Bylaws is the primary Institute governance document and the basis for all policies and constituent body bylaws, and

Whereas it is of the utmost importance to maintain clear and concise direction in the Institute bylaws, and

Whereas the current content of the Institute Bylaws far exceeds the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA), and 

Whereas concise bylaws facilitate ease of use, and

Whereas the Board of Directors is recommending changes recommended by an external governance review consultant (Laridae Communications Inc.), and

Whereas it is not a requirement of the CNCA to designate a specific individual to fulfill requirements of The Act,

Be it resolved that the PIPSC Bylaws be revised as follows:



3.1 The Seal of the Institute shall be of such form as prescribed by the Board, and shall be inscribed in English and French. The Executive Secretary shall have custody of the Seal of the Institute.

3.2 The Officer designated to fulfill the requirements of Sections 21 and 278 of the Act is the Executive Secretary.




3.1 The Seal of the Institute shall be of such form as prescribed by the Board, and shall be inscribed in English and French. 

RSC: No Comment

B-04 - Governance Bylaw Review 4 - Resolutions (E)

Sponsored by the Board of Directors | Disposition:

Whereas the PIPSC Bylaws is the primary Institute governance document and the basis for all policies and constituent body bylaws, and

Whereas it is of the utmost importance to maintain clear and concise direction in the Institute bylaws, and

Whereas the current content of the Institute Bylaws far exceeds the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA), and 

Whereas concise bylaws facilitate ease of use, and

Whereas the Board of Directors is recommending changes recommended by an external governance review consultant (Laridae Communications Inc.), and

Whereas Resolutions submitted after the prescribed 12-week deadline do not allow for proper evaluation and follow-up with the sponsor of the resolution, and

Whereas inconsistent treatment of resolutions is offside with the fiduciary requirements to due diligence,

Be it resolved that the PIPSC Bylaws be revised as follows:

Old Wording Resolutions submitted contrary to the procedure outlined in these By-Laws may be dealt with by an Annual General Meeting only after all regularly submitted resolutions have been dealt with and are received by the Resolutions Sub-Committee no later than 10:30 a.m. on the final day of the Annual General Meeting, except that an Annual General Meeting may accept a resolution as an emergency and deal with it immediately.

New Wording: Resolutions submitted contrary to the procedure outlined in these By-Laws shall not be dealt with by an Annual General Meeting except that an Annual General Meeting may accept a resolution as an emergency and deal with it immediately.

RSC: No Comment

B-05 - Governance Bylaw Review 5 - Remuneration (E)

Sponsored by the Board of Directors | Disposition:

Whereas the PIPSC Bylaws is the primary Institute governance document and the basis for all policies and constituent body bylaws, and

Whereas it is of the utmost importance to maintain clear and concise direction in the Institute bylaws, and

Whereas the current content of the Institute Bylaws far exceeds the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA), and 

Whereas concise bylaws facilitate ease of use, and

Whereas the Board of Directors is recommending changes recommended by an external governance review consultant (Laridae Communications Inc.), and

Whereas Remuneration of the President and Vice-presidents is already established as being determined by the Board of Directors in bylaw 19.3 and 20.5 respectively, and

Be it resolved that the PIPSC Bylaws be revised as follows:


21.3 Remuneration Only the Annual General Meeting has the authority to determine the remuneration for Elected Directors.

RSC: No Comment

B-06 - Governance Bylaw Review 9 - Financial Authority (E)

Sponsored by the Board of Directors | Disposition:

Whereas the PIPSC Bylaws is the primary Institute governance document and the basis for all policies and constituent body bylaws, and

Whereas it is of the utmost importance to maintain clear and concise direction in the Institute bylaws, and

Whereas the current content of the Institute Bylaws far exceeds the requirements of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (CNCA), and 

Whereas concise bylaws facilitate ease of use, and

Whereas the Board of Directors is recommending changes recommended by an external governance review consultant (Laridae Communications Inc.), and

Whereas PIPSC requires a concise policy on the signing authorities and delegation of financial authority,

Be it resolved that the PIPSC Bylaws be revised as follows:

15.2.3 No agreement may be executed so as to bind the Institute except on the authority of the Board. Any agreement, instrument, contract or other written commitment not specifically required by the Board to be executed by a particular Officer or Officers, may be executed by the President an Officer together with those employees into whose area of responsibility the subject matter of the document may fall.

