Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – James Bright

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.

Photo of James Bright

Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

James Bright

(Regular member)




Dear Fellow Members:

Everyday is a fight for us:

  • To protect our pensions, 
  • To replace Phoenix, 
  • for fair bargaining, 
  • to end continuous outsourcing  
  • To stop muzzling scientists, 
  • To stop increasing RTO mandates 

and the list goes on!

We need strong and experienced leadership that is not averse to making decisions, taking action, being accountable and fighting for what matters to YOU…the members.

We deserve leadership that works in our best interest and that is acutely aware that at the end of the day they are members just like us.

We deserve a union that leads by example and scrutinizes expenses to deliver value to its members.

You deserve a union that takes ACTION on the issues impacting YOU!


  • Develop and maintain a strong leadership group at PIPSC that is committed to putting the members first. 
  • Leadership that leads with honesty, openness, transparency and is accessible. 
  • Leadership that exercises fiscal prudence.
  • Leadership that members know are there for them.


  • Being honest and transparent
  • Action! Not words
  • Fiscal prudence
  • Collaboration to ensure the Board is always working for you!
  • Accessible
  • Championing for YOU
  • Increased stewardship and engagement

A little about me:

21 years in the public service in the field of procurement.

  • Experience in strategy, negotiating and working collaboratively with multi-stakeholders to achieve results and deliver best value. 
  • As a manager, implemented and been a member of multiple boards and committees. I understand governance structures and how to make them effective.
  • Managed multi-million dollar budgets and always delivered on time and under-budget while exceeding expectation.
  • Created and led multiple high performing teams with limited resources that under extreme pressure exceed expected results while maintaining high morale.

Former CP group VP:

  • Involved in sub-group creation, membership engagement and bargaining.
  • Experience working with the employer. I will not make promises or commitments to you that are unrealistic and unachievable!

Devoted father: I know how difficult it is in these times to support our families. I will always work tirelessly to ensure we can reach the best gains and improvements from the employer.

Elect James Bright for your VICE-PRESIDENT (FULL TIME)

It is an honour and a privilege to have your support!

For more information:  Please contact me at

Original submitted by the candidate