Candidate for BC/Yukon Regional Director – Morgan Cranny

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Morgan Cranny

Candidate for BC/Yukon Regional Director

Morgan Cranny

(Regular member)


I am seeking your support in my re-election campaign for the position of BC/YT Regional Director. I have truly enjoyed being your regional director since Feb of 2023 and I am honoured to represent our BC/Yukon members on the board of directors.

I have been a proud member of PIPSC since 2001 working as a Geospatial Analyst (SP-PC) for the Canadian Forest Service in Natural Resources Canada.  

My activism in the union is rooted in helping fellow members and getting people excited and involved in their union. Every time I attend a union event I am inspired by other members I meet who have stepped up to help in one way or another. There are many ways to engage and reminding members that activism can be a fun and rewarding experience is something I value. In this past term as Regional Director I have had the privilege of visiting members in communities such as Prince Rupert, Prince George, Penticton, Kelowna, Whitehorse, Nanaimo, Vancouver and my home community of Victoria. I appreciate these opportunities to meet members and hear about their challenges and successes which I bring to the regional executive and board of directors. 

As regional director I will continue to build member engagement in our branches and groups. I want to make our branches strong and be a support whenever it is most needed. I will do this by attending member events, ensuring good communication, listening to members’ needs, giving them voice, and reporting back to them. 

It’s important that the Union continues to grow and adapt: learning from peers, building on things that are working, and changing things that are not.

I believe in the power of our union and I want to promote its value, not just to members, but to the general public. Together we help build healthy, inclusive, and prosperous communities.

  • Steward since 2015;
  • Victoria Branch Executive 2016 – 2023, President 2019 – 2023;
  • Victoria SP Subgroup executive 2015 – 2023, President 2017 – 2023;
  • SP National Executive 2021 – 2023;
  • BC/YT Regional Executive 2021 to present;
  • SP Mobilization Team since 2022:
  • PFC Labour Management Consultation Committee since 2019;
  • PFC Occupational Health and Safety Committee (co-chair) since 2006.

I feel I have the skills necessary to continue in this leadership role, thank you for considering me for this position. If you have questions, I can be reached at

Original provided by the candidate