Note: A full policy on signing authorities and delegation of financial authority shall also be implemented.

RSC: No Comment

B-07 - Group Executive Maximum Size (E)

Sponsored by Advisory Council | Disposition:

Whereas groups have no control over the size of the group, as this is subject to employment levels established by the employer; and

Whereas a group could lose members through attrition, and those positions remain vacant, resulting in a reduced number of members and a corresponding reduction in the number of Executive Members allowed; and

Whereas there is a similar amount of work to be done by a group executive, regardless of group size.


Therefore, be it resolved that the maximum number of Executive Members be revised as follows:


10.1.5 Group Executive The minimum size of a Group Executive is three (3). The maximum number of Group Executive members shall be based on the size of the Group in accordance with the following table.


Group Size of Members

Maximum Number of Executive Members

Less that 36


45 or less


46 to 55


56 to 65


66 to 500


501 to 1000


1001 to 2000


Over 2000



RSC: 11 potential Groups impacted

Finance Comment: $4,082 (if local) up to $208,586 (if all out of town)

B-08 - PIPSC By-law 10.2.3 Resolution (Minimum size of Sub-group Executive) (E)

Sponsored by AFS Group | Disposition:

Whereas many small sub-groups have difficulty in meeting the requirement for a minimum executive size of three (3);

Whereas it is still normally ideal to have at least three executive members;

Whereas it is important to have sub-groups in place to service all of our members at the local level;

Whereas constituent bodies can go to PIPSC for a second signature for paying expenses, if required;


Be it resolved that PIPSC by-law 10.2.3 be amended as follows:


10.2.3 Sub-Group Executive A Sub-Group Executive shall normally comprise up to one (1) member per ten (10) members of the Sub-Group rounded to the nearest ten (10), with a minimum of normally three (3) and a maximum of eleven (11). Officers shall normally comprise a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer or, alternatively, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The term of office of an Executive member shall not exceed three (3) years. The results of Sub-Group elections, listing the names, positions, addresses and home and office telephone numbers, shall be forwarded forthwith to the Executive Secretary.

RSC: Must be read in conjunction with the other requirements for exec numbers.

B-09 - Bylaws 7.1 and 7.1.1 - Retired Members on Bargaining Teams (F)

Sponsored by Région du Québec | Disposition:

Be it resolved that article 7.1 of the by-laws be amended as follows:

7.1 Regular and Retired Members Only Regular and Retired Members may vote to elect Directors, run for elected office and otherwise participate in the activities of the Institute and its constituent bodies, subject to Article 7.1.1. Regular and retired members may attend the Institute's general meetings. Only Regular Members may be appointed as Stewards and be members of bargaining teams.


7.1.1 Groups and sub-groups may, in accordance with their by-laws, determine the level of participation of retired members in their activities, excluding membership on a bargaining team.

RSC: No Comment

B-10 - Nomenclature of Branches (F)

Sponsored by Région du Québec | Disposition:

Whereas the term is mainly used in Quebec;

Whereas the word chapter is associated in Quebec with outlaw motorcycle gangs;

Whereas it is important for PIPSC to have a professional image with our members, management and the public; and

Whereas two of the professional unions that most resemble us, CAPE and ACFO, use the term "local section".


Be it resolved that the national by-laws in French be changed as follows:


11.1.1 Chaque région est structurée selon un minimum de trois (3) niveaux :

i.   Conseil régional

ii.   Exécutif régional

iii.  Chapitres Section

11.1.2 Les membres peuvent choisir d’être actifs(-ives) dans les structures régionales de leur lieu de résidence, de l’emploi ou du dernier emploi occupé. Les membres n’ont jamais de droits dans plus d’une (1) région.

