Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Jennie Esnard

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of Jennie Esnard

Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Jennie Esnard

(Regular member)


Elect Jennie Esnard for Full-Time Vice President

As a dedicated member of our Union for over 20 years, I am honored to announce my candidacy for the position of Full-Time Vice President. My journey within the Union has been marked by unwavering commitment, from the trenches of bargaining to the global stage of international representation. I have served as an executive member of both the NCR Region and NUREG, and currently, I hold the position of President of NUREG.

Vote for Jennie Esnard

Throughout my tenure, I have consistently prioritized the interests of our members. I have tirelessly worked to ensure that our collective priorities are recognized and effectively addressed. I am currently serving my second term as Chief Steward in the NCR, where I have advocated for our members' rights and well-being.

My experience spans both national and international arenas, providing me with a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing our Union. I have diligently forged relationships and partnerships that have strengthened our position on critical issues.

When elected as Full-Time Vice President, I will continue to champion the values of solidarity, fairness, and inclusivity that define our Union. Together, we will navigate the evolving landscape of labor relations, always with the best interests of our members in mind.

Vote for Jennie Esnard

Despite working full-time, I remain committed to the movement and actions of PIPSC, proudly representing PIPSC and its members in all forums. As an activist, I have stood alongside many members, representing those whose voices were silenced and helping them navigate the legal system with positive outcomes.

I am also a member of three other unions:

  • AFTRA – SAG (The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)
  • UDA (Union des Artistes)
  • ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists)

I humbly ask for your support as we embark on this journey to secure a brighter future for our Union and its members. Together, we can build a stronger, more equitable, and prosperous tomorrow.

VOTE FOR JENNIE ESNARD – Transparent and Wise!

Original provided by the candidate


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