Bargaining Update

April 19, 2019

To all proud CS Members,

Your Bargaining team met from April 16 to April 18, 2019. All of the Group’s proposals were presented and explained in detail. The Bargaining team’s resolve is stronger than ever to continue the fight for improving Articles impacted by recruitment and retention including pay. Ensuring the hiring and retaining of CS members with competitive salaries remains the key objective.

One of the many response letters received regarding IT tenders was presented. The response, signed by a Director General, stated “PSPC is encountering an increased number of situations where we face technology skills shortages in different IT areas of expertise as a result of an increasingly competitive landscape.” The Employer has attempted to refute the Group’s data on R&R issues with dated and unsubstantiated evidence.

President Debi Daviau met with the Bargaining Team, and as always, she pledged that she is 100% behind the bargaining team and the Group. President Daviau reiterated that she will continue to bring forth the Group’s priorities to the highest levels of the Treasury Board.

The Employer asked if the Team would be decreasing its pay proposal of a 1.5% parity increase and a 6% market adjustment. Your Bargaining Team quickly reaffirmed its position to try to bring the CS members’ pay back in line with industry standards.

Another issue that was intensely debated was that of Performance Reviews. The opposing positions presented at the bargaining table remain far apart. The CS proposal is to have ‘fair and accurate reviews’, yet the Employer fails to see the usefulness in improving the performance review process or the right to have representation.

Some of the CS proposals deal with issues that are dealt with under existing Directives or Policies. Our goal is to bring Telework and Pre-Retirement Transition Leave under the protection of the collective agreement. Your team has brought forth examples of unfair application of theses directives and policies. The Employer does not fully comprehend the vast divergence in the way different policies and directives are applied.

Your Bargaining Team will continue to fight to correct the wrongs and work towards achieving better working conditions and a harmonious workplace.

The CS Job Action Committee has started to meet and organize. Look to your Sub-Groups and Regional Organizing Committees for future activities. The next bargaining session will be the last week of May.

Thank you to all who continue to show your support for your bargaining Team. Your support is our Strength.

Proudly CS,

Robert Tellier

CS Group Bargaining Officer