Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Mark Muench

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Mark Muench

Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Mark Muench

(Retired member)


Mark Muench Retired AFS 

for PIPSC Full Time Vice President


I am asking for your support once again in this year’s National elections.  I would like the opportunity to serve all our PIPSC members as a full time Vice President of the Institute.

If elected, I will continue to:

  • Work on innovative ways to strengthen PIPSC to ensure our ability to continue to support our members under the threats of governmental attacks on union values.
  • Work on the PIPSC Leadership Steering Committee, building positive working relationships with our members and PIPSC staff.
  • Fight for the rights of our members to work remotely.
  • Fight for a respectful workplace for both our members and staff.
  • Actively listen to our membership authentically and with integrity.
  • Work closely with our Advisory Council and Working Group on Consultation to ensure I am always aware of issues our members face with their respective employers.   
  • Be compassionate toward those who continue to struggle with mental health issues.
  • Be professional and respectful of my fellow union members.


  • 2009 to 2014, I was Vice President of the AFS IT Sub-Group
  • June 2016 to 2021, elected AFS CS National Consultation Representative
  • June 2016 to 2021, AFS Bargaining Team.  Successfully negotiated two contracts achieving significant improvements to our Collective Agreements. 
  • July 2017 to 2020, AFS Phoenix/Compensation coordinator.  I assisted in resolving hundreds of serious pay issues for our PIPSC members.
  • July 2018 to 2021, member of the PIPSC Advisory Council
  • December 2018 to October 2021, AFS Vice President  
  • December 2018 to October 2021, member of the PIPSC Working Group on Consultation
  •  January 2022 to present, Chair of the PIPSC IT Services and Projects Committee (ITSP)
  • January 2022 to June 2024, member of the PIPSC Executive Compensation Committee
  • January 2022 to present, member of the PIPSC Pension Committee
  • June 2023 to April 2024 Assigned Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) portfolio.  Created process whereby members could apply for positions on CLC committees eliminating political aspects of assignment allocation.
  •  2022 to 2023 Wrote two policies for PIPSC.  The first policy was to ensure that our smallest constituent bodies and consultation Presidents have the hardware needed to perform their duties for PIPSC.  The second was an Environment policy and guidelines that now sit with the PIPSC Bylaws and Policy Committee to refine. 
  • 2022 to present, Member of Navigar working group.
  • 2023 to present, Member of the PIPSC Leadership Steering Committee.

Thank you for your support

Mark Muench

Original provided by the candidate


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