11.1.3 La participation à d’autres unités organisationnelles est conforme à la définition des statuts de chaque région.

11.1.4 Chaque conseil régional est libre de recommander l’organisation détaillée de la région, sous réserve de la conformité aux présents statuts et de l’approbation du Conseil d’administration.

11.1.5 Statuts Chaque région est régie par des statuts conformes aux présents statuts, qui prévoient notamment la représentation des chapitres sections ou d’autres unités organisationnelles au conseil régional. Après modification de ses statuts, une région les soumet au Comité des statuts et politiques pour qu’il les étudie. Les modifications apportées aux statuts entrent en vigueur une fois approuvées par le Conseil d’administration.

11.1.6 Conseil régional Le conseil régional se compose d’au moins un(e) (1) délégué(e) par deux cents (200) membres et d’au plus un(e) (1) délégué(e) par cinquante (50) membres résidant dans la région, chiffre arrondi aux deux cents (200) près, plus deux (2) autres délégué(e)s. Le décompte des membres se fait le 31 décembre précédent. Chaque conseil régional se réunit au moins une fois pendant l’année civile.

11.1.7 Exécutif régional L’exécutif régional est composé des directeurs(-trices) élu(e)s de la région et d’autres membres jusqu’à concurrence de onze (11) membres. Dans les régions de plus de 10 000 membres, le nombre maximal à l’exécutif régional est de treize (13) membres. Les dirigeant(e)s comprennent normalement un(e) président(e), un(e) vice-président(e), un(e) secrétaire-trésorier(-ière) ou, selon le cas, un(e) secrétaire et un(e) trésorier(-ière). Le mandat des membres de l’exécutif n’excède pas trois (3) ans. Les résultats des élections à l’exécutif d’une région ainsi que la liste des noms, postes, adresses et numéros de téléphone au bureau et au domicile des dirigeant(e)s élu(e)s sont transmis au (à la) secrétaire exécutif(-ive) dans les plus brefs délais.

11.2 chapitres Sections

11.2.1 Création La création d’une chapitres section, comprenant au moins dix (10) membres titulaires ou à la retraite provenant d’au moins deux (2) groupes spécifiques dans une région, est assujettie à l’approbation du Comité exécutif, à la demande des membres de la chapitre section proposée et sur recommandation de l’exécutif régional en cause. Nonobstant ce qui précède, lorsqu’une région, où autrement une chapitre section serait créée, comprend les membres d’un seul groupe, l’exécutif régional peut recommander la création d’une chapitre section, sous réserve de l’approbation du Comité exécutif. Les statuts appropriés sont assignés au chapitre à la section nouvellement formée conformément aux présents statuts. Les membres devraient toujours faire partie d’une chapitre section et ne peuvent jamais appartenir à plus d’une (1) chapitre section.

11.2.2 Statuts Chaque chapitre section est régie par des statuts conformes aux présents statuts et à ceux de la région en cause, qui garantissent notamment à chaque membre le droit de poser sa candidature et de voter lors de l’élection de l’exécutif. Après modification de ses statuts, une chapitre section soumet les modifications au Comité des statuts et politiques et à l’exécutif régional en cause pour qu’il les étudie. Les modifications apportées aux statuts entrent en vigueur une fois approuvées par le Conseil et ratifiées par les membres de la chapitre section.

11.2.3 Exécutif de chapitre section. Un exécutif de chapitre section comprend habituellement un(e) (1) membre par dix (10) membres de la chapitre section, chiffre arrondi à la dizaine près; il est formé d’au moins trois (3) membres, mais d’au plus onze (11) membres. Les dirigeant(e)s comprennent normalement un(e) président(e), un(e) vice-président(e), un(e) secrétaire-trésorier(-ière) ou, selon le cas, un(e) secrétaire et un(e) trésorier(-ière). Le mandat des membres de l’exécutif n’excède pas trois (3) ans. Les résultats des élections à l’exécutif de la chapitre section, ainsi que la liste des noms, postes, adresses et numéros de téléphone au bureau et au domicile des dirigeant(e)s élu(e)s sont transmis au secrétaire exécutif dans les plus brefs délais. L’exécutif se réunit au moins trois (3) fois par an.

