
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

18 December 2018
Your Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that on December 14, 2018 a Tentative Agreement was signed with the Employer, completing this round of negotiations. The new agreement will be four years, expiring June 20, 2022. The economic increases are:
18 December 2018
18 December 2018
The AFS Bargaining Team was scheduled to meet with CRA management December 18 to 20 to continue negotiations to renew our collective agreement. Unfortunately, it became clear to our bargaining team that the Treasury Board has not provided CRA with a mandate to resolve our concerns.
18 December 2018
NR Call for Nominations 2019 In accordance with the NR Group Constitution, By-Law 8 Elections, the Group Elections Committee is sending out a Call for Nominations for the following seven (7) positions on the NR Group Executive: 4 in the NCR (Three for a two year term and one for a one y
18 December 2018
PREAMBLE These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Group organization not covered by the By-Laws and Regulations of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada and are made pursuant to those By-Laws and Regulations.
18 December 2018
Prior to the Group AGM, there were eight vacancies and six nominations were received. All nominations were reviewed and deemed eligible. As a result Feng Ni, Cathy Cheung, Keith Yeung, Stephan Grosse, Craig Bihun and Patricia Loder were elected by acclimation.
14 December 2018
PIPSC NRC Newsletter January 2019
14 December 2018
Come they told me… Pa rum pum pum pum Our finest gifts we bring Pa rum pum pum pum   Hey, SP Members!
14 December 2018
PIPSC: JCC/WFCC executive meeting Date: APR 17th, 2018 @ 6pm Location: JCC Cancer Center (699 Concession St, Hamilton) Agenda: 1) Roll Call:
14 December 2018
PIPSC: JCC/WFCC executive meeting Date: DEC 7th, 2017 @ 6pm  Location: JCC Cancer Center (699 Concession St, Hamilton)
14 December 2018
DRAFT: PIPSC: JCC/WFCC 2017 Annual General Meeting Date: May 9th, 2017 Location: The Powerhouse, 21 Jones St, Stoney Creek, ON L8G 3H9
13 December 2018
2018 Bi-Annual Report and Christmas Message from the President Dear colleagues, I am writing to you today to give you a 6 month President Report and a Christmas Message for 2018.
12 December 2018
Call for remote nurses: Our latest collective agreement includes establishing a remote nursing sub-committee.
12 December 2018
Bargaining proposals In crafting its proposal, the Institute recognized the priority the Government has placed on science and research, their inclusion in decision-making, and strengthening the support for fundamental research.
11 December 2018
Hello all South Sask SP Sub-group members. Due to a nearly provincial wide power outage, we had to postpone our Annual General Meeting. This is an announcement that we have rescheduled the meeting to be held on:
11 December 2018
To: Edmonton SP Subgroup Members Date: Friday, January 18th 2019 Time: 6:00pm sharp for AGM start Location: Hudsons Bourbon Street, West Edmonton Mall
10 December 2018
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. AGREEMENT
10 December 2018
Gander SP Subgroup Executive Meeting Meeting Minutes Date: 21 December 2017 Location: Lilly’s Landing Family Restaurant
8 December 2018
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada  CS OTTAWA WEST SUB-GROUP CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS  PREAMBLE
7 December 2018
PREAMBLE These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Sub-Group organization not covered by the By-Laws and Regulations of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada or of the Audit, Commerce and Purchasing Group and are made pursuant to those By-Laws and Regulations