Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time) – Eva Henshaw

​The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Eva Henshaw

Candidate for Vice-President (Part-Time)

Eva Henshaw

(Retired member)

Dear Institute member,

I humbly offer you my name for the position of Part-Time Vice President for our Union. I wish to continue with the Institute as a Board member always having members at the forefront of my work and decisions.

I have gained knowledge these past three years and would like to continue the work to complete the strategic plan that is in place. This work involves changes to our governance, projects that will deliver better services to our members including the steward framework. The next three years may bring huge challenges to our Union with the possible change in government and we need to be ready.

I believe our Union can do better as well as our employer and I am dedicated to such a challenge. Our member engagement needs to rise and conquer the challenge that it faces with an ever-growing number of our membership working from home.

I want to join other board members in taking stronger action to protect what is so important to our members such as our pension, our work so it is not contracted out, our health benefits, our collective agreements, etc. The current leadership at the Board has taken on a collaborative approach with the operations of the Institute and it is proving to be very successful ensuring that the staff has a member’s lens when performing their work delivering top notch services and support. The past three years, we’ve seen a stronger voice for the Advisory Committee with some collaboration with the Board. We need to reconnect with our Stewards, assure Group autonomy is upheld, revitalize the regions and assist our consultation representatives in improving communications and resolutions with the employer.

My experience throughout my career as a Union activist includes the following:

Steward since 2006: representing members in classification grievances, job content grievances, performance evaluations, work force adjustment, harassment complaints, discipline, etc.

  • CS Group National Executive 2013-2021
  • CS Bargaining Team member for two rounds
  • Employee Wellness Support Plan Technical Committee and Advisory Team representative
  • Contracting Out Representative for CS Group and Point of Contact for the Institute
  • President of the Annapolis Valley CS Sub-Group
  • Vice-President of Greenwood Branch
  • National Defence National Consultation Team Representative
  • Steward of the Year 2013
  • PIPSC Service Award 2021
  • PT Vice President from January 2022- April 11 2024
  • Presently Acting President since April 11, 2024 (as of August 2)

It is time to continue the work for real change in our Union and I humbly offer my dedication and work ethic in accomplishing just that for the next three years. Thank you for taking the time to vote in this election. 

In Solidarity,

Eva Henshaw

PIPSC Retired Member


Original provided by the candidate