11.2.4 Assemblée générale annuelle Chaque chapitre section convoque une assemblée générale annuelle des membres au moins une fois par année civile, jamais plus de quinze (15) mois après l’assemblée annuelle précédente. Lorsqu’une chapitre section omet de tenir une assemblée générale annuelle, le (la) secrétaire exécutif(-ive) l’informe qu’il enfreint la présente disposition et lui demande de prendre les mesures nécessaires dans les trente (30) jours suivant la réception de cet avis. Si la chapitre section n’obtempère pas, l’affaire est renvoyée à l’exécutif régional en cause pour qu’il fasse une recommandation au Conseil.

11.2.5 Motif de dissolution Une chapitre section peut être dissoute s’il si elle omet de se conformer à ses statuts, à ceux de la région en cause ou à ceux de l’Institut, sous réserve de la recommandation de l’exécutif régional en cause et de l’approbation du Comité exécutif.

RSC: No Comment

B-11 - National AGM delegate ratio (F)

Sponsored by Région du Québec | Disposition:

Whereas the AGM is the supreme decision-making body at the Institute;

Whereas such a large number of participants makes discussion and decision-making difficult; and

Whereas the total number of Institute members is constantly increasing;

Whereas the number of delegates to the AGM will be subject to increase under the current formula;

Whereas the costs of the AGM are constantly increasing;

Whereas hotels in many provinces cannot accommodate members invited to the AGM;

Whereas hotels that are still able to accommodate us are no longer able to prepare

meals adequately for members invited to the AGM;


Be it resolved that, for the 2025 AGM, articles Groups and Regions, be corrected as follows:


That the number 200 be replaced by 300 Groups Each Group Executive shall be entitled to the greater of:

  1. one (1) delegate for each two hundred (200) three hundred (300) of the Group's members, rounded to the nearest two hundred (200) three hundred (300), based on its national membership as at December 31, immediately prior to the notice of the meeting, or
  2. one (1) delegate. Regions Each Region shall be entitled to one (1) delegate for each two hundred (200) three hundred (300) of its members, rounded to the nearest two hundred (200) three hundred (300), residing in the Region as at December 31 immediately prior to the notice of the meeting.

RSC: No Comment

B-12 - AGM Priority Discussions (E)

Sponsored by Ontario Region | Disposition:

Whereas the purpose of the Annual General Meeting is to govern the Institute as per the 

of the Canada Not-for profit Corporations Act and PIPSC bylaws;

Whereas the efficient governance of the Institute and its members is desirable;

Whereas there are significant costs to holding the Annual General Meeting;

Whereas the approval of financial statements, appointment of auditors and budget discussions are the required business;


Be it resolved that every attempt will be made to conduct Annual General Meeting business prior to holding extracurricular discussions, topics and presentations. Ordering Agenda Items. The following agenda items shall take precedence

over extracurricular discussions and topics:

  1. Approval of agenda
  2. Approval of prior Annual General Meeting minutes
  3. Approval of prior year financials
  4. Appointment of auditors
  5. Resolutions with a financial budgetary impact
  6. Budget approval
  7. All other resolutions, presentations and business matters

RSC: No Comment

B-13 - Science Advisory Committee (E)

Sponsored by SP Group | Disposition:

Whereas members of the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) are currently appointed for 1 year terms;

Whereas it requires several meetings for committee members to familiarize themselves with the work of the committee;

Whereas having committee members serving only 1 year terms can result in significant turnover of committee membership and can limit progress on longer term initiatives;


Be it resolved that by-law 17.10.1 be amended to include a 3 year term length:

17.10.1 Composition - There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Science Advisory

Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. Composition of the Committee should be

representative of Science and Technology Membership, which includes research, engineering, and

science-related activities. The Board shall appoint members for a three (3) year term.

RSC: No Comment

B-14 - Annual Allowance BL 14.3.1 (E)

Sponsored by Prairie/NWT Region | Disposition:

Whereas Regions and Sub-Groups receive an allowance but they are not mentioned in bylaw 14.3.1.

