Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Katie Francis

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Katie Francis

Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Katie Francis

(Regular member)


Respect, Integrity, Co-operation, Accountability. These are the Institute’s enduring values, but it’s clear we have a long way to go before we can claim to embody them. That’s why I’m running for Full-Time Vice-President: to make a difference today for a better tomorrow.

I may be young, but I’m more than capable. I’m a biologist with Health Canada, a steward, and a member of the NCR executive where I’m the Human Rights and Freedoms chair. I’m a proud member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and an equity caucus member. I come from a long line of union and labour movement activists, and have been fighting the good fight for as long as I can remember. I can confidently say that I have all the passion, drive, and energy required to fight for our members.

I believe that it’s the union’s job to protect its members from unilateral mandates like RTO. That’s why, if elected, I will implement a task team to lay the groundwork for a strong and unified response from PIPSC. This team will solicit member feedback and work with other unions to enhance our messaging and collective actions with respect to these mandates—representing our members’ interests accurately, without compromising our ability to negotiate effectively.

Another issue facing PIPSC is our precarious financial future. Members have refused to support a dues increase until the Board can demonstrate fiscal responsibility and accountability. I know I have what it takes to help the Institute get back on track, and if elected, I would implement several measures to turn things around: 1) Cost-benefits analyses at the outset of any new project, 2) risk assessments & mitigation, and 3) strict adherence to PIPSC’s governing policies. These measures will reduce unnecessary spending and begin to mend the broken trust of our members.

I will also spearhead the creation of a Young Professionals Caucus for early- and mid- career members, breaking down barriers and ensuring a strong future of the union. As your representative, I will also improve transparency and inclusivity surrounding union activities and delegate selection. It’s time we put an end to unnecessary infighting, embrace our differences, and stand in solidarity together.

I’m hopeful for the opportunity to represent our diverse membership and to make PIPSC the strongest labour union in the country. So please, Vote for Katie: for Today AND Tomorrow.

Member of the SP group



Original provided by the candidate


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