
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

30 August 2018
The Ottawa West Branch (OWB) and the AFS NCR-IT Fitzgerald Sub Group are jointly hosting a coffee break for our members to celebrate Labour Day.  This event is for all CS (SSC) and AFS (CRA) members at the Fitzgerald campus.
30 August 2018
PIPSC NRC Newsletter July 2018 RO/RCO Group Research Officers and Research Council Officers Group Executive Members (2018) President Cathy Cheung Ottawa
29 August 2018
Notice of SUN-RT AGM Tuesday September 11th Therapist Work RoomTG118 Two Sessions: 12:30-1 and 1:30-2 Lunch provided, but please bring your own drinks Agenda: TBA
29 August 2018
Hello All,
28 August 2018
To all CS members of PIPSC at Statistics Canada Statcan PIPSC CS SUBGROUP Members' Bowling Afternoon
27 August 2018
Your Bargaining Team is pleased to inform you that CFIA IN and PIPSC signed the new collective agreement on August 21, 2018 covering the period of June 1, 2014 through to May 31, 2018. The employer now has 120 days from August 21, 2018 to pay your retroactivity.
27 August 2018
Dear AFS member, Under the terms of the AFS Collective Agreement, the Agency has 150 days from the March 29, 2018 signing date for implementation. This 150 day period expired on August 26th.
24 August 2018
ROLL CALL AGENDA Approval of minutes from 2017 meeting Approval of agenda for 2018 meeting REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT – Ryan Studinski ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT – Paule Charland, Treasurer NEW BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS M
24 August 2018
Dear Members; You may have received some emails during the past few months from some retired members of the AV Halifax Sub-group.
24 August 2018
The AFS Group served notice to bargain with the employer on August 22, 2018. We have also agreed on our first bargaining dates, October 10 to 12, and November 6 to 8.
24 August 2018
23 August 2018
The eNgineering, aRchitecture and Land Survey (NR) Group is inviting Regular Members to participate in a 1 day Bargaining Conference, whereby NR Group members meet formally to discuss our upcoming round of bargaining.
21 August 2018
Invitation to a Networking Event for all PIPSC AV NCR Stewards
21 August 2018
Executive Committee Date Time: 8 August 2018 (1200 to 1245) Location: D199 – Small Conference Room Persons in attendance:
21 August 2018
The London AFS Subgroup was deeply saddened by the loss of one of our treasured AFS Sub-Group stewards, Ms. Connie Lindsay.
21 August 2018
To: Edmonton SP Subgroup Members Date: Wednesday, September 19th, 2018 Time: Session 1: 11:30-12:20   Session 2: 12:40-13:30
21 August 2018
Dear Colleagues,
21 August 2018
Flash PdV rewards participation in the 2018 bargaining survey
20 August 2018
To all part-time SP members,
20 August 2018
To all NR Members Your Collective Agreement expires on September 30, 2018. Following is a confidential bargaining questionnaire to assist in formulating the issues to be addressed during the current round of Negotiations.