Whereas bylaw 14.3.1 should be amended to put these two constituent bodies in the bylaw.


Be it resolved that bylaw 14.3.1 be amended as follows:


14.3.1 Annual Allowance Each constituent body is eligible to receive an annual allowance based on the number of Regular members and Rand deductees in each constituent body on the rolls as of December 31 of the preceding year, as set by an Annual General Meeting. Allowances will be established based on the following member composition:

Regions – number of Regular members, Retired members and Rand deductees;

Branches – number of Regular members, Retired members and Rand deductees;

Groups – number of Regular members and Rand deductees; and

Sub-Groups – number of Regular members and Rand deductees; and

Retired Members’ Guild – number of Retired members.

Allowances will only be paid with respect to the current calendar year. The purpose of the allowance is to enable constituent bodies to defray the normal cost of conducting their business.

RSC Comment: No change to cost – correction of omission

B-15 - Group Fee Adjustment (E)

Sponsored by BC-Y Region & IT Group | Disposition: 

Whereas a Group is given the right to determine the need for a fee adjustment, and; 

Whereas the request for a fee adjustment is subject to the will of the Annual or a Special General Meeting of the Institute, and; 

Whereas, in the spirit of Group Autonomy, the identified need of a Group should not be overridden by the AGM; 


Be it resolved that By-Law be amended as follows; Groups Notwithstanding By-Law 14.2.2, the fees set by an Annual or Special General Meeting need not be identical for each Group. When a Group, by majority decision of that Group’s AGM, requests that a budgetary item be established for the benefit of that Group, it shall be entitled to request an Annual or Special General Meeting to approve a fee adjustment to enable extra services to be provided to that Group.

RSC: No Comment

B-16 - ITSP Mandate (E)

Sponsored by BC-Y Region & IT Group | Disposition:

WHEREAS the mandate of the Information Technology Services and Projects Committee reads; The Information Technology Services and Projects Committee shall advise and make recommendations to the Board on Information Technology Services and Projects issues.

WHEREAS best practices of system design and development include participation of all stakeholders and,

WHEREAS stakeholders within PIPSC include all Members and,

WHEREAS Members belong to all occupational groups with different requirements for services provided by PIPSC,


THEREFORE be it resolved that By-Law 17.11.1 be amended to the following;

17.11.1 Composition There shall be a Committee of the Board to be known as the Information

Technology Services and Projects Committee consisting of five (5) to seven (7) members. Composition of

the Committee should normally be representative of PIPSC IM/IT Professionals.

RSC: No Comment

B-17 – Alcoholic beverages and cannabis products (F)

Sponsored by Robert Tellier & Guy Abel (members) | Disposition:

Whereas financial transparency is an essential factor in mobilising members; and

Whereas the use of funds to acquire and offer alcoholic products has been anchored in the Institute's culture for decades; and

Whereas the use of funds to acquire and offer cannabis products has been permitted since Canadian legislation made it possible; and

Whereas general opinion on the use of public funds to acquire and offer alcoholic or cannabis products has evolved significantly over the past decade; and

Whereas the members of the Institute expect sound management of the funds generated by union dues.


Be it resolved that the Bylaws of the Institute be amended to include the following articles:


14.1.11 (NEW) Alcoholic and Cannabis Products

It shall be lawful for the Institute and all constituent bodies to acquire and offer alcoholic or cannabis products under the following conditions:

a) acquisition and distribution shall comply with applicable municipal, provincial and federal laws.

b) expenditures are authorized by the Annual General Meeting of the constituent bodies.

c) from 1 January 2025 and thereafter, expenditures shall be recorded under the accounting heading ‘Alcohol and Cannabis’ in the accounting records of the Institute and all constituent bodies.

d) from 1 July 2026, the annual budget of the Institute shall include a maximum aggregate amount authorised for the acquisition of alcohol and cannabis products for the organisation as a whole and this amount shall be divided and allocated on a pro rata basis to the membership of the constituent bodies prior to its approval by the AGM of the Institute.

e) as of December 31, 2025 or June 30, 2026 depending on the end of the accounting period, the annual financial report of the Institute and the constituent bodies shall disclose the amounts spent on alcoholic or cannabis products. 


