Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Shirley Friesen

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Shirley Friesen

Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Shirley Friesen

(Retired member)


Dear Members

I believe in acting ethically and transparently and I have always prioritised doing the right thing over personal gain. To this end, I promise I will be accountable to you and continue to ensure that my votes are recorded. I will ensure that measures are put in place to minimise closed session discussions at the Board, so that you will have the transparency you deserve, including financial transactions. Our Union must be equitable and thus rules must be respected and followed by all; this includes the process for evaluating violations and consequences of such, all must be standardised and guided by respect and dignity, to ensure fairness and justice. 

I believe as a Union our values are simple, but require commitment and courage; I possess both and have a proven record as a fierce, relentless defender of your rights and entitlements. Core values such as cooperation and democracy have not been respected by some past Board members and I feel I can reverse this direction by creating structures which enforce accountability and transparency. 

Who am I?

  • PIPSC National Vice President - part-time (2013 to 2018)
  • Psychologist with Corrections Canada for 25 years 
  • PIPSC steward (2000-2018) 
  • Group President & bargaining team (SH 2010) 
  • PIPSC/CSC National JLMC (VP  2010-2013; President 2013 & 2015-2017) 
  • Governor General’s Leadership Conference Alumna (2015)

Why should you elect me AGAIN?

I am a proven leader: honest, intelligent, and results oriented, tenacious…and, I am not done yet!  I have a lot of ideas on how to bring us back to core values and realign our operations with these. My experience and knowledge of the past barriers, challenges, and dysfunction allows me a unique vantage point from which to see a better path forward and approach problems which have prevented meaningful member advocacy and eroded our purpose and function as a Union. Taking ACTION in an informed, strategic way is crucial and I commit to continuing my relentless pursuit of delivering services and support where you need them.  

My leadership style is grounded in the principles of integrity, transparency, and responsibility. I am dedicated to fostering a transparent, well structured, evidence based approach and environment, where accountability is mandated, and ensuring that every decision is informed by a deep and dynamic understanding of member needs. My approach is focused on responsible action that drives meaningful change and benefits all members equally. 

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Original provided by candidate