After a dreadfully slow and painstaking start, amplified by the employer underestimating the scope of the challenge of putting together the largest Pay Equity Committee and Pay Equity exercise in Canada, we are happy to report that the Pay Equity Committee is finally starting to make some, albeit slow, progress.

After having to cancel the first request for proposal, the employer recently released a second one, looking to secure the services of a consultant to help the Pay Equity Committee with the most technical tasks of the process ahead.

As the Pay Equity Act dictates that the final plan is to be posted by September 3rd, 2024, it is becoming evident that the scope of the work left to accomplish will not be completed before the deadline. On May 31st, 2024, the employer filed an extension request to the Pay Equity Commissioner.

PIPSC's position is that even if the need for an extension is unavoidable at this point, it is the sole responsibility borne by the employer. PIPSC started to raise the subject of forming the Pay Equity Committee as early as 2021, warning the employer that any delays could create a backlog that would be impossible to fill. The Treasury Board Secretariat decided instead to go through its request for multiple plans, refusing to start the work before the Commissioner denied the request. It is PIPSC's belief that we would not be in this position had TBS been diligent and started the work three years ago, as the Act is written.

It is important to point out that interest will start to accrue beginning September 4th, and members in female job classes where an adjustment is needed will not lose anything by delaying the posting of the final plan.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the PIPSC Pay Equity team at