14.1.12 (NEW)

Notwithstanding 14.1.11 (NEW) The Board of Directors may prohibit or restrict the use of funds of the Institute for the use of cannabis or alcohol without exceeding the maximum budgetary limits established pursuant to Article 14.1.11 d) 

RSC: No Comment

Legal comment: 

While the delegate suggests that cannabis products should be accepted on the same basis as alcohol, PIPSC should be cautious about including cannabis at its events, even if alcohol is already accepted, for several reasons:


1. Different legal framework: Although cannabis is legal in Canada, its consumption remains more strictly regulated than alcohol. Laws and regulations regarding its use in public or professional settings are more restrictive.

2. Health and safety risks: Cannabis can have more unpredictable effects on cognitive and motor skills than alcohol, which could pose safety issues at union events.

3. Professional image: As a union representing federal government professionals, PIPSC must maintain an image of seriousness and responsibility. The introduction of cannabis could harm this image.

4. Inclusivity: Some members might feel uncomfortable or excluded if cannabis products are offered at union events.

5. Legal liability: Offering cannabis at events could expose PIPSC to increased legal risks in case of incidents.

6. Lack of precedents: Unlike alcohol, there are no established practices regarding the offering of cannabis in a professional or union context.


Although alcohol is culturally more accepted, PIPSC should also reassess its policy regarding the offering of alcohol at its events, given the evolving societal attitudes towards alcohol consumption in a professional setting.



It would be more prudent for PIPSC to maintain the exclusion of cannabis from its events, while potentially considering reviewing its alcohol policy to align with current best practices in workplace health and safety. The union should focus on its core mission of representing and defending the professional interests of its members rather than introducing potentially controversial substances at its events.

Financial Comment: Pending

B-18 - Reporting of Expenditures (E)

Sponsored by Frank Wong & Dimitry Gorodnichy (members) | Disposition:

Whereas dues from our members are entrusted to the Institute for operating efficiently and effectively to service the needs of our members, and

Whereas some members do not believe our Institute is using their dues for the efficient and effective operations of our Institute, and

Whereas our members expect leaders of our Institute to be reasonable, responsible, and accountable when claiming expenses and utilizing discretionary use allocations, and

Whereas it is good practice for the Institute to operate in a responsible, transparent, and accountable manner, and

Whereas advance notification of the implementation of this new bylaw should be provided, and


Be it resolved that the following new bylaw be adopted starting March 1, 2025:



14.5 Reporting of Expenditures

14.5.1 Claims for travel expenses (excluding per diem), hospitality, and discretionary use allocations of members of the Board of Directors, National Group Executives, Regional Executives, and National Consultation Team Executives will be made available for review at the PIPSC Annual General Meeting before being posted on the PIPSC secure portal. 

14.5.2 Where travel arrangements are made by the Institute’s supplier and the cost is not known, the travel claim will include a boarding pass for the trip taken in lieu of an itemized receipt from a vendor.

14.5.3 Reporting of expenditures for travel expenses (excluding per diem), hospitality, and discretionary use allocations will include:

a) The PIPSC TRAVEL EXPENSE CLAIM - DEMANDE D'INDEMNITÉ DE DÉPLACEMENT Excel workbook, with each claim made included in a separate worksheet

b) Itemized receipts from vendors for each claim

c) Boarding pass(es), if applicable, for each claim

RSC Comment: In article 14.5.2, the cost is always known so this article may never be enacted. Further, boarding passes do not normally include financial information.

