Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time) – Waheed Khan

​ The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Waheed Khan

Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time)

Waheed Khan

(Regular member)

  • Members Always Come First!
  • Fairness, Compassion and Respect!

As an experienced public servant and union leader, I offer you 

  • skills to negotiate positive outcomes for our members, as well as rallying our members to exert pressure on senior decision-makers. 
  • proven analytical skills and excellent writing skills to developing policy, create policy papers and publish articles on public service issues. 
  • strategic approach to unify and strengthen PIPSC internally and within the labour movement.

Federal elections will take place in 2025, which will bring more austerity measures. PIPSC will need leaders with knowledge, experience, integrity and commitment to protect our jobs, save our pensions and protect our healthcare. 

I am seeking your support to work constructively and collaboratively across the union to achieve solid, measurable results for you in these areas:

  1. Transparency and member engagement: All Board decisions must be transparent. Members must be informed about the rationale used to make decisions and an effective feedback mechanism must be established to receive members’ feedback before key decisions are made.
  2. Efficiency & Effectiveness: Your dues must be focused on your core priorities, to improve:
  • Collective Agreements: Our pay and benefits have been lagging, and our members are losing purchasing power. This needs to change, with proper research and leveraging our strengths.
  • Representation: We must strengthen support for our stewards, executives and members to protect their rights and provide them timely advice and support.
  • Terms and Conditions of Employment: must be respected, including correct and timely pay, protect defined benefit pensions, provide physically and psychologically safe space, free of harassment and discrimination in all forms. 
  • Hybrid Work: Every members must be provided safe, secure and flexible workspace, drawing upon continuous advancement in technology.
  1. Professional Development and Career Advancement: The current system of staffing and training, including language training, disadvantages professionals with specialized expertise and experience, and must be reformed to improve morale and reduce reliance on contractors.

I offer unwavering commitment to members, a solid record of accomplishments, and many years of proven expertise in improving our workplace through:

  1. Collective Bargaining: First-hand experience including the successful negotiation of Scientific Integrity Policy and Employee Wellness Support Program.
  2. Union-Management Consultation: As President of Environment Canada National Consultation Team, I have a track record of addressing a wide range of workplace issues.
  3. Human Rights & Diversity Committee (2019)Developed PIPSC’s first-ever Code of Respect for 2018 AGM, and accommodating dietary needs of all members.
  4. Science Advisory Committee (2023)Developed “Public Science for Public Good” campaign.
  5. Professional Recognition & Qualifications Committee (2024)Launched “PIPSC professionals, we want to hear from you!” survey.
  6. Successfully championed Mental Health and Respectful Workplaces in the public service since 2014.
  7. Extensive experience in serving, coaching & guiding members, stewards and youth (as Board member, consultation president, group and subgroup executive, and steward) and actively engaged with members at lunch & learn, on social media and several committees and working groups, advocating for our members.

Please vote to elect me to serve you!

At your service at,

Original provided by the candidate