
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

7 September 2017
DATE: Thursday October 26, 2017 TIME: 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. LOCATION: Prinzo’s 85 O’Connor Street Street Ottawa, Ontario AGENDA 1. Roll Call (Members of the Sub-Group Executive)
6 September 2017
The NFB group’s bargaining team met with the Employer on June 20, 2016, and with the team responsible for the WFA on October 31, 2016. Peter Kallianiotis joined the management team. Unfortunately, we then lost our negotiator, and it took some time to replace her.
6 September 2017
Québec City NR Sub-Group 1st Annual General Meeting Presented by: Jean-Luc Bédard, Eng. 2016-10-27, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Espace Artevino, 797 Lebourgneuf Boulevard, Québec City, QC G2J 0B5
5 September 2017
Invitation to Networking BBQ 2017 for AV Gatineau Subgroup members Agenda for Discussion: 1) Updates on the PIPSC AV Group recent retro-payments
1 September 2017
Fellow members in the CS, RE, SH and SP Groups, Your respective collective agreements currently stipulate that compensatory leave earned during the previous fiscal year and outstanding on September 30, 2017 is to be automatically cashed-out.
1 September 2017
This is your invitation to attend the Annual Vancouver CS Subgroup AGM (Annual General Meeting) on 6th October, 2017. Please read the following invite carefully and to register here:
1 September 2017
PIPSC London Branch and AFS Subgroup present: Everything You Wanted to Know about Performance Management Reviews but were afraid to ask
1 September 2017
Call for Nominations Elections                 Elections                Elections Pursuant to articles 4.0, 6.0 and 7.0 of the Retired Members Guild Québec City Chapter’s By-Laws, please be advised that all positions of the Chapter’s Executive
30 August 2017
Result of the Strike Vote A Strike vote was held between August 24 and 28, 2017. A substantial percentage of the bargaining unit members voted in favour of providing your Bargaining Team with a strong strike mandate. A number of fun events are being planned for the next two weeks.
29 August 2017
The AV group President and the AV BC/Yukon regional representative will be in town on October 18 and will be conducting an information session on important issues affecting the Public Service, particularly as they relate to the AV Group New collective agreement and to discuss the possibility of f
29 August 2017
St. John’s CS Subgroup Executive Meeting Montana’s - St. John’s June 1, 2017 at 5:30 pm Present: Craig Butler, Steve Dillon, Sherry Brown, Christine Newhook, Lucille Shears, Gerard
29 August 2017
Québec City Chapter, Retired Members Guild  
29 August 2017
Fellow YHC members, The majority of the YHC members who voted have ratified the Tentative Agreement. We will be moving forward to sign the agreement as soon as can be arranged.
28 August 2017
Dear Applied Science and Patent Examination (SP) Group Members at 401 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC,
24 August 2017
Moncton CS Sub Group AGM (Held in conjunction with the Moncton Branch AGM) Date: September 19, 2017 Time: 17:30 Location: Wedgewood Hall,   80 Lockhart Ave, Moncton
24 August 2017
We are happy to announce that our new collective agreement is posted here.  Most changes took effect on the date of signing, 1 June 2017.  The changes to Article 22 Registration Fees, as well as to Articl
23 August 2017
Update on PIPSC-UOITP bargaining posted by the University of August 18. As previously stated due to the University walking away from the bargaining table and declaring an impasse at the negotiations, your Bargaining team met in conciliation with the employer on August 2, 2017.
23 August 2017
OITP Bargaining Update # 5 – August 2017 Issues of the Impasse in Bargaining leading to the Strike Vote
23 August 2017
August 17, 2017 Fellow CS members,
22 August 2017
NOTICE OF MEETING ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WHERE : Restaurant Pacini 1280 Lebourgneuf Boulevard, QC G2K 0H1 WHEN: Tuesday 10 October 2017