Financial Comment: Pending

B-19 - PRQC Term (E)

Sponsored by Waheed Khan (member) | Disposition:

Whereas to ensure sustained efforts to advance the promotion of standards of our Professional and Regulated Professionals within PIPSC, the length of the term for members of the Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee (PRQC) must be extended beyond one year; 


Be it resolved that members of the Professional Recognition and Qualifications Committee (PRQC)  be appointed for a three year term, to maintain continuity and to allow for the advancement of issues and mandates. The Board shall re-appoint 4 current members for a two(2) year term starting 2024-2026, and new members for the subsequent terms, beginning January 2025 for three (3) years 

RSC: No Comment

B-20 - Bylaw 13 (SGM) (E)

Sponsored by Frank Wong (member) | Disposition:

Whereas bylaw 13.3.1 allows Special General Meetings to be called by delegates to the last General Meeting who submit a written requisition to the Board, but, not by members of the Institute who were not delegates to the last General Meeting, and

Whereas Bylaw 167(1) of the Canada Not-For-Profit Act states that “the members of the corporation who hold the prescribed percentage of votes that may be cast at a meeting of members sought to be held, or a lower percentage that is set out in the by-laws, may requisition the directors to call the meeting for the purposes stated in the requisition”, and

Whereas the Board has to be accountable and responsive to all members of the Institute at all times,


Be it resolved that Bylaw 13 be amended as follows:


13.3.1 Calling of Special General Meeting A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Board at the written requisition of not less than five (5%) percent of the delegates to the last General Meeting or five (5%) percent of the membership of the Institute. Such requisition shall include the information necessary for the Institute to confirm membership of the requestors, including their name, group and employer in a prescribed form or a format used by the Institute such as for nominations in Institute Elections.  Such requisition shall be sent to each director and to the registered office of the corporation. A requisition to hold a Special General Meeting pursuant to Bylaw shall state the business to be transacted at the meeting and contain the proposed resolution or by-law amendment. The Board may, on its own initiative, call a Special General Meeting.

13.3.2 Order of Business Only the matter(s) for which a Special General Meeting was called shall appear on the agenda.

13.3.3 Notice of Meeting A Special General Meeting shall will be held not less than four (4) weeks and not more than thirteen (13) seven (7) weeks following receipt of the request or decision by the Board. Alternate Notice of Meeting If the Board does not hold a meeting within seven (7) weeks following receipt of the written requisition under Bylaw 13.3.1, for clarity and to conform with the Canada Not For Profit Act Bylaw 167(4):

a) The Board shall provide the requestor(s) of the Special General Meeting within seven (7) weeks calendar days following receipt of the written request the information necessary to contact the delegates to the last General Meeting to invite them to the Special General Meeting, and

b) The Board will advance reasonable costs (up to $200,000 in total costs) to the requestor(s) to hold the Special General Meeting in a format of the requestors’ choice

c) For the purpose of Bylaw 13.3.1 and for further clarity, this meeting will be deemed to have been called by the Board

13.3.4 Quorum The quorum for the holding of a Special General Meeting called pursuant to paragraph above, shall be three hundred (300) delegates. Quorum shall be required throughout the Special General Meeting.

13.3.5 Delegates The delegates of a Special General Meeting shall be selected in accordance with Bylaw 13.2.6.

13.3.6 Meeting by Electronic Means Any delegate may participate in a Special General Meeting by means of a telephonic, an electronic or other communication facility in accordance with the Act.

RSC: No Comment

Legal Comment: out of order 

CNFPA, 154(3) (4) (5) provides organization with authority to established voting rights, voting class and category of members entitled to vote

Bylaw 13.2.5 and 13.2.6 provides for accredited delegates and not members at all.

See also BL 15.2.3

B-21 - AGM Delegate Count Calculation (E)

Sponsored by Fred Jamieson (member) | Disposition:

WHEREAS the purpose of a constituent body Annual General Meeting is to govern that constituent body; and

WHEREAS there are significant costs to holding a Group AGM, which are increased with the number of chosen delegates; and

WHEREAS the majority of the current AGM delegate count is based on each group’s membership count or regional membership count divided by 200.  


BE IT RESOLVED THAT for the PIPSC AGM, each recognized group will be allowed a minimum of three delegates, however, the maximum number of a Group’s delegates will be based each group’s membership count divided by 300, further, the total number of Regional delegates will be based each region’s membership count divided by 450.

RSC Comment: Out of order per Institute bylaw as there are unaddressed impacts